MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 40 Don't play tricks on me in the future!

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The car was driving on the highway, and there were fewer and fewer people outside, and the surroundings became quieter and quieter.

Zhuang Nina was anxious. What are these people doing?

Is it going to pull her out of the wilderness first-jian-after-kill? !!

"Ah, ah, I'm ugly! Now it's all done late, you let me go!"

No one cares about her.

Isn't that a color grab? Is it a cash grab?

"I and I are not the Gu family, you are mistaken! Let me go!"

Still no one responded.

Yeah, it ’s not color or money, what else can it do? Is it ...

"Big brothers and uncles, oh, I have an mother on the top, and a child to be fed down, please let me go, but don't sell me to a ravine.

The bodyguard in the car drew a corner of her mouth, and when she saw her words, she suddenly sang, "Shut up!"

Zhuang Nai-nai closed her mouth suddenly, she had to be obedient, otherwise this group of people asked for her life?

I don't know how long it took, the car finally stopped, she was restrained and entered a building.

The bustling streets are secluded, and the quiet here is weird. Only leather shoes hit the floor, making neat and powerful footsteps.

What the **** is this place!

Thinking about it, being taken a few more steps, someone said respectfully, "People were brought."

Zhuang Nina's breath stopped for no reason, her hands clenched.

Even if you can't see it, you can feel a sharp and indifferent look, firing on her, so that she doesn't know whether it is scared or what, and she shivered.

Immediately, a low voice came over with a hoarse voice: "Bring in."

With only three words, she couldn't tell who the voice was, so she grabbed her wrist and forced it into a room full of disinfectant smell!

As she was struggling, her arms and legs were held vigorously, and she was imprisoned with a special bracelet and anklet. She was tied tightly to the bed and could not move.

At this time, a female voice said, "The instrument has been disinfected and can be started at any time."

instrument? Disinfection water ...

Zhuang Nina's eyes narrowed, did she say ... they want to remove their organs?

At this moment, she suddenly thought of the scam she had seen on TV. Some people were fainted by being drunk in a glass of wine. When she woke up, she lost a kidney in her body.

This is simply terrifying!

She was trembling with fear, and opened her mouth and shouted, "Ah, ah, don't take my organs, I, I, I have AIDS! My organs carry the virus!"

The words fell, and everyone in the room could not bear to look directly over his head, his shoulders twitching.

When Zhuang Nina was unknown, when she was still yelling, an aggressive masculinity approached her instantly, leaving her whole body rigid.

Waist was held by a pair of rugged big hands, and before she came back, she felt a sting from the waist!

The body arched subconsciously, and she trembled with pain.

On the waist ... Where is the kidney coming? It looks like it's on the waist! Zhuang Nina was in a hurry:

"Ahhhh, don't take my kidney! Please!"

The people around me suddenly smoked even harder.

At this moment, the man who was serious about working at her waist, looked coldly, and all the people around him couldn't breathe! Then he lowered his head again, perceiving the trembling of the girl's body, and her gaze shifted.

The small slap of the girl's large face, the black eye mask contrasts with the fair skin. Even if the face is a little deformed because of panic and pain, it is still beautiful and delicate.

Over the years, she has become more and more beautiful.

The man's eyes and pupils shrank, and his men moved, but they didn't feel gentle.

I don't know how long it took, the strength on the waist relaxed, and the pain finally eased.

What exactly was going on just now? The feeling of acupuncture ... Is it better to start from where to start? Zhuang Nina was anxious and shouted again: "I, I, but Si Zhengting's fiancee! He he loves me very much, you Go ask him for money, I'll give you as much as you want! I earn more than selling my kidney! "

Was shouting, the bracelets and anklets were untied; the black eye patch was also removed by people.

The sudden dazzling light narrowed her eyes subconsciously.

What was going to be shouted, a domineering ear, with a high voice, pierced her eardrum with a strong voice: "Zhuang Nina, dare to carry me on my back, I strangle you!"

Zhuang Nina's body tightened and her eyes slowly opened.

Into the eyes, it is the cold eyes of a man!

Turned out to be ... he!

Zhuang Nina shuddered all over!