MTL - Help! My Delicate Object is a Madman-Chapter 89 Shen Suhe, press him to death! !

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  Chapter 89 Shen Suhe, kill him!


   "I used to say that the Su family was of high moral character. I always thought they were just boasting. Now I know that there is some truth to the rumors. After all, not everyone is willing to hand over such beasts to others."

  The transformation of a beast is extremely difficult. The mermaid is half-human and half-beast from birth. It has intelligence and can communicate with people.

   Not to mention other things, just these few conditions, even if the mermaid's ability is very weak, it is extremely precious.

   Everyone looked at the high platform, their eyes were full of desire, and they were all about to move.

  Su Rudi said: "Today, no matter who it is, as long as the mermaid is willing, he can take it away from the contract."

   After he finished speaking, he looked at the mermaid, and there was a bit of self-impression in his little triangle eyes: "I met you, although you have no relationship with my Su family, but I still hope you can have a good home."

  The mermaid floated on the water, staring at him indifferently, as if he didn't hear what he said, and looked away again in a blink of an eye.

   An indifferent voice sounded under the moonlight: "No human race can make a contract with me."

The ethereal voice of    sounded, causing everyone present to get goosebumps.

  Song Ningyuan shook his body and clicked his tongue: "It is said that the mermaid has a melodious voice and a beautiful singing voice. Even if such a little mermaid does not make a contract, it is very good to keep it as a watch, and listen to it sing and sing if you have something to do, right?"

   But after thinking about it, most people in this world are not like him, with a lot of money and kind-heartedness.

   Looking up at the mermaid again, he tutted, pitiful.

   Shen Suhe held the Fan Yin fan in his hand and turned it round and round, a little distracted.

  Song Ningyuan's eyes fell on Shen Suhe's fan again.

   He stared for a while.

   He knew that this was Shen Suhe's weapon. Just looking at this fan, the whole body was light silver, and the fan surface was pure white.

  Open the fan, nothing on it, clean.

  This fan is not enough to be stunning at first glance, but the more I look at it, the more attractive it becomes, especially after seeing the power of this fan, Song Ningyuan feels a little itchy.

   He leaned over: "Brother, this fan, play with me?"

   Shen Suhe's thoughts returned, she glanced at the fan: "You can't hold it."

  Song Ningyuan heard this, his expression immediately solemn: "Is there another mystery to this fan? Looking at a small one, it actually weighs a thousand pounds?"

   Shen Suhe shook his head: "That's not true."

   She thought about it for a while, then spread her hands: "Try it?"

  Song Ningyuan stretched out his hand to take it, but he just leaned over, slap! The back of his hand was slapped.

  The Fan Yin fan swayed in Shen Suhe's hands.

snort! Smelly master!

   It’s okay to let that stinky snake catch it, and let others catch it too, disgusting!

  Song Ningyuan was incredulous: "It, it slaps me??"

  Shen Suhe explained: "It doesn't like others touching it"

   "This fan has a cleanliness?"

   "That's right"

   Every time you kill a beast, you have to find a place to wash it clean.

   While they were chatting, there was the sound of fighting in front of them.

   looked up and did not know when, on the stairs on the four sides of the high platform, there was already a fight.

   Shen Suhe blinked.

  Huo Bai confided: "Su Rudi's words, those who are capable live in, whoever can contract is whoever's. There are no rules."

   A mermaid monster, which attracted everyone to ignore it, for fear of being robbed first, no, it started fighting.

   Shen Suhe's attention swept in the direction of the Prime Minister Feichen. The head of the noble family and Feichen were whispering something, and they didn't seem to care much about this mermaid.

   On the other hand, some small animal control families stared at the mermaid with gleaming eyes, and tried their best to fight to the end.

   Shen Suhe said, "What time is it?"

   "Hai Shi."

   She raised her head and looked at the full moon in the sky: "Today is the night of the full moon, and the moonlight is the brightest at midnight."

  Huo Bai fought side by side with her, as if he understood something, and said, "Tengu's strength is linked to the moon, and after Zishi is the time when his fighting power is the strongest."

   She looked at the high platform again.

   On the high platform, Su Rudi stood at the top, just watching everyone fight, not only did he not stop it, but he seemed to hope that the battle would be more intense.

  Su Rudi said: "Don't be afraid, everyone in the Su family has been a healing animal master for generations. As long as everyone has a breath, they can save you all."

   The voice fell, and the fight below became more intense!

  At the beginning, someone tentatively released his contract beast.

   After all, in the capital, you can't see you when you look up, but you're suddenly fighting, how will you see each other in the future?

   Just very soon, more and more contracted beasts were released. Saber-toothed tigers, silver wolves, flying eagles, rattlesnakes, almost all of them were aggressive monsters.

   The fight between beasts does not understand the politeness between humans. As time goes by, the fight becomes more and more intense. Before the people climbed to the high platform, a lot of blood was already bleeding below.

   At this time, two birds flew in the sky.

  The birds were circling in the air, and soon, the two birds collided with their necks and raised their heads to make a cry.

   Soon, the two birds radiated light, covering the entire high platform in an instant.

   Under the shroud of light, wounded people, demon beasts, and wounds are all getting better with the naked eye.

   The eyes of those who were fighting lit up, and only then did they completely believe Su Rudi's words. As long as he was there, their lives would not be in danger.

   As a result, the scramblers let go of their hands and feet and fought hard.

  The onlookers were shocked: "What kind of healing monster is that? The strength of these two monsters can't be underestimated."

  Huo Bai stared at the beast for a while, then said, "It's a pair of mandarin ducks."

   Song Ningyuan raised his eyebrows at the mention of the mandarin duck.

  There are indeed two seniors in the Su family who have contracted a pair of mandarin ducks, and they are powerful and best at healing sword wounds.

   Cross-necked mandarin duck skill [healing wound healing]

  The two seniors were extremely sensational at that time, because once the two cross-necked mandarin ducks joined forces, within the range of their rays of light, any wounds could be healed with swords, sticks, and sticks. It's called immortality.

  The two sides are fighting, if the other side has such a pair of healing monsters, it can completely influence the outcome of the battle.

   The Su family was weak back then, and because of this pair of cross-necked mandarin ducks, they once again gained a foothold in the capital and could not be shaken.

  Song Ningyuan tutted lightly: "No way? The two retired seniors of the Su family came out?? For a mermaid?"

   Shen Suhe looked at it for a while: "It's to show power to Su Rudi."

   Song Ningyuan wanted to say something, Huo Bai said, "Listen to what the people around you are saying.

  Song Ning turned his head away.

The surrounding spectators were praising him: "I thought that the previous head of the family died, and the new head of the family could not support such a big family at such a young age. It is a matter of time before the Su family will fail. I didn't expect that this Su Rudi has such a powerful monster. "

   Someone disdain: "This is not his magical beast, Su Rudi has not made a contract yet."

   Someone soon answered: "After all, the Su family is still an ancient beast-controlling family, and even if the head of the family dies in a hurry, they should not be underestimated.

   (end of this chapter)