MTL - Heroes of Silver Moon-Chapter 674 : Orc Court

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The autumn wind was bleak, and in King Khan's big tent, King Batu of Red Scorpion Khan was entertaining two distinguished guests.

Batu proudly raised the horn cup and drank it all in one gulp: "Respect Your Majesty the Emperor!"

The two elders of the Golden Tent from the Beastman King's Court also drank it down: "Respect Your Majesty the Emperor!"

"Tsk." The spiciness of the drink made Batu purse his lips tightly, and then he looked at the two elders of the Golden Tent: "You two are here this time..."

The status and strength of the Beast King's Court is almost the same as that of the Human Holy Empire.

But as the leader of the orc country, unless he fights a continental war with humans, he will not interfere in the internal affairs of other orc countries.

Therefore, as the Khan King of the Red Scorpion Khanate, he naturally had to ask clearly what the purpose of these two legendary powerhouses from the royal court was.

The two elders of the Golden Tent looked at each other, and then one of them said: "King Zuo Xian thinks that this war between you and the Silver Moon Kingdom may break the current deadlock on the main continent, so he sent us here, and when necessary Help out."

Batu suddenly realized that the situation on the main continent had indeed been stalemate for several years. Neither the orcs nor the humans could do anything to each other, and the two sides continued to work like this.

In the last war with the Silvermoon Kingdom, the situation changed so quickly that the orc royal court didn't react at all.

But this time it was different.

Five years ago, the main force of the Silver Moon Kingdom was almost wiped out. Even if they were lucky enough to win the Battle of Ye Linhe, they would have suffered heavy losses.

Coupled with the loss of the Buluo Fortress and the area north of the Yelin River, the war initiative has been lost, and the throat leading to the inland has also been strangled.

In just five years, it was impossible to recover.

On the other hand, the Red Scorpion Khanate, although underestimated the enemy at Ye Linhe, was defeated, but the strength of the main force was relatively intact, and afterward, Batu took the opportunity to annex many tribes.

The Red Scorpion Khanate's ability to mobilize for war this time is even stronger than five years ago. If the two sides go to war, it is entirely possible to crush the Silver Moon Kingdom and open a gap in the stalemate situation on the mainland.

The orc king's court, who had been concerned about this war for a long time, naturally would not miss this opportunity.

Batu looked at the two Golden Tent Elders, rolled his eyes, and said with emotion: "Since it is the meaning of Zuo Xianwang, then I dare not disobey, but..."

"The great defeat five years ago had a great impact on our morale. The warriors have not yet regained their composure. Even when they heard the name of the Silver Moon King, they were afraid. This king can't wait to win it immediately. Silvermoon Kingdom, how can it be so powerless!"

Hearing Batu's complaint, the corners of the mouths of the two Golden Tent Elders twitched at the same time. They were neither fools, so they naturally knew that the Red Scorpion Khan King was taking the opportunity to ask for benefits.

As distinguished elders of the Golden Tent, if it weren't for special circumstances, they might have walked away, and even beat up the ignorant Red Scorpion King before leaving.

But this opportunity is so important to the Beastman Royal Court. King Zuo Xian, who is in charge of dealing with ordinary affairs, even pays attention to this matter all the time.

This is also impossible, because the innovation ability of human beings is far beyond that of orcs.

Thousands of years ago, when the struggle for hegemony between the two poles first showed signs, the orcs, relying on their strong physique and ferocious temperament, defeated the human beings who once beat them.

But as humans became less and less a threat, problems began to appear within the orcs, and many countries fought because of the uneven distribution of spoils, which gave humans time to breathe.

Slowly, when human knights put on airtight iron cans, when human crossbowmen appeared in batches on the battlefield.

The orcs were surprised to find that their strong bodies could not smash these iron bumps, and their unflinching soldiers could only return without success in the face of overwhelming arrows.

That was the most glorious era for human beings. Not only did they regain the lost land, they even captured many orc countries.

But later, the same problem also appeared within human beings. Once the sense of crisis was eliminated, the allied countries began to hold each other back.

In the end, the situation on the main continent turned into a confrontation between the orcs and humans, and no one could do anything to the other.

But many high-ranking orcs knew in their hearts that the orcs would only guard the grassland and graze, and there would be no changes or improvements for thousands of years.

But human beings are different!

They can always come up with those strange things. With the development of the times, the orc countries are actually struggling to face the continental war.

If it weren't for the human nations to throw all the pressure of the war on the Holy Empire, I am afraid that the main continent will completely belong to humans at this time.

If the situation on the main continent is not broken, if the two sides continue to stand in such a stalemate, once the human beings have breakthrough innovations, the orcs will never recover.

Therefore, the Beastman Royal Court will never let go of any opportunity that might break the deadlock.

An elder of the Golden Tent smiled and said: "Since the warriors of your country are timid to fight, they should simply hide behind other people. They will send reinforcements to help, at least not less than 100,000 people, King Khan can use these people to be the vanguard."

Inside and outside the words, there is a kind of sarcasm, the most despised by orcs are cowards, but now, the Red Scorpion Khan King uses the timidity of his subordinates as an excuse to gain benefits.

