MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 669 : Legion Expansion

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"The orc infestation is becoming more and more frequent. In order to meet the needs of the war, according to His Majesty's decree, 50,000 people will be recruited to the new army. The requirements for recruiting soldiers are males between the ages of 16 and 25, in good health and without disabilities or diseases. If you want to join the army, sign up now!"

In the third year of Simon's reign, the Silvermoon Kingdom has completely recovered from its weakness, and under the double stimulus of war and maritime trade, it has begun to explode its potential, showing faint signs of prosperity.

At the same time, the orcs of the Red Scorpion Khanate are also ready to move, showing signs of restarting the war.

To be on the safe side, he decided to expand the new army and recruit another 50,000 regular army soldiers to deal with the war that may come at any time.

An edict was announced to the whole country, and the hearts of the people were stirred up.

Soldiers in the regular army have a solid job, and the treatment of the new regiment is notoriously good, and they don't need to bring their own weapons and equipment.

Many people have long wanted to participate, but the new legion didn't recruit people except when it was established. This time is a good opportunity.

In the poverty alleviation base on the outskirts of the capital, Bram also saw this notice. He suppressed his excitement, carried the brown bread he bought, and ran back to his home in the slums.

In the slums, there are many orphans and widowed elderly. Since the establishment of the poverty alleviation base, in order to allow more people to live a peaceful life, Simon has encouraged these people to form families spontaneously.

Because the positions in the poverty alleviation base are really limited, it is impossible to fully help everyone.

After these orphans and widows form a family, one or two people often work to support four or five people, and they can help each other, which greatly improves the living standards of the people in the slums.

Bram is the beneficiary of it. He was just an orphan and lived on begging as a whole.

But later, for some reason, he lost his nerve and picked up a younger orphan as his younger brother. The life of begging became more and more difficult.

Bram will never forget that winter ten years ago, the cold and hunger made him think that he and his brother might not make it through.

Fortunately, I met two kind-hearted people at that time and gave them food and cotton clothes. Fortunately, these things, if they were coins, might be snatched by the members of the gray gang.

When talking about it, looking at the noble children who were not much older than him, but dressed gorgeously, Bram was not jealous, why these people were born to enjoy happiness, but they have to suffer.

However, this idea only flashed in my mind, and then it was ruthlessly erased by reality.

No matter how resentful a poor man is, what can he do to the nobles? The first problem Bram faces is how to take his brother through that winter.

Simply, the turning point of fate came soon.

The royal family sent people to build a poverty alleviation base on the outskirts of the city. As long as he participated in the construction, he could have food every day. After the base was built, he also got a job with his young hands and feet.

Although the wages can only barely feed him and his younger brother, it is much better than his previous situation of starving for days after eating a meal.

But after the food problem was solved, a new problem arose.

He has to work all day every day, so he really has no time to take care of his younger brother, and both of them are orphans, usually sleep on the street, and have no place to live at all.

Whether it is buying a house or renting a house, it is not something two poor orphans can do. After the wages of the poverty alleviation base are full, there is almost no money left.

At this time, the poverty alleviation base began to encourage widows and poor people to form families spontaneously.

Bram immediately thought of a person, the one-legged old Jack who also begged in the same area and knew him when he was working on the poverty alleviation base.

I heard that he was a soldier when he was young, and he was still a soldier in the regular army, so his family had some savings.

It's a pity that he was injured in a later battle, and one leg was forced to be amputated. As a result, the whole person became depressed. He relied on drinking every day to survive, and finally his family was ruined.

Although he had to come out to beg, the house of the one-legged old Jack is still there, and he has no heirs or family members, and he has rich experience, so he is a very good candidate.

After several rounds of visits and fooling around, the one-legged old Jack, who had long been disheartened, finally accepted the two brothers.

He goes out to work every day to support the one-legged old man and his younger brother, while the old Jack is responsible for helping him take care of his younger brother, and the younger brother does some housework as much as he can, and helps the old Jack who is handicapped.

Now, the family has no worries about food and clothing, and his younger brother is sent to the church class by him to learn to read and write. Old Jack is no longer depressed, and life is getting more and more hopeful.

