MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 50 Get your permit tomorrow afternoon?

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After saying this, Zhuang Nana hung up the phone directly!

Then I looked at a few people in the room, thinking in my heart, I'm sorry, Si Zhengting, I used you again, think about the time of public opinion, he put a personal seal on his waist, this time ...

Gu Deshou, they were happy, but Zhuang Nanai couldn't eat anything when she was facing a table of dishes.


The top floor of Emperor Group.

At night, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the lights flashing in Beijing.

Si Zhengting held the mobile phone and listened to the beeping sound from the inside. A cold light flashed in his narrow eyes, and he hung up the phone. He looked at Ji Yun, "Is the situation over Gu's house clear?"

Ji Zheng nodded, and then handed the document to Si Zhengting, "The DNA comparison result has come out, sir, please see."

Si Zhengting took the file, and after seeing the results above, his eyes narrowed.

At half-hatter, he clasped the file, slender fingers hit the table, and his resolute side looked as intimidating as Ashura. "You contact Gu Deshou and tell him ... see you at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon, the Civil Affairs Bureau . "

Ji Yi froze, half responding, "Yes."

Outside the door, several bodyguards had been standing quietly discussing.

Dashan said, "Mr. really want to get married?"

Huang Peidong shook his head. "I can't see it. Miss Gu is so unreliable. My husband just warned her not to play tricks. On the phone just now, she used her again, sir. This is to stab her! Go to get the certificate tomorrow, sir Gu Deshou does not know that Miss Gu is lying yet? "

Da Shan Xiao nodded suddenly.

The three were talking, and they heard Ji Ji coughing. Qi Qi looked up and saw Si Zhengting standing there, looking at them coldly.

The three of them suddenly felt a cold behind them, and straightened their bodies together, respectfully speaking, "Sir."

Si Zhengting didn't speak, walked forward through them, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief, followed behind him, thinking that this matter had passed, who knows ...

Entering the elevator, Si Zhengting suddenly said, "Dazhuang, today you will be good."

There was a moment of silence in the elevator, and it sounded halfway. Everyone brushed and looked at Huang Peidong. Then he realized that he was talking to himself. He said, "Sir, my name is Huang Peidong, I am not ..."

Si Zhengting gave him a cold look, and Huang Peidong didn't dare to speak anymore.

Si Zhengting stepped out of the elevator and Da Shan and Xiao Shan patted him on the shoulder. "Zhuangzhuang, work hard!"

Huang Peidong looked at Ji Yun with a pained face, "Special help, I ..."

Ji Yan sighed, his expression was serious, but his words were very gloating: "Mr. Argument behind, just changed your name and did not let you carry off-road for three hundred kilometers, which is already very good."

Huang Peidong, oh no, Huang Dazhuang heard this and lowered his head.


Get your license tomorrow? !!

Zhuang Nina almost sprayed out the soup in her mouth!

Is there anything wrong!

But looking at Gu Deshou's excitement, Zhuang Nina became worried!

Thinking of what he said today "... Dare you dare to play with my heart, I strangle you!"

Zhuang Nina felt as if she saw a **** of death beckoning her.


Si Zhengting is retaliating against her again.

Tomorrow at 2 pm, he will definitely not pass by, and Gu Deshou will know the truth at that time.

But how can this bureau be broken? !!

Zhuang Nina couldn't eat a bite of food. She went upstairs on the excuse, and picked up her cell phone to call Si Zhengting ...