Batu smiled lightly. Although they were both legendary powerhouses, these two were not kings, so naturally they would not understand the difficulties of a king.

The Silver Moon Kingdom guarded the Yelin River and forcibly crossed the river to fight. The vanguard would definitely suffer heavy casualties, and even if they defeated the opponent, they would still have to face reinforcements from the empire.

The contest between the orc king's court and the Holy Empire will inevitably turn the land of the Silvermoon Kingdom into a meat grinder, no matter how many soldiers come to fill it.

Therefore, as the main chess piece, the Red Scorpion Khanate must of course find a way to preserve its strength.

"To His Majesty the Emperor!" Batu raised his glass again.

The other two Golden Tent Elders also raised their wine glasses and said in agreement, "To His Majesty the Emperor!"


In the royal palace, Simon sat in the study with a map of Silvermoon Kingdom and its surrounding areas in front of him. He fell into deep thought as he looked at it.

The Silvermoon Kingdom is just a small country, and Simon knew this very early on. Once upon a time, he felt that this land was just his starting point.

But in the dark, he has long been tied to this land, and it is destined that such things as walking the world with a sword can only be imagined in his mind.

"Have you encountered any problems?" Irina hugged him gently from behind.

Simon suddenly recovered from his daze: "No, no, if the orcs of the Red Scorpion Khanate are still at the level of five years ago, then we will win, so there is nothing to worry about."

Irina smiled helplessly. Sometimes, Simon's self-confidence can really make people feel at ease. She whispered in Simon's ear: "Guess what good news I brought."

Simon raised his eyebrows slightly, and after carefully observing his wife for a while, he affirmed, "You are pregnant!"

For the legendary powerhouse, the life fluctuation in Irina's abdomen is indeed too conspicuous...

"Cut, it's boring, I wanted to give you a surprise." Irina rolled her eyes, what is the sense of a legendary strong man, you can guess for yourself if you have the ability!

Simon put his hand on his wife's lower abdomen, feeling the throbbing of life with his heart. It was easy to say it verbally, but it was related to the contest of various forces, how could it be possible that there would be no pressure once.

Although she had only been back for a few months, Erina couldn't sleep almost every night, and could only catch up on sleep during the day, and it was only natural that she would become pregnant.

There are also elf sisters who live in the cathedral, and Simon also takes time to pamper them.

"Honey, don't think too much, we will win this battle." Simon confidently comforted Irina. Although he already had a son, his wife's pregnancy still made him very excited.

"I don't know if we will win this battle, but I know that tonight you will definitely go to the cathedral to find those two coquettish foxes." Irina rolled her eyes again.

This made Simon scratch his head in embarrassment: "Well, how come, I will definitely only accompany you tonight."

"Hmph, is it?" Irina completely dismissed this, but she knew how hard this man was.

At night, Simon faithfully fulfilled his promise and accompanied Irina to sleep peacefully, but he did not fully fulfill his promise, because he really went to the cathedral after making sure his wife was asleep.

Livia is still reading a book with her sister in her arms. After all, this era lacks entertainment activities, especially the cathedral is the only entertainment activity for them.

Simon walked out of the void, hugged Alice and began to roll on the bed, and the flame of passion immediately heated up the whole room.

Livia, who was already used to this, closed the book and walked outside, but was grabbed by Simon: "Don't go! Let's go together!"

Livia rolled her eyes, and so did Alice, saying in unison: "Get lost!"

They are Simon's women and sisters, and although Simon really wants to be a dragon and a double phoenix, the two never let him achieve this goal.

And for no other reason than to want to share Simon's love with others, even if it's just in bed, even with his own sister.

In the end, Alice stayed, because Simon was the one who hugged her at the beginning, and Livia was unwilling to fight with her sister.

After the the little loli lay on Simon's chest and drew circles: "Tell me, do you like me more, my sister more, or your queen more?"

Simon turned over, pressed Alice under him again, and said into her eyes: "I said a long time ago that the love I give to you three is equal, but I won't challenge you just because I am capricious. The reality is cruel, that's why I spend more time with Irina."

Alice sighed helplessly, wrapped her hands around Simon's neck, and said with emotion: "Why are you so rational, can't you turn your anger into a beauty?"

Simon took a deep breath and explained patiently: "It is good for the three of you to deal with the reality rationally. If you show too much preference, the two of you will be in trouble sooner or later!"

The queen represents not only a person, but also an interest group, especially now that war may break out at any time, it is impossible for him to destroy the internal stability of the kingdom.

Alice pouted, and put a smirk into Simon's ear: "Okay! I'm convinced, so you can always tell me, who is more comfortable in bed with?"

"Alice!" Simon looked at Little Lolita helplessly: "You are the king's woman, can you stop being so vulgar?"

"Then let me put it in an elegant way, His Majesty the King prefers, which woman do you have **** with?" Alice looked at Simon molestingly.

The corner of Simon's mouth twitched, and he thought about it carefully: "The three of you each have their own merits, but well... you are indeed the best."

Alice looked helpless: "Well, just pretend that you think I'm better."

Simon kissed her forehead and said with a smirk: "Let's serve the king first!"

"Hmm..." Alice wanted to speak, but her mouth was blocked directly.