MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 667 : Changes of the times

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"Your Majesty, it's time for you to get up."

In the drowsiness, Simon was slowly awakened by someone, sat up in a daze, glanced at Livia who woke him up beside him, then put his arms around the elf girl's slender waist, and lay down again.

Nestled in Simon's arms, Livia's face gradually turned red, reaching the roots of her ears.

Obviously, she had made up her mind before that after Simon wanted to give birth to her sister, she would never dedicate herself to it again. Why did she sleep in bed in a daze yesterday?

This is great, I have to compete with my sister for a man in the future, how embarrassing...

Seeing that Simon wanted to continue to sleep, Livia continued to shake helplessly: "Your Majesty, it's really time for you to get up."

I haven't heard of it before. When this guy sleeps with the other two, he will stay out of bed. How did he become like this when he came to her?

"Ah~" Simon became sober now, opened his eyes reluctantly, yawned a big, and then sat up slowly.

Seeing this, Livia hurried over to help him put on his clothes, and Qianqian fastened the buttons of the inner lining with her thin hands.

Simon was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly. This was probably the unique femininity of this elf girl. Irina and Alice would never do such a thing.

If Irena is beautiful in strength, and Alice is beautiful in eccentricity, then Livia is beautiful in intelligence. With this woman by her side, there will always be peace and peace of mind.

Looking up, the sun had risen high in the sky, and it was almost noon, which was why Livia was anxious to wake him up.

"I'll go!" Simon's eyelids twitched, obviously he didn't expect that after sleeping for so long, there are still a lot of government affairs waiting for him to deal with.

It can only be said that staying with Livia is really reassuring...

"Rest well, don't just care about Alice, but also take care of yourself." After kissing the elf girl's forehead, Simon quickly left the room.

Looking at the re-closed door, Livia sat on the bed blankly, with a smirk unconsciously curled up at the corner of her mouth.

Compared with the other two women, although she didn't have an unforgettable love, judging from the performance of staying in bed, she obviously made Simon more satisfied.

Why bother to fight that queen, my stupid sister!


"Teacher, is there any clue about the research on high explosives?" After dealing with the backlog of government affairs, Simon came to Clifford.

Right now, the Silver Moon Kingdom is waiting for a stable high explosive. As long as this thing is developed, the overall strength of the army will at least be multiplied several times.

"It's not that fast." Clifford sighed and shook his head, tiredness was revealed in his eyes.

Both the power of the explosion and the stability in the normal state are required. It is not easy to integrate these two diametrically opposed properties.

In the past few months, he has tried hundreds of material combinations, but none of them have achieved the desired effect.

Moreover, it is more dangerous to study this thing, so there is no rush.

During this period of time, in order to study high explosives, his alchemy laboratory has been bombed several times, and several apprentices were killed.

Clifford also knew that the new weapon proposed by Simon was very important to the current Silvermoon Kingdom, so the progress was stagnant, and he was under great pressure.

"Forget it, since there is no clue for a short time, let's put the explosives aside first, let's research something else and refresh our brains."

Simon knew very well that the more he couldn't find his way, the more he couldn't get into the corner. It's better to let his mind think about other things. Maybe when he came back and looked at it, the problem would be solved.

"Well, what ideas did you come up with?" Clifford asked helplessly.

"It's a steam locomotive. I have already researched the core structure. Now I need to design the rest of the locomotive structure according to the idea." Simon took out a steam engine model, and then explained the train's operation mode and structure to Clifford listened.

"Interesting, very interesting structure." After carefully observing the structure of the steam engine, Clifford couldn't help admiring.

The traditional magic mechanics is to directly convert magic power into power.

Because of the shortcomings of the material and the magic circle, the loss of magic power is actually quite serious, and even ten magic power can be converted into one power.

But the machine designed by Simon first converts magic power into heat energy, then converts it into power through steam, and performs mechanical movements repeatedly.

Although this kind of repeated mechanical movement is completely inferior to its traditional magic mechanics, it has great limitations.

But at the same time, the efficiency of converting magic power into power has been greatly improved. Ten parts of magic power can convert almost eight parts of power.

This kind of repeated mechanical movement is actually enough if it is simply running on a predetermined track.

If, as Simon said, to build a railway track that runs through the kingdom, and then use this locomotive to transport personnel and materials, the efficiency will be a hundred times that of the past. The people's livelihood economy of the Silver Moon Kingdom, and even the military and politics, will have a qualitative change. leap.

Just do what you say, and Simon, who has nothing to do in a short period of time, will deal with the accumulated government affairs every now and then, and spend the rest of his time with Clifford, studying steam locomotives together.

Because the core device has been completed, the rest is just an ordinary mechanical transmission structure. It didn't take long for the two of them to create a prototype of the steam locomotive and optimize it.

The time was like this until January of the next year. The people and nobles of the Silver Moon Kingdom had a rare few months of stability.

The king's meeting was held as scheduled, and the lords from all over the country gathered in the capital. The steam locomotive studied by Simon and Clifford finally confirmed the final model.

