MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 652 :compromise

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When Simon, Cirillo and others returned to the embassy, ​​the Minister of Foreign Affairs greeted them immediately: "Your Majesty, there is the latest movement of the Red Scorpion Khanate."

Simon stopped, feeling more and more heavy, and replied: "Tell me?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs did not dare to delay, and hurriedly followed behind Simon, saying: "The old Khan of the Red Scorpion Khanate passed away and was buried in Shaman Mountain. Rectify the major tribes in the country."

The Goddess of Moonlight elevated the mortal king into a legend, and her opponents naturally would not let it go. For these gods, as long as the resources are sufficient, it is not difficult to create a legend.

Simon was silent for a while and asked, "Where did you get the information from?"

Because of the different races, it was difficult for human beings to obtain information about the orc country. In addition to the defeat beyond the Great Wall, the only outpost of the Silver Moon Kingdom was also cleared, and they became completely blind and deaf.

Not to mention, now that they are still under house arrest in the empire, how could they obtain such confidential information.

Although this information is very important, what Simon sees is the information hidden in the depths, and there is not much time left for him...

So where this information came from was who was trying to keep the noose around his neck.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs was taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "The imperial envoy told me, is there any problem?"

empire! Empire again! Simon's face was gloomy and terrifying. On the one hand, he was deliberately delaying time, and on the other hand, he told him that the situation in the Silver Moon Kingdom was critical. What exactly did he want to do?

"It's okay, you all step back, I have to think about it." Simon waved his hand wearily, then entered his bedroom and locked the door.

Cirillo and the others outside the door looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they were not as sensitive as Simon, they also noticed the abnormality, and everyone became more and more irritable.

The next day, the Archbishop of the Temple of the Gods approached Simon again, and after exchanging greetings for a while, he asked casually, "I wonder if Your Majesty has heard that the new King Khan of the Red Scorpion Khanate is rectifying the domestic tribes."

"Of course I've heard about it." Simon's face was expressionless, but he was waiting in his heart. Is it finally about to start?

"It's like this, your canonization ceremony needs to be held by His Majesty the Emperor himself."

"But you also know that His Majesty the Emperor has been practicing in closed doors all year round, and doesn't ask about ordinary matters at all. We have contacted several times, but there has been no response. Presumably, he has entered a deep practice and will not show up in a short time."

"I'm afraid it's impossible to complete the canonization as soon as possible..." At this point, the archbishop glanced at Simon with a half-smile.

Seeing the calm appearance of the Silver Moon King, he narrowed his eyes, it really wasn't easy to deal with...

"Oh, what does the archbishop mean?" Simon was still calm and gave him a deep look.

The archbishop sneered inwardly, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "The meaning of the empire is that if you are in a hurry, His Royal Highness the Regent can also hold a canonization ceremony for you."

"It's just that the Regent is not His Majesty the Emperor after all, so he can only confer the title of Grand Duke to the Principality. If you canonize you according to the etiquette of the Principality, I am afraid that the Silver Moon Kingdom can only become a Principality."

"Of course, if you are not in a hurry to return home, you can continue to wait!"

Even a hero has to bow his head in the face of reality. No matter how relaxed he is, he will not be able to counter the empire with his own strength.

Simon showed a hint of sarcasm, leaned his back on the seat, and said meaningfully: "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, just wait slowly, anyway, the Silvermoon Kingdom is destroyed, and the empire will support me!"

The archbishop didn't react at first, thinking that the Silver Moon King was crazy, but then he understood the meaning of this, and smashed the armrest of the seat to pieces.

The general king's canonization ceremony, that is, two or three months, will be longer depending on the situation. King Silver Moon stays in the empire for half a year, or even more than half a year, and the empire can explain it.

However, if Simon has been in the empire until the Silvermoon Kingdom is destroyed, and the Empire has not given any help to the Silvermoon Kingdom during this period, what will the other allies think?

The Red Scorpion Khanate attacked the Silvermoon Kingdom, and if the empire chose to save it, even if it emptied all its wealth, the Silvermoon Kingdom would not have to worry about subjugation.

On the contrary, the empire might, because of its direct intervention, let the orc royal court unite with all the orc nations, take the opportunity to send troops to expand the war, and provoke a battle for hegemony on the main continent.

At that time, the empire will remain mired in the quagmire of war until the two sides cannot bear the loss and stop the war.

No matter how weak the Silver Moon Kingdom is, it still has some foundations. If the Red Scorpion Khanate wants to destroy the country, it will take at least several years.

If it is not saved, then after the fall of the Silvermoon Kingdom, those allies of the empire will be surprised to find that the king of the Silvermoon Kingdom is still waiting to be canonized by the empire.