Back home, Bram put the brown bread he bought on the table, and his brother Eli and old Jack had already made noodle soup and side dishes.

After the family prayed, they began to eat. During this period, Bram hesitated several times, but was still unable to speak.

Old Jack, who had a lot of experience, naturally saw his entanglement, and said impatiently, "Just say what you want!"

After all, Old Jack had been a soldier, and he was still a soldier in the regular army. Even though he had lost a leg, it still made Bram a little afraid.

He faltered and said: "When I was working today, I saw the recruitment announcement."

Old Jack froze suddenly, and asked in a long silence, "Do you want to go?"

Bram nodded. The atmosphere at the table was a bit heavy, and his younger brother Eli shrank his neck in fear.

Old Jack was silent again, pointing to his broken leg, and sighed: "Look here, kid, the battlefield is no joke."

Although there was no war in the past few years, the First Legion he was in was also responsible for clearing out bandits and barbarian camps in the kingdom. His leg was bitten off by a jackal.

And from the battles outside the Great Wall, the Battle of Buluo Fortress, and the Battle of Yelin River in the past few years, it is not difficult to see that the war with the orcs is ten or a hundred times more tragic than the suppression of the barbarians!

After ten years of getting along with each other, old Jack has regarded Bram and Eli as his own children, and of course he doesn't want to see them go to the battlefield.

Bram was also silent for a long time, and smiled helplessly: "Grandpa Jack, I am a man, and I am already twenty-two years old."

Of course he knew that the battlefield was dangerous, but he also had reasons for joining the army.

It is already the limit to support this small family with the wages of the poverty alleviation base alone, but he is not willing to be a poor person all the time.

"Oh? You have someone you like, who is it? Let me guess, it can't be Bessie!" Old Jack suddenly realized that only a man can understand.

He really overlooked this point. It is not enough to have enough food. The children also need to start a family and start a business. If you want to get out of the poor class quickly, joining the army seems to be the only option.

Bram blushed slightly, and nodded embarrassingly.

Bessie was also a begging orphan before, and later formed a family because of the poverty alleviation base, and lived near Old Jack's house. She was slender and had a good face.

Although she cannot be called a beauty, she is also the object of crush of many teenagers in the slums.

It is also worth mentioning that Bessie is also known as the daughter of the gods. It is said that whoever marries her will have good luck, because when she was begging in the past, a piece of black bread appeared out of nowhere in the bowl.

Of course, this is just a joke, and it has not been recognized by the church. It is even a question of whether it has been heard by the church. After all, no one has ever cared about these poor people.

Seeing his brother nodding, Eli buried his head even deeper. In fact, he also had a crush on Bessie. Although she was two years older than him, who let the slums be the only one to see.

Seeing Bram's firm gaze, old Jack was stunned for a long time, heaved a long sigh in his heart, then limped out of his bedroom and took out something wrapped in a long strip of cloth.

Under the curious gazes of the two brothers, the strip of cloth was untied, revealing a long sword emitting a cold light.

This high-quality long sword is at least worth a few gold coins. It was used by old Jack when he joined the army. Since it was his own weapon, he could bring it back after he was discharged from the army.

Even in the worst of times, Jack Sr. never thought of selling it.

Caressing the long sword, memories came to my mind, the old Jack pointed the long sword at Bram: "Kneel down!"

Bram, who was confused, didn't know what old Jack was doing, but he still got down on one knee.

Old Jack was silent for a moment, took back the long sword, held it in both hands and handed it to Bram: "My child, I give you this long sword, I hope you can use it to protect your loved ones, and I hope you can defeat your enemies with it! "

Seeing Old Jack gifting him the treasured long sword, Bram's eyes turned red, and a warm current surged in his heart.

But at this time, the younger brother Eli, who was next to him, suddenly interjected inappropriately: "Grandpa Jack, you don't need to bring your own weapons to join the army now, and you are not allowed to bring your own weapons. They will be distributed uniformly!"

The corner of Old Jack's mouth twitched, and then he said stiffly: "Of course I know, this is just a symbol, I hope your brother can make great achievements on the battlefield, and the beauty he hugs will return!"

Seeing the embarrassment of old Jack, Bram smiled helplessly, and then solemnly put away the long sword.