Compared with the high-speed rail and maglev trains on the Blue Star, this kind of locomotive is quite shabby. It is probably the style of the train before and after World War I, and its performance is roughly the same.

But the current Silver Moon Kingdom doesn't need much taller trains, even if they want to, they can't build them. This is already the locomotive model with the most suitable performance under the existing technology.

The king's meeting opened, and Simon sat on the top throne. The opening scene of the lords and nobles in the audience was still attacking each other for trivial matters.

What he took up my ancestral family, but has never been mining iron ore.

What do you mean by sending troops across the territorial divide?

Your Majesty, this tease intends to treason, he should be killed immediately!

Why do you dare to sleep with my wife, what, my wife voluntarily? Look at the private army under Lao Tzu, how dare you say this again.

The quarrel in the audience made Simon drowsy. Under the mediation of Prime Minister Medel and several big lords, most of the problems were resolved.

The king's council is set up, just like the conflict mediation center of the nobles.

The few who can't be mediated are going to settle it with fists in private. Of course, the king's consent must be obtained in advance, otherwise private soldiers attack other lords, but they will be regarded as treason.

The meeting went on all day, some lords were very satisfied and smiling, some lords were gearing up and gnashing their teeth, and some were gloating and ready to watch a good show.

At the end of the meeting, several great nobles were exhausted. Most of the problems in the past were mediated by the king, and they were just assistants.

But this king is good, he doesn't care about sitting on the throne, if they don't care, these lords have to beat each other's **** out.

Seeing that the time was almost up, and no one asked any more questions, Prime Minister Medel, who was in charge of presiding over the meeting, glanced around the meeting hall and asked, "If no one raises an agenda, then this year's King's meeting..."

"I have an agenda!" Simon, who was sitting on the throne and watching the show, finally spoke.

Hearing that the king had something to say, the conference hall suddenly fell silent, and all the nobles listened with their ears closed, not daring to have the slightest opinion.

Since Simon ascended the throne, the nobles who fled to other countries when the orcs attacked, the lords north of the Yelin River who were unwilling to give up their territories, the nobles who stole and bought the royal family’s grain reserves, the nobles who opposed the establishment of new towns in the south, and took the opportunity to drive up grain prices the nobility.

These five waves of people, with their own miserable end, proved that this king is not easy to mess with.

It can be said that the nobles who can still participate in the king's meeting now have more or less brains, and those who have no brains have already lost their minds.

"I recently invented a steam locomotive together with Master Clifford, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the kingdom's material transportation. This king has decided to build roads dedicated to locomotives across the country. The royal family will bear all the expenses. I don't know. What's your opinion?" Simon asked calmly.

Most of the people in the audience were moved, and the efficiency of material transportation was greatly improved. It sounds like it can stimulate economic development along the way, which is a good thing for their territory!

But there are also some people who instantly noticed the deep meaning behind it and greatly improved the transportation efficiency of materials. Is the army under the king's command considered a kind of material?

If the king's army can quickly reach every part of the kingdom, why do they need these lords?

"Your Majesty, let's discuss this matter again?" Marquis Hood replied with a heavy heart.

The power of the royal family is getting stronger day by day, but these lords are still the same, and they haven't even recovered from the defeat outside the Great Wall.

The balance was broken, and if this continued, he had to worry about the future of the family.

At this time, along with the whispers of the nobles, everyone also understood the possible consequences of this kind of locomotive, and shook their heads in opposition.

Even the big lords who are close to the royal family are no exception.

The meaning of the existence of the lord is to guard the uncontrollable land for the The balance of power is already very different. If the king's army can quickly reach all parts of the kingdom.

Then these lords, I am afraid they will lose any role. At that time, who can guarantee that the king will not deprive them of their territory?

The idea of ​​establishing a unified country is not unknown in this world. The Blue Kingdom has done so in the past few decades, but it was later deceived by others and it did not work out.

"Oh, why bother, even if you don't agree, I will build it in the prince of the royal family." Simon shook his head with a smile.

The royal domain is the king's territory, which accounts for half of the Silver Moon Kingdom. If he wants to start construction in the domain, these people have no power to stop it.

The royal family's public domain is located in the heart of the kingdom, connecting the north and south of the kingdom, and those corners are the lord's private domain.

Once the railway is established in the royal domain, his army can still reach all parts of the kingdom quickly, but it is not so convenient.

Therefore, in his view, these lords are completely doing nothing, meaningless.

"Your Majesty, I hope you know that the existence of a lord is meaningful after all." Marquis Hood said with a gloomy expression.

After the Sissoko family's strength has been greatly reduced, it has gradually lost its voice in the lord group, and now only the Hood family can represent the lord's power.

Simon glanced at him indifferently: "I also hope you know that the wheels of fate are rolling, and the changes of the times will come eventually. If you can't adapt to the changes, you can only be eliminated!"

The lords in the audience felt powerless in their hearts. They knew what the king meant, and they also knew that the enfeoffment system might become history in the near future.

But the huge gap in strength made them powerless to resist, so they could only let Simon hold the reins of fate around their necks step by step.