MTL - Hello, Mr. Major General-Chapter 21 Finally woke up

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Gu Nianzhi's eyeballs kept turning under the eyelids, and seemed to want to wake up very much, but he couldn't open his eyes.

I have never been so tired, and my consciousness is twitching in my dreams.

She dreamed that she had returned to the end of her memory, that is, the car accident at the age of twelve.

She remembered the raging fire in the car, and also remembered that Huo Shaoheng rescued her from the car that was about to explode.

Of course, when she first saw her life-saving benefactor, she didn't know his name yet, but she remembered this person firmly, remembering that he saved her from the burning car.

She doesn't remember who she is, where she comes from, where she wants to go, or where she is, or where her parents are.

The car she was supposed to be should be the most important clue, but the huge explosion blew the car into a fly ash, leaving a huge pothole on the ground, just like a large equivalent explosive explosion, but the Imperial Army was in No trace of explosive was detected in that pit.

Just the explosion of gasoline in a car alone can cause such a result?

She doesn't even remember who the driver of the car was ...

In my dreams, everything was the same as six years ago. The twelve-year-old cryed hysterically and desperately wanted to earn from the car. Huo Shaoheng hugged her so tightly that she would not be rushed over.

She was rescued like a small beast that was greatly frightened. When she saw someone approaching, she bite. No one believed or ignored, except Huo Shaoheng who had saved her.

She only trusted him.

That year, Huo Shaoheng was only 22 years old and had just returned from abroad. The Ministry of Military Affairs ordered the formation of a special operations department.

Because he was the only person who could communicate with her at that time, the Imperial Military Department made Huo Shaoheng her guardian for the sake of caution.

Uh ...

Gu Nianzhi whispered restlessly in her sleep.

似乎 The memory she forgot seemed to be coming to her mind, her heart beat faster and faster, and her head began to hurt.

咬 Gritting her teeth, she desperately thought back, because this time, she had an extra plane in her memory.

A plane lined with blue sky and white clouds, with the bold red "MH210" characters written on the fuselage.

She had seen the plane before, and before her car exploded.

Squinting, she was about to break through the obstruction of memory, remembering the events before the car accident six years ago, and her brain was hardly loaded at this time.

What exactly happened?

现在 She now remembers that she saw the plane falling from the sky in the car, but she also remembered that the scene of the accident was on the street of the bustling city, far from the airport, and there were no traces of the plane at all.

In his sleep, Gu Nian's hands clenched tightly, almost cramping, and his brows frowned deeply.

仪器 The instrument that supervised Gu Nianzhi's brain immediately sounded a harsh alarm.

Zhan busily took out a huge needle tube, gave Gu Nianzhi a sedative, forcibly interrupted her dream, and fell asleep again.

This is to protect Gu Nianzhi's brain from being overloaded by brain activity.

Because she has been fainted for a week, she should be very weak now, and her physical condition must not be able to afford too much brain activity.

What she needs most at this time is to have a good night's sleep, and she can wake up tomorrow morning.

He displayed and observed the data on the instrument for a while, and said affirmatively to Huo Shaoheng who still had not hung up on the end of the phone: "... I believe she can wake up tomorrow morning."

Huo Shaoheng groaned for a while, changed the phone and held it with a hand, and whispered, "Send her back, and go back to her apartment. I will double the number of people to protect her secretly." After a pause, he ordered: " Don't tell her anything about me, just say that I haven't had time to rush back this week and haven't seen her. "

He Zhan smiled and said, "What's wrong? Huo Shao wants to do good things without leaving a name? Well, in fact, you let me say that I don't know how to say it, so I never thought about mentioning it to her."

Besides, his military order is still in Huo Shaoheng's place. He can't handle himself if he is full?

"Not to mention the best, you remember the military order you issued." Huo Shaoheng indeed smashed out the displayed military order and warned him.

The display rolled his eyes, and hummed, "You don't have to remind me every day! My memory is no worse than you!" He stood up and called for two service men to come in to clean up his instruments, and at the same time called Ye Zitan to come in to help him sleep In the middle of the change, she changed clothes and sent her to the car.

Gu Nianzhi was returned to her penthouse in Fengya District overnight.

配置 This apartment is equipped with two elevators and one apartment, but there is only one apartment on the top floor, so the elevator drives directly into her apartment, which is very safe and hidden.

Uh ...

The next day was Sunday. Gu Nianzhi opened his eyes in a lilac morning light. The big eyes narrowed as soon as he opened them, and some of them did not adapt to the light in front of him.

She was busy raising her arms to cover her eyes, and wanted to lie quietly for a while.

At this moment, a pleasant baritone reached her ear, her familiar class leader Mei Xiawen's voice: "... Are you awake?"

Gu Nianzhi finally opened her eyes again and saw the surrounding environment clearly. She was lying in her apartment bedroom in Fengya Community ...

"... monitor? How are you here?" Gu Nianzhi opened his eyes and looked at Mei Xiawen by the bed.

Mei Xiawen wore a lake blue shirt and black trousers, with clear and straight seams and no wrinkles.

The shirt is covered with a dark gray chicken heart collar pullover thin cashmere sweater ~ ~ Sven wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his face, a happy smile on his lips, his hands in his pants pockets, and gentle manners Standing in front of her bed.

Gu Nianzhi's pair of pupils is big and dark, she has a beautiful pupil effect, her eyes are already huge, and now she is stunned by surprise, and her delicate small face with big palms is almost half eyes, looking Just like the beautiful girl in the comics.

Mei Xiawen couldn't help but look away and looked away, with a smile: "You have been sick for a week, I will come to see you on behalf of the class."

Gu Nianzhi said "Ah" and said incredibly, "I have been sick for a week? Isn't it? How long?"

That being said, she immediately thought of the birthday party of Feng's family, the embarrassment and embarrassment of being conceived at that banquet, and the last person she saw before she was fainted. I glanced over and asked, "Squad leader, who made you come in?"

This is her bedroom ...

Mei Xiawen sat next to her bed, looking at her white cheeks with a smile, and said with a smile, "It's your uncle."

"Is it Huo Shao?" Gu Nianzhi was anxious, and immediately nervously gestured, "Is he tall, handsome, and serious?"

"Uh ..." Mei Xiawen hesitated to look at Gu Nianzhi, secretly glancing at her.

The man who opened the door for him to come in has a round face, a round nose, and a round mouth. Although it is not short, it must not be tall, and it is not good for handsome characters ...

Also, it doesn't seem to be Huo.

"He said his surname is Chen, do you recognize it?" Mei Xiawen answered carefully, giving Gu Nianzhi a blanket.

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