The next day, Bram, who was going to sign up for the army, pushed open the door, and saw Bessie, whom he had a crush on, sitting on a low wall, lifting her legs back and forth boredly.

"Cough!" Bram walked over as if nothing had happened. "Bessie, sit on the wall and kick your legs. This is not a lady's behavior."

The girl glanced at him contemptuously: "First, I'm just a pauper, not a noble lady. Second, your strike-up skills are really bad."

Bram was embarrassed, wishing he could dig a hole to bury himself, and his face turned red.

Slowing down, the girl hesitated and asked, "Are you going to sign up to join the army?"

Bram was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that his younger brother should have informed him, so he nodded helplessly.

The girl was silent for a moment: "Come back alive."

She knew Bram liked her, and she knew why Bram wanted to join the army.

It has to be said that compared to those men who only dare to fall in love secretly but dare not take action, she already has a slight liking for Bram in her heart, at least she still looks like a man.

Bram's embarrassed face gradually fell silent, and he nodded gently: "I will!"

The boy walked away gradually, and the girl sat on the low wall, looking at his back with melancholy.


My name is Mikil, the head of the Sissoko family, and one of the four Marquises of the Silvermoon Kingdom.

In the castle of the Sissoko family, Mikkel is looking at the sky from the balcony. Since choosing to give up the territory, the strength of the Sissoko family has plummeted, and its influence is not as good as before.

The retainers were worried about this, and even publicly accused him of being incompetent. As the head of the family, no one was more anxious about the current situation of the family than him.

But the reality of the bad situation did not allow him to relax a bit. Instead of acting rashly, it is better to quietly wait for the time to come.

But now, an opportunity appeared in front of Mikkel. The reason why he hesitated was because this opportunity was too dangerous and crazy.

The new legion is the lifeblood of the king, and the nobles have never been allowed to intervene in the slightest. This large-scale expansion of recruitment is an opportunity in Mikkel's eyes.

The recruiting announcement didn't say that the Marquis couldn't join the army, did he? I am a dignified marquis going to be an ordinary soldier, what a good example, you shouldn't refuse, right?

As long as he can enter the new army, Mikil has enough confidence. No matter how the future situation changes, as long as King Simon does not fall, the Sissoko family will be fine, and may even seek to grow.

It's just... since I chose to be an ordinary soldier, I have to bear the price of an ordinary soldier.

Using the family's resources, he is now a master fighter, and the training is so hard that it is nothing, mainly because of the discussions and criticisms of the nobles in the whole kingdom.

"I'm the head of the family, for the sake of the family!" Mikil closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and rode a carriage to the nearest recruitment office.

Seeing the carriages of the great nobles approaching, and the people queuing up at the registration office, UU reads www.uukanshu. com have consciously made way.

"Name? Age? Identity? Where do you live? Fill it out yourself!" When he came to the registration office, the officer in charge of recruiting asked without looking up.

This impatient attitude instantly angered Mikil's guards, but he waved his hand with a smile, picked up the form and filled it out on his own.

The official took the completed form and murmured: "Mikeel Sissoko, twenty-five years old, Marquis of the Kingdom, lives in Lion Castle..."

Blinking, the official's brain didn't react for a while. He raised his head suddenly and saw Mikil who was smiling, so he hurriedly got up: "Master Marquis!"

"Why, don't I meet the registration criteria?" Mikel asked with a smile.

"No, conformity is conformity, it's just..." The brain of the officer in charge of recruiting was short-circuited. A majestic Marquis of the Kingdom came to join the army. Are you crazy or am I crazy?

"Don't rush to refuse, report the matter to His Majesty the King, and he will naturally make a decision." Seeing that the officials were in a dilemma, Mikil kindly gave advice.

"Yes, yes, let the king make a decision!" The official wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied with relief.

Anyway, if there is any trouble, just push it to the king, who made him the king!


A few days later, the news reached Simon. He paced in the study for a long time before sighing: "He is indeed a smart man, let him go!"

As Mikel thought, such a good example, he, the king, could not refuse at all.

Forget it, since he is a smart person, he shouldn't be stupid. The new army must be a long sword in the hands of the king.

This point is absolutely indisputable!