MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 751 The climax is over and over! Nana gave birth! (1)

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Si Zhengting and the housekeeper, and Ji Yan, surrounded the stretcher and rushed out.

From beginning to end!

He didn't look up and looked at her.

Zhuang Nina only felt that her heart was shrinking slightly, and there was a coolness, which slowly permeated her whole body.

With the departure of the ambulance outside, the living room suddenly quieted down, and the nanny below stood still in stunned position. Without the owner at home, they didn't even know what to do now.

One by one, they looked up and quietly looked at Zhuang Ninai.

She was standing with a big belly, a lone person standing at the entrance of the stairs, holding her waist in one hand and her belly in her other hand, her face was pale, like a child forgotten by the world.

Chuang Nina's eyes were so shocked that they were covered with red blood.

Sadness in the chest, all over the body.

She took a deep breath and told herself not to be upset, as Si Zhengting was, but she was too worried about Mother Ding. He didn't doubt himself at all.

But the tears still rolled down her cheeks, and she reached out her hand to wipe the tears away, but the more and more.

In the end, she simply let tears flow freely. She felt as if she had experienced too many things today. Sadness and sadness overlapped, forming a feeling enough to depress her.

But you ca n’t cry. Pregnant women should not be too sad, or the child will be affected.

She tried to force the tears back, took a deep breath, and immediately, her body froze, she seemed to hear something, and the sound broke instantly.

Zhuang Nina's people hesitated for a moment, then felt something warm, flowing out from between her legs.

She had a big belly and couldn't see her clothes, but suddenly realized what had happened.

The amniotic fluid broke.

She is about to give birth.

At this moment, I don't know where the strength and reason came from. She forced her tired body, stepped downstairs, came to the babysitter, and then calmly said, "Hit 120, I'm going to give birth."


Hospital, delivery room.

The nurse spoke in Zhuang Naina's ear, "Strong, hard!"

Zhuang Nina bit her lip, and with the pain, she began to force again.

Her sweat was soaking her hair and holding her hands tightly, but because of her mother ’s affairs, she did n’t eat much last night. She did n’t sleep all night. She woke up in the morning and received so many blows. Can't stand up.

Even the contractions became weak.

Chuang Nina bit her lip and felt that everyone was about to pass out.

But she was still stubborn with every contraction and was working hard.


When strength was exhausted, she gradually felt hopeless, and her hands slowly released.

Child ... Mom is incompetent, but I'm really out of energy.

At this time, she missed Si Zhengting, missed his taste, missed him, and missed him when she was in a desperate situation ...

A new guy next to him asked: "Sister, this mother is obviously weak, why not go to cesarean section?"

Another responded: "The child has entered the birth canal. At this time, it is too late to enter the cesarean section! The child is likely to suffocate!"

Having said that, she patted Zhuang Nina's cheek vigorously. "Mother, this treasure mother, you must stay awake, the child is already in the birth canal, if you do not use force, the child is likely to have trouble !!"