MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 26 I have no habit of eating breakfast

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The employees in the group building rushed to the door one by one and were welcomed in line.

The car stopped, and Si Zhengting stepped out of it. Zhuang Nina's original lazy figure was settled.

The tall body of a man carries a domineering king who is sublime, like the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.

His face was still expressionless, and it seemed cold and indifferent not to look at anything in this world.

The sun shone on him, shrouding a layer of golden light for him, and the whole person became more mysterious and noble.

After he got out of the car, he looked down for a moment, then paused for a while, his body flickering over Zhuang Nanai if there was nothing in sight, then he stepped forward and walked into the building.

It's just ... so handsome!

Zhuang Nina's small heart thumped. He felt that he was more attractive than five years ago and could make people sink.

Seeing that he was about to enter the emperor group, Zhuang Nina hurriedly rushed forward holding her love.

"Mr. Si!"

Zhuang Naina shouted, but Si Zhengting still turned a deaf ear and continued to move forward.

Zhuang Nina was anxious and wanted to run, but was stopped by the bodyguard.

Zhuang Nina was so crazy once and twice that she stopped!

"Fuck! You give me up!"

Zhuang Nina called out and rammed the two bodyguards directly.

The first two times, she did not want to be so imageless, but now, time is too late, and she no longer wants to come up with a solution, what can the mother do?

Zhuang Nina bit her teeth, she doesn't believe this evil!

She held the lunch box tightly in one hand, grabbed the bodyguard's face in front of her, and kicked the other bodyguard's puppet-by the way. This act directly made the special help Ji Xun look stunned.


Miss Zhuang is simply V587!

The two bodyguards didn't expect Zhuang Nana to be so tricky, and ducked away to vacate the middle position. Zhuang Nana pinpointed the position and rushed forward with her head down.

The bodyguard stunned, and reached out and grabbed her arm subconsciously, but immediately saw assistant Chen Ji gave a special wink, the two of them gave a slight wink, and released their fingers.

Zhuang Nina was struggling hard, but they suddenly let go, and one couldn't hold back, so everyone was stunned and plunged into Si Zhengting's arms!

Si Zhengting stepped forward, looking down at the girl in his arms, his soft hair running across his cheeks, letting him stun.

The familiar masculinity of the man suddenly filled the entire nose, and Zhuang Nina's brain was empty for a moment.

After half a ring, I reacted violently, stepped back in a hurry, my face was a little frowned, and my eyes were full of uncomfortableness. She coughed, and then a flattering smile appeared on her face. See if I have prepared a loving bento for you ... "

Before finishing the words, Si Zhengting took a step back, looked at her head for a while, and finally said in a low voice: "I have no habit of eating breakfast."

The feelingless cold words fell, and he detoured and passed by her.

Zhuang Nina was stunned by what he said. Why did she hear a bit of sadness from this remark?

After reacting, she wanted to continue to chase forward, but the bodyguard behind Si Zhengting reached out and stopped easily ...


The lunch box in Zhuang Nana's hand fell to the ground, and the contents spilled out.

Zhuang Nina froze suddenly.