MTL - Hello, Heir-Chapter 791 Gu Family's Reaction (3)

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Talking, he drank a glass of wine again, and in the cloudy eyes, it was blurred at the moment, and he sipped another wine.

The strong taste of wine was mixed with the disgusting taste. Minuo looked at him in disgust. He wanted to find an idea for himself. After all, Gu Deshou now knows her true identity, but this person ... It's simply a waste.

Mino suddenly changed his attention. "Dad, you are older, drink less. I'm fine, go out first."

She covered her nose and went out. After her figure had left the study, Gu Deshou stared at her back eyes before she closed it.

He looked at the wine glass in his hand, looked up, and filled a bottle directly.

But maybe he was drinking too fast, so that he unexpectedly drank his nose and coughed suddenly.

After all, the trachea penetrated into the body, and the burning and uncomfortable taste made his heart gradually less numb.

He threw the bottle hard, "Slap!"

The bottles were torn apart.

Then the man leaned back and leaned against the boss chair, staring straight at the ceiling.

Getting older?

But do these people know? He has also been young and sincere. But why did God treat him this way?

He lost his love in his life and lost it twice.

Xiao Muqing ...

As long as these three words are thought of, the first impression is that they are luxurious and luxurious, like a princess, and they should be sought after by everyone.

But a person of that background was severely rejected by the family in order to be with him. She finally decided to run away with him, but accidentally happened on the road ...

Thinking of this, the thrill of the car accident flashed into his mind, giving him a sense of urgency immediately.

Gu Deshouxi sat up straight, Mu Qing, Mu Qing ... Mei Ting, Mei Ting ...


Minuo stepped out of Gu Deshou's study and waved his hand in front of his nose. It seemed that he could wave away the bad luck Gu Deshou brought her.

When walking out of Gu Deshou's study, Minuo saw Li Yufeng coming out of Gu Xingshan's room.

The two looked at each other, and Minuo simply went to the study next to him. After a while, the door rang and Li Yufeng came in.

As soon as Li Yufeng came in, he frowned when he saw Minuo, "Nuo Nuo, Shan Shan is your sister after all, can't you make her sad?"

Minuo played with his hands and fell to the ground. The cut blood was not cleaned, but after Li Yufeng entered the house, the first thing he said was Gu Xingshan's thing?

She raised her head, looked at Li Yufeng, and spoke after half a ring. "How is your recovery?"

Li Yufeng felt soft and sat opposite Minuo. "It's okay, it's okay. The original car accident wasn't serious."

Yeah, not serious ...

Mino twitched her lips, her car accident was not serious, and she was discharged from the hospital in three days.

But Gu Xingshan and Gu Xinghao took the opportunity to donate her mobile phone to prevent her from contacting her. Now think about it, fortunately, she broke the boat, otherwise it is likely to starve to death now!

Minuo played with his hands again and heard Li Yufeng say, "Can't you tolerate Shanshan?"

When this remark ended, Minor interrupted her directly, "My time is precious. I am not here to discuss Gu Xingshan with you!"