MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 255 01. Backtracking key 10

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Consciousness gradually recovers from obscurity. When there is light in front of you, you can still know that you have completed a backtracking.

He found himself lying in a display case at the moment, neatly arranged with a row of strange magic numbers on both sides. Obviously, he is also one of these magic numbers.

[The original body of the host has been destroyed, the millennium suffocation is also washed by the heroic value, the system reshapes the pen body for the host, and the mana is zero. 】

In other words, he can only do a quiet pen like a chicken?

[Correct, although quiet as a chicken, but the host is a "pen", not an ordinary pen. 】

The mana is zero, can't be shaped, and the suffocation is gone. What is the difference with the ordinary pen?

[The difference is that the host has a sense of autonomy and can re-cultivate. 】

How long does it take to train to the formation stage?

[According to the aura content of this world, it is estimated that it will take three hundred years to reach the stage of transformation. 】

OK: The time I passed to this world is...

[The fifth year after the host became a gray. 】

Acceptable: The average life expectancy of the world is 120 years old. When I practiced for three hundred years, Wen Jingyu was already 336 years old.

[Yes b (=^_^=)d]

Still ok table: So what is the significance of my back? Lying in the counter waiting for the old attack to die? !

[Wu Jing's body of blessing can help the host to cultivate and speed up the transformation, as long as he finds the right one at the right time. 】

I can still use my mind to scan a circle, surrounded by crowds of people, lively and extraordinary, but his store counters, customers are scarce, the location is not very eye-catching. Of course, this is not the point. The focus is on the people. What kind of luck does he need to wait until Wen Jingyan walks into the mall, finds the counter, and accurately selects him from the massive magic pen, and then spends 3000. ¥ buy him back? !

That's right, his price is 2969¥, and it's 3000 for four days.

Nima, it is too cheap!

With Wen Jingwei's net worth, even if you want to buy a pen, it is also Haute Couture! Less than 100,000 don't have to think about it!

System, is there any way to bring people over? For example, what dreams.

[There is no such method. 】

So he can't do anything, can only wait stupidly?

"Beauty, trouble you take this pen out and show it to me." At this moment, a strange voice came from the top of his head.

It is still possible to follow the prestige, only to see a middle-aged man in a suit standing in front of the counter, pointing his position.

Don't you mean it? Uncle!

"Okay." The counter lady smiled sweetly at him.

Immediately, I felt that my body was moved and then placed on the glass counter. The middle-aged man picked him up and looked over and over.

Fog grass, touch what touch! Hurry and let me go! It’s still awkward to “try” the customers who are trying to test.

“Well? Why can’t you write?” The customer drew a few times on the paper and found nothing drawn.

Shang Ke (╰ _ ╯): In addition to my man, no one wants me to vomit!

The counter lady took it and checked it. She said: "This pen may not be debugged yet. Can you see something else?"

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time." The customer seems to have doubts about the quality of the brand and has simply left.

The counter lady is depressed, she will be able to put it back, and then call the maintenance department to let them check it out.

The maintenance department quickly sent someone over. After checking, I found everything was normal. I couldn't help but complain: "Isn't it normal? What do you need to repair? The people in our maintenance department are all busy like dogs. You have nothing to do with us." ?"

The counter lady is not guilty.

Still can only say sorry to her lying on the gun. He suddenly realized a serious problem, he is now a commodity, and he may be bought by irrelevant people at any time. Even if he can pretend to be a fake, but the number of times, will certainly be sent to repair, and then there is no chance to see Wen Jingyi.

what can we do about it? Really anxious!

When she was still trapped in the counter of the mall, Wen Jingyi also "wake up" from her sleep. The memory of this world is like passing through the head of a horse. Joy, sadness, waiting, persistence, exhaustion... countless emotions come to mind.

When he accepted the reality of rebirth, it was already half an hour later.

Wen Jingzhen stared at the date on the computer, and his heart rose with endless sadness and anger. Since he gave him the opportunity to be born again, why not let him go back before the cocoa has not disappeared!

For five years, Coco has been away from him for five years!

Do you want to let him relive a life without cocoa?

"Bastard!" Wen Jingyi swept all the things on the table to the ground.

