MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 2584 Finale-Concubine Concubine (5)

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In fact, Xiao Xiao's husband died that time because she found that she liked women, and received a stimulus, arguing with Xiao Xiao every day, until finally, she died in order to save her.

Xiao Xiao had a shadow in his heart.

She knew that she didn't like women, and her husband's love for her made her feel a heavy burden.

In the years when her husband became a vegetative, she kept tortured herself until ... when she saw Lin Muxi.

Lin Muxi's sunshine was cheerful, beautiful and simple, and her whole body showed an unexplained charm, which made Xiao Xiao unconsciously want to approach her.

But fearing that she was too close to Lin Muxi, she would be scared by herself, so she thought of ways to stimulate Lin Muxi to let her approach her.

For example, when she wants to hang on Si Mubei, Lin Muxi will rush to come and hang on to her.

She enjoyed her time with Lin Muxi.

But now, this dark thought was discovered by Si Mubei.

Xiao Xiao was shaken by Si Mubei, and Nonod nodded.

Then she turned around and decided to leave. As soon as she turned around, she saw not far away. Lin Muxi was looking around with a probe. It seemed that she turned to scare her, so Lin Muxi immediately retracted her neck.

Xiao Xiao walked forward and came to Lin Muxi, his lips moved, and he said for a long time: "Actually, you are really cute."

Lin Muxi: ...

Lin Muxi blinked her eyes, "Yes, I think so too!"

So don't bother my brother Mubei!

My brother Mu Bei only likes me!

The provocative look made Xiao Xiao suddenly laugh.

She bit her lip and said, "Yesterday was your engagement day, and I didn't give you any gifts ..."

"Ah, no need to use it!" Lin Muxi waved her hand. "No gift, nothing!"

Xiao Xiao laughed: "Well, then don't give it away, I will save money!"

Lin Muxi continued to laugh.

What did Xiao Xiao want to say? Si Mubei came over and coughed. Xiao Xiao glanced at him immediately, then he didn't dare to say anything and left.

Si Mubei came to Lin Muxi, and then she said, "Later, stay away from her."

Lin Muxi nodded, "OK."

Si Mubei thought she was so cute at the moment, "Why not ask why?"

Lin Muxi: "... Brother Mubei is right, don't ask!"

Then she smiled and held Si Mubei's arm. "Brother Mubei, where are we going now?"

Si Mubei: "Where do you want to go? Otherwise, back to the hotel?"

Lin Muxi's face turned red immediately after brushing, "You, you rogue!"

Si Mubei continued to laugh without talking, just staring at her like this.

Lin Muxi hurriedly lowered her head and walked forward, "I, we are going to work!"

"no need."

Si Mubei spoke.

Lin Muxi stopped, "Why?"

"I asked you for half a year's wedding leave."

Lin Muxi's eyes widened, "Marriage leave ... half a year ?!"

"Well ... before getting married, I was very busy. You probably don't have time to go to work."

Their wedding date is set to be one month later, so it is indeed a hurry.

"But what else is busy after marriage?"

Si Mubei paused and said, "After marriage, I guess ... you will be busier."

"What are you doing?"

"Busy, hurry up and have a baby!"

Lin Muxi: ...! !!

PS: Haha, Xiao Xiao's plot scared you? I said earlier that Muxi Mubei is loving and will not abuse! And Xiao Xiao also laid a foreshadowing in front of it ~ That's all for today ~ Write a happy life of little fox and Xinxin tomorrow ~~