In the past few years, the empire has not been canonized for a long time, and the king is not going back when the country is about to die. So is this king waiting for the canonization? Still under house arrest?

I am afraid that most normal people will tend to the second answer.

Although the empire is strong, it is not without opponents. Once it is alienated from many allied countries, how can it fight against the orc royal court that can command all orc countries?

Simon stayed here instead of leaving, and instead pushed the trouble to the empire.

"King Yinyue, I think you should think carefully about it. The defeat outside the Great Wall, coupled with the attack of the Hai clan, almost wiped out the main forces of the land and sea armies of the Silver Moon Kingdom."

"The Buluo Fortress has fallen, and you have lost your barrier against the Red Scorpion Khanate. I am afraid that your northern border will be harassed by orc wolf cavalry and there will be no peace. It will be very difficult to restore your national strength."

"All of the above shows that the Silver Moon Kingdom has lost its strength, which is comparable to its own personality. Why does it have to hold on to a name?" The archbishop, who felt a little tricky, persuaded again.

Simon smiled: "Look at what you said, no matter how weak a kingdom is, it's still a kingdom, and no matter how strong a principality is, it's still just a principality. How can the two be compared?"

The archbishop's face gradually became gloomy: "You have to think about it, the kingdom and the principality are just names in the end, and there is not much difference between the two."

"Now that I have lost the title of the kingdom, it is not impossible to get it back when the Silver Moon Kingdom prospers again in the future."

"But in case the Silver Moon Kingdom is really destroyed, it is certainly a loss for the empire and the Holy Alliance, but a subjugated country is a subjugated country, and it will never be saved!"

Even if this Yinyue King never compromises, he will only die without breaking the net, and the country of Yinyue is doomed to perish!

The empire... huh, at most it's just a serious injury.

The orc king's court provoked a battle for hegemony in the mainland. As long as they don't want to die, even if they are alienated from Germany, those allied countries must fully support the empire.

However, in order to show sincerity, he and the regent will probably be pushed out as scapegoats... 100% to be cool.

The archbishop looked at Simon expressionlessly, and Simon also looked at the archbishop expressionlessly, and the parlor became silent for a while.

Simon's King's Guard, as well as the Templar Knights brought by the Archbishop, all held their weapons nervously, ready to rush over and kill each other at any time.

Although they couldn't understand what these two great figures were saying, they could feel the tension.

Time seemed to stand still, and the living room was eerily silent.

I don't know how long it took before Simon let out a long sigh and fixed his eyes on the archbishop: "Remember what you said, as long as the Silver Moon Kingdom regains its strength, it will be able to restore the kingdom's name!"

Yes, he still chose to compromise.

The demise of the Silver Moon Kingdom might bring in a few scapegoats, it might separate the empire from many allied countries, or it might break out of a continental war that would seriously damage the empire.

But in doing so, there is no way to hurt the mastermind behind the scenes.

Even if a war breaks out, the people who die will only be the lower classes. The great figures of the empire, what should they do after the war is over?

Not to mention those high gods, no matter how many people die, they can always recover slowly after waiting for hundreds or eighty years.

God, the most indispensable thing is time!

And for Simon, the demise of the Silvermoon Kingdom also means the death of those relatives and He absolutely cannot accept such a result!

"Of course, as long as the Silver Moon Kingdom can prove its own strength, I promise to restore its status." Seeing the compromise of the soft-hearted Silver Moon King, the archbishop breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally done.

"There is no need to do the canonization ceremony, and I don't think you all want to do it." Simon closed his eyes slightly and looked deeply at the archbishop.

It is not a glorious thing to forcibly demote an ally country, and it will definitely arouse doubts from other countries, and for him, he does not want to let such a shameful thing spread to the outside world.

"That's natural." The archbishop smiled, and took out the canonization book that he had prepared a long time ago. As long as Simon signs and stamps the national seal, the canonization ceremony is considered to be completed.

They never thought that to publicize such a thing, it would be best if the Silver Moon Kingdom was dealt with without anyone finding out.

After all, those allied countries and the gods behind them are united, even the human gods dare not underestimate them.

After signing and stamping, and putting away his own copy of the canonized book, Simon was depressed all over, and he didn't know how to explain it when he returned to China.

The archbishop also put away the other canonized book, and said with a smile before leaving: "By the way, Your Excellency, some of your lords north of the Yelin River feel that you have not fulfilled your duties as a king, so they plan to bring you You don't mind if the fief leaves the Silvermoon Kingdom and joins the Empire, right?"

The you you were just now have become the you you are now, the Grand Duke of a principality, you are not worthy of his honorific words.

Simon's brain was congested instantly, and his breathing became heavy. He stared at the archbishop coldly, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Of course I don't mind!"

very good! really good! Regardless of the empire or those lords, let's wait and see!