"Smell, are you all right?" The secretary heard the news and quickly came in to check the situation.

"Roll! Get out!" Wen Jingyu's eyes were red, his expression was like a evil spirit, and the secretary immediately retired.

Sitting on the chair in sorrow, Wen Jing groaned with a painful forehead, and kept whispering in his mouth: "Cocoa, cocoa..."

After a while, Wen Jingyan took out a small box from his arms and gently opened it. Then his face suddenly changed, and there was nothing in it! Cocoa left the pen gray is gone!

Wen Jingyu slowly raised his head and flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. Since he can be born again, cocoa may not work. The ash is gone, does it mean that cocoa is also born again?

He stood up and Wenjing began to look around and turned all the magic pens out, but did not find his cocoa.

He picked up the keys, rushed out of the office and went straight to the parking lot. I drove back to my place of residence and turned the house upside down until I decided that there was no trace of cocoa to finally stop this crazy behavior.

Wen Jingyi stood on the balcony and looked at the bustling city, making a silent cry: Coco, where are you?

After studying for three days, I finally found a good way to summon the old attack, which is to send him a message by using webmail or SMS!

Although he can't shape it now, he can't move, but he can use ideas to easily control some electronic devices. It's just that the time can't be too long and not too far from the device.

The first choice is the counter's cell phone. After several trials, he finally successfully entered a piece of information: **** mall, 4th floor, 19th cocoa.

Entering this information, it took about half an hour, but fortunately, the counter lady did not check her mobile phone during this time, otherwise she might have thought it would happen.

I have to sigh my own magical memory. After several centuries, I still remember the communication number of Wen Jingwei. As long as he did not change, he would certainly receive his own information.


The voice of the mobile phone sent a message, Wen Jingyi originally did not intend to pay attention, but the person who knew his personal communication number was his relatives and friends, so he finally took out his mobile phone.

When I look at the information, his expression instantly solidifies.

Xx mall 4th floor 19th cocoa!


Wen Jingyu’s fingers trembled and he dialed several times before dialing the number to send the text message. After the connection, there was a nice female voice on the opposite side: "Hey, which one?"

"Is the text message just sent by you?" Wen Jingyan asked eagerly.

"SMS, what text?"

Listening to her tone, the text message may not be sent by her.

Wen Jingyi tried to control his emotions and asked: "Sorry, madam, are you in the **** mall now?"

"Yes, I am a staff member at **** Mall."

Wen Jingyi immediately claimed that she had a friend who was missing in the mall. She then described the appearance of the okay and asked if she had seen this type of boy.

Although the counter lady was puzzled, she politely replied: "Sorry, I have not seen it."

Wen Jingyan is not disappointed. Since there is a clue, he will be able to find cocoa sooner or later.

Before ending the call, Wen Jingyi casually asked: "What goods are you selling at the counter?"

"Universal magic pen, if Mr. is interested, can..."

Not waiting for her to sell, Wen Jingyi has quickly hang up the phone, rushing down the stairs, driving the car to the location where the mall is located.

Magic number pen! He should have thought of it!

I can still hear the call from the counter lady and Wen Jingwei, and I was very happy. SMS Raiders success! The rest is waiting for him to buy him back.

Just thinking about it, several customers came to the counter to pick up the goods. I still feel a few lines of sight passing over him, secretly praying that they should not pick themselves. However, contrary to expectations, a guy with a lack of sight has taken a fancy to his low-key "beauty."

"This pen is pretty." This guy seems to be very happy with his appearance.

What's beautiful, can't use it, can't write words at all, don't believe you try!

Under the control of the intention, the other party failed the test without any accident, and then he was put back into the counter.

The counter lady looked at his eyes and it was burning. It was obviously a fake. Why did the **** in the maintenance department fail to check? !

I don't care, I feel so good to fly.

I don't know how long it took, the customers in front of the counter left, and he finally waited for the people he had to wait for!

The 36-year-old Wen Jingzhen, as the past is quite tough, but it seems that there is a bit more vicissitudes between the eyebrows. The whole person looks like a mobile Lohan Living Buddha under the glory of the blessings.

Only this time, he is no longer afraid of the blessings on his body.

Eon! Mydearest! Let the Buddha light shