MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 763 For her, what about subverting emperor?

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If people who do n’t know look at him, they must think that Mr. Si has a life and death appointment waiting, but in fact ... Mr. Si is just anxious, ca n’t let his wife take a bite of hot rice?

Thinking of this, Ji Yan lowered his head again.

Si Zhengting took a few steps back and forth, looked at the time, determined that the reporter paparazzi should have left, and then strode out. He walked and asked, "How many people are outside?"

"Reporters from famous newspapers in Beijing are here. Tomorrow this matter is bound to make headlines." Ji Yan said here and bowed his head again. "Guarantees will let everyone know that Mrs. Si has replaced this matter."

After this remark, Si Zhengting nodded.

Ji Zheng looked at him and said nothing but spoke after half a ring. "Mr. Si, but this way, the stock of Dihao must have plummeted. Do you ... really think about it? Now you regret it, you have time, we You can also pick up your wife in time to change this situation. "

Si Zhengting's footsteps walked slightly. He suddenly turned his head and looked at Ji Yun. He didn't want to explain, but maybe he needs to talk about his emotions at this moment. He squeezed his lips tightly, and only spoke after half a ring. "Ji Yan, to me, money is not important."

For her, even if it subverts Emperor,


Zhuang Nina was lying on the bed and couldn't sleep. She closed her eyes and couldn't help thinking about it after hearing the situation of Ms. Ding.

Ding Mengya lost her memory, so will Si Zhengting believe her? Or will you trust Mino?

What exactly is going on?

Are her two children healthy?

Why was she sent here?

These thoughts hovered in her mind one by one, making her feel thoughtless.

Having said that we trust each other, we must trust each other, but Si Zhengting, is it really impossible to even trust?

No, no, that's definitely not the case.

They have gone through so many ups and downs, and he certainly will not distrust her, so he must have had a hard time doing so.

It must be so.

She shook her head, left those erratic thoughts behind, and then suddenly heard Lin Xier and Zuoyi's conversation in the living room.

Lin Xier asked Zuoyi, "What should I eat for Nana at noon?"

Zuo Yiyi's voice immediately raised a voice, "You ask me? Didn't Mazi face tell you yesterday?"

Lin Xi'er said, "He said that Nana was awake today, don't eat too much, just give her a bowl of porridge in the morning, nothing else!"

At this point, Lin Xier bowed his head. "It's eleven o'clock, why don't they come to cook yet?"

Zuoyi also pouted, "These men, they have no idea of ​​time !!!"

The conversation between the two people said that Zhuang Nana was very confused.

Lin Xi'er has always been not interested in cooking. She just said that she should only drink one bowl of porridge. She didn't think much at the time, but now she wants to come. It turned out that this was taught by others?

And who are they saying "they"?

After half an hour, the doorbell rang.

Lin Xier couldn't wait to open the door, and then Zhuang Nina heard two footsteps coming in.

One of them went straight to her bedroom.

The familiar footsteps and the inexplicable feeling made her heart suddenly lift up, eyes widened, and looked at the bedroom door.

Then the tall, familiar figure appeared there.

He was carrying light, so that Zhuang Nina did not see his face for a while, but her familiar figure suddenly made her eyes inexplicably red.