MTL - Here Comes The Lady Chef-Chapter 26 This girl is so good

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"This boy, although my father made this dish, but the little girl also participated in one or two!" Gentle annoyed secretly, Ren Yue was still as difficult as before!

The twelve-year-old scene of the little girl talking in front of her eyes, the snow muscle can be broken, the petite melon face, the pair of big clean eyes, is really a top beauty!

It is this kind of demeanor, from the inside out, not humble or overbearing, even more extraordinary, showing calmness beyond age.

Ignoring the distinguished status of Marshal and Marshal three sons, Ren Yue's peerless style and unparalleled elegance will make people feel lost at first sight.

Now, the girl in front of him didn't know his identity, so he didn't fear him, and he didn't blame him, but why didn't he look at his appearance? Ren Yue was interested.

"Oh? Are you involved?" Ren Yue squinted his eyes, his sharp eyes brushed past the gentle eyes.

"Yes." Gently looking straight, without fear.

"Speak and listen!" Ren Yue asked.

"Wash Pu'er, cook tea soup; pick old leaves, leave tea cores; carved lotus root, burned tea rice." Gentle words, answered clearly.

"Oh?" Ren Yue's eyes flashed a strange color.

"Great, girl Fangling geometry?" Ren Yue sat down casually, raised a hand and poured a glass of Pu'er, leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, and looked at the gentleness casually.

"The age of the civilian girl seems to have nothing to do with you, son!" In a word of tenderness, I almost did not kill Ren Yue.

"Do you know who I am?" Ren Yue lowered the cup lightly. Although there was a trace of unhappiness in his eyes, his face remained calm. Presumably in this world, no one dares to resist his questioning so much!

"The son is angry, the young girl is young, and she is unobtrusive for a while. The son wants to be childish, so don't care about the little girl." Wen Shou was in a hurry. This question asked, wasn't he talking about dishes? Why did you get up to age and how annoyed?

The more arrogant he refused to argue with, he took the cup down again and took a sip of tea in silence.

Although calm as water, Wen Shouzheng obviously felt cold on his back.

"This son, there is a saying that the little girl had to spit it out. Seeing the appearance of the son is like a big family. It is troublesome to relax the taste and be considerate of the people. The fresh Longjing in the harsh winter must be only available in the son's house. "Gently snorted, not letting go.

Although I was very missed in my heart, I could care about the entanglement of previous lives. I ironed my heart tenderly and simply rejected it with cold words, which saved the intersection of this life.

"Good girl with sharp teeth and sharp lips, it's hard for me to pick up my umbrella that day. If I had known you were so rude, I wouldn't bother you!" Unexpectedly, Ren Yuefei not only was not annoyed, but raised his first knowledge outside the city that day, and still Laugh out loud!

柔 Gentle and annoyed, she quietly dragged Wen Shouzheng's clothes corner and signaled to go out.

"This is a bounty. Fortunately, I will come again." Ren Yue put away the laughter and changed to a charming smile at the corner of his mouth. Slender fingers reached into his arms, took out a silvery white spindle, and placed it crisply on the table. Then he turned his back and passed through Wen Shou's father and daughter.

"This silver is real!" Wen Shouzheng stepped out of the door to listen to the bamboo, rushed to the table, snatched the silver ingot, and bit it in his mouth.

"Daddy!" But gentle, but his father is so happy!

He said that Ren Yue had just stepped out of listening to the bamboo, and another door next to Yajian Lanyue opened with a squeak.

Yinfu Jing Zhaoyi lowered her head and came out in a hurry. It looked like it was going to be a respectful one. She accidentally bumped into Ren Yue's body.

"Ren San Gongzi!" Zhao Jingyi was about to get angry, but when he raised his eyes, he saw Ren Yue, who was white in clothes, and Yushu was in the wind. He was shocked and urinate back!

Ren Ren's style is outstanding, his temperament is dusty, and he always loves to wear white clothes, inside and outside Kyoto, and Sheng Yaoshan, and is called "peerless double pride"!

Eunuch, no matter how big or small, if the two sons don't recognize it, then the officer will do it for nothing!

"Ren Sangong, Yin Zhao Jingyi in Xianyang House!" Master Zhao arched.

"Master Zhao is more courteous." Ren Yue casually arched his hand, and then patted the white shirt that was only hit by Zhao Jingyi below.

I heard that there was movement in the corridor, and gentleness and warmth were rushing out to see what happened.

He saw Fu Yin, Lord Fu, and was embarrassed with the boy in white.

"I've seen Master Zhao!" Wen Shouzheng hurriedly saluted and pulled the gentle sleeves again.

"I do n’t know if any of the three sons is here, Zhao has a long-distance welcome!" Zhao Jing said a little "um" to Wen Shouzheng, and instead reached out to invite Ren Yue to enter the elegant room for a detailed discussion.

Jiu Ren frowned slightly.

敬 Zhao Jingyi, after all, is Yin of Xianyang Prefecture, a member of the court, and so enthusiastic, Ren Yue is really inconvenient to brush his kindness.

The door of Lan Lanyue's room was opened again, and two women with strong makeup stood up and greeted each other, one with a green dress and a young pink dress, and one with a purple dress and a yellow dress. Bursts of fragrant powder hit. Accompanied by the coquettish "adult", people were numb to the bones.

"A sneeze!" For a while, Ren Yue could not bear the greasy sweetness of this inferior fragrance powder, simply covered his mouth with a beautiful sneeze.

敬 Zhao Jing sank and blackened, and said impatiently, "Go and go, go out!"

He said, raising his hand to drive out two Fengchen women.

He then invited Ren Yue again.

He saw a mess on the table, a messy fish and a messy glass and chopsticks.

敬 Zhao Jingyi's face became darker.

I was just going to call the Pillars to clean up, and glanced at Wen Shouzheng's father and daughter standing obediently outside the door. I just explained to Wen Shouzheng, "Master Wen, let's get this cleaned up and make a few decent dishes! Last pot Good wine! "

Wen Wen Shouzheng dare to neglect, although I do not know where this white man is from, but see Master Zhao treats so well ~ ~ I must be behind the famous door!

After a short while, Pillar ran in, "Master Wen, sister Rouer, I'll come and I'll do it, you guys will be busy!"

"Rouer? It turned out that your girlfriend's name was gentle." Ren Yue had her face stretched and expressionless. When she heard the words of Paotang said, her eyebrows fluttered a smile: "Rouer, gentle, although the name is good, it is People are not as good as their names. "

"Let's wait for a while, the daughter and the woman will retire." Gentle ignored Ren Yue, bowed his head and owed him, it was considered a courtesy, so he had to go out with Wen Shouzheng and Zhuozhu.

Seeing Gentle and so indifferent, Ji Ren became more curious in his heart, and said to his side with respect to Zhao Jing: "Master Zhao, this girl is also clever. Let her stay and pour me tea!"

"Okay, you, go and pour the tea!" Zhao Jingyi waved and let the gentle pour the tea.

She was displeased in her tender heart, but it was inconvenient to reject Zhao Jingyi, a parent official.

Ugh! Let's bear with you this time!

端 Gently holding the teapot, she walked to Ren Yue's face expressionlessly. He poured a cup of Pu'er, and Ren Yue didn't drink, only raised her eyes to look at her.

Gentle and annoyed, but unable to attack, he had to glare at Ren Yue.

Xi Renyue even smiled even more.

At this moment, the dishes have not yet come out, and Ren Yue, Master Zhao, and gentleness in Lan Yue Yajian seem to be much colder.

"I don't know what the third son is to my Xianyang this time, what's the matter?" Zhao Jingyi asked.


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