MTL - Heroes of Marvel-v2 Chapter 1236 Rolling

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In the face of riot attacks, the venom did not choose hard support, but jumped to avoid the attack. With a bang, the original position of the venom has collapsed. The riot that fell back on the steel passage raised his head and looked at the venom in the air. The strength of the opponent was incomparable with him.

It seems that I felt the violent disdain for myself. The next moment, the venom that jumped from the ground counterattacked the counterattack from midair, and the black arm quickly stretched to form a long knife and slashed toward the riot.

"Play it! When there is a counterattack in the silk!"

The venom of the violent riots at this time is what the heart thinks. The creatures in the same ethnic group are so severely divided. In the past, in countless people, the venom has been enough to be contemptuous and white-eyed. If the venom would be a "human", he might have been swallowed up by other powerful families. It’s hard to come to the earth, where you can make yourself look strong. The venom doesn’t want the arrival of the same family to change its current status.

That's right, the words that Lin Rui said before the departure of the venom did play a role. The venom that has been parasitic on Eddie has almost figured out the society of the earth after these days of life. Except for a small number of people, the individual strength of most people is very low. The cooperation between Venom and Eddie will make Eddie a heroic character. This change of status is also toxic to be seen.

Therefore, in the case of riots going to take other families to the earth, venom naturally does not want to see. Not to mention whether the plan of riots can be successful, if he succeeds, then the venom of the earth may have to go back to the situation that has been despised by countless families.


The venomous gamble on the dignity was easily blocked by the riots, and then he had locked the venom of the long knife and smashed the venom from the air. In the venom with black eyes, it was dragged down by the riots. The next moment has passively greeted the big hammer that the riots rushed over.


The venom of the head was smashed out like a muddy scum, and the hope was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. Even if the venom heart wants to defeat the riots in front of us, the gap in the basic strength is there, and he is not an opponent of riots.

If the venom is not parasitic about ordinary people, but a superpower like Spider-Man Peter, perhaps he can easily suppress the riots and torture him under his feet. But now, in the absence of any difference in the basic capabilities of the host, the strength of the riots is far more than venom.

After flying the venom, the riots were too lazy to look at him again, and then rushed toward the aircraft that was starting ahead. The venom was swaying up under the steel passage, and the opened head had been restored. Looking at the back of the riot, the venom is very wrong.

At this time, Eddie no longer said anything, although the battle is dominated by venom, but Eddie can also feel the gap between the venom and the riot. Although the agreement between Eddie and the venom does allow venom to listen to Eddie in most cases, Eddie always has to worry about this mortal situation.

However, after being smashed by the riots, the temper of the venom came up. When Eddie was silent, the venom had once again chased the riots. Just as the riot was less than a hundred meters from the strong aircraft, the venom caught up with him again and launched an attack from under the steel channel.

Puff puff!

The violent spurs pierced the steel passages and ran towards the top, but the riots were fast. These black spikes did not fall on the riots. The sneak attack did not stop the riots, and the venom could only be reluctantly blocked again in front of the riots.

Looking at the venom that was once again in front of him, there was a little anger in the eyes of violent disdain. The venom is a dispensable family for the riots. It can be seen that a riot in the same race can leave a small life of venom. But now, the venom has blocked its own plans again and again, and the riots feel that it is no longer necessary to keep the weak who are not considered for the ethnic group.

Therefore, in the next moment when the venom was seriously stopped in front of the riot, the riots had rushed over. Then, the venom and the riots fought wildly. When the riot is far more powerful than the venom, the body of the venom is constantly torn and then restored. As they fought, the venom quickly learned his attack from the riots.

Tear off!

In the entanglement of each other, the riots seized the opportunity to violently tear the venom from Eddie to the hard. Losing the host, the venom recovered the black mucus state and was caught in the hands of the riot. And Eddy, who lost the venom, looked at the horrible riots in front of him and was about to devour the venom and was not but rushed out and extended his hand.

The next moment, the venom that was constantly twisting in the hands of the riot was instantly exposed to Eddie, and the venom was quickly formed! The battle continues! Entanglement continues! Only this time, the riots were swallowed up with Eddie.

Under the strong strength and level of riots, not only was the venom temporarily swallowed by the riots, but even Eddie was wrapped in the body to control it. Then, the riot that grew stronger again continued to move toward the aircraft, and time was running out.

If there were no accidents, the venom was swallowed to control Eddie's riots and successfully enter the aircraft. Although the aircraft has been controlled by the SHIELD, the riots are not known at this time. He also hopes to drive the aircraft to pick up his own family in space.



Just as the riots had begun to reach the silo and climbed towards the aircraft, a small thing suddenly flew from the rear, and then it was inserted into the turret overhead launching well. Just as the riots looked up and wondered what was suddenly flying over, the little thing that had been inserted into the silo suddenly exploded.


As the little thing inserted into the silo exploded, a high-frequency sound wave suddenly swept out and instantly enveloped the area.

"Ah! ~~"

Under the sweep of overclocking sound waves, the riots screamed with horrible heads and then fell from the high silo. In the process of falling, the venom and Eddie in the riot have been separated. Only the venom could not withstand the attack of this high-frequency sound wave, and it also fell uncontrollably.

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