MTL - Help! The General’s Gone Mad With Pampering Me-Chapter 604 Episode 135 I Washed Your Clothes for You

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  Chapter 604 Episode 135 I'll wash your clothes for you

  Zhong Ning didn't even know how he got upstairs, but he only remembered that Gu Sheng was really strong, holding such a big suitcase with one hand and holding her hand, unexpectedly he didn't breathe.

  The furnishings on the second floor are very simple. The bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are not large in size, and the furniture is not new, but it is cleaner than Zhong Ning imagined.

  She went to the TV and clicked.

   "Can you see this?"

  She quite likes watching TV. When she got home, she changed into her pajamas and lay down on the sofa, feeling comfortable and comfortable.

  Gu Sheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked to the electric wires near the front street, fiddled with it twice and said.

"it should be OK."

   After speaking, he pressed the power button and handed the remote control to Zhong Ning.

   "You watch first, I'll clean it up."

  The incident happened suddenly today, he never dreamed that Zhong Ning would live here one day.

  Gu Sheng replaced the four-piece suit on the bed with a new one, and then tidied up the wardrobe.

  He folded all his clothes and put them on the bottom, only hanging a few frequently worn ones, leaving a large space for Zhong Ning to use.

   When he returned to the living room again, he saw Zhong Ning lying on the sofa with a pillow in his arms, watching a variety show with his lips pursed and smiling.

  Gu Sheng stood where he was, watching intently.

   After a while, when Zhong Ning noticed his gaze, Gu Sheng withdrew his gaze and pointed her in the direction of the bedroom.

   "Sleep for a while if you're sleepy, I'll go downstairs."

  Zhong Ning smiled.

   "I'm not sleepy anymore, I'll pack up my things later and take a shower, you go get busy."

  Gu Sheng nodded and left.


   When Gu Sheng finished his work and went upstairs again, Zhong Ning had just finished taking a shower.

  Gu Sheng was wearing overalls, and his body was not usually dirty. He handed Zhong Ning a box, which looked like he had just bought it, and there was a label on it.

   "Give you a hair dryer, I'll take a shower first, and come out to cook later."

  Zhong Ning was indeed troubled by her long hair just now. She guessed that Gu Sheng probably didn't have such a thing as a hair dryer, but she didn't expect him to be so careful that he bought it.

  Zhong Ning took it over to thank her, and when she turned around and plugged in the power, she seemed to think of something, and suddenly shivered.

  She has always been used to washing her clothes after drying her hair, and the underwear she just changed is still in the laundry basket.

  But Gu Sheng has already entered.

   Zhong Ning thought about it again, and thought that it should be fine. The clothes are all together, and he might not have such good eyesight. After he comes out, she can just wash it.

  Twenty minutes later, after Gu Sheng came out of the bathroom, Zhong Ning sneaked in without a trace, but...

  The laundry basket was empty, only Gu Sheng's overalls were left.

  She froze for a moment, then turned her gaze to the running washing machine.

   Gu Sheng seemed to know what she was looking for, walked over and stood at the door, and said while wiping her hair.

   "I did the laundry for you."

  Zhong Ning didn't care about the embarrassment at this time, and hurriedly said.

   "But underwear can't be machine washed..."

   Gu Sheng's face remained unchanged, and he said lightly.

"I know."

  Zhong Ning: …

   Gu Sheng paused before speaking.

   "It's hanging out on the balcony."

  Zhong Ning couldn't even speak, so he couldn't believe it.

   " washed me?"

   Aware of Zhong Ning's shock, Gu Sheng was afraid that she might misunderstand, so he explained it belatedly.

   "The water heater is out of hot water, and it's too cold to wash by hand.

  And, aren’t you my girlfriend…”

   At the end of the day, this is the first time the two of them have put this word on the surface, and it is still in this embarrassing situation.

  Zhong Ning blushed, avoided Gu Sheng's sight, and said in a panic.

   "I...I'll go out and have a look."

  She didn't know why she came out, it was purely a subconscious escape.

  There is a small terrace on the second floor, which could only be entered from the outside, but Gu Sheng remodeled it after moving here, opening the inside and installing a door.

  There is a long clothesline on one side of the terrace, and there are three hangers hanging on it, which are her pink suit and Gu Sheng's black bullet underwear.

  Under Zhong Ning's gaze, they are fluttering in the wind.

  (end of this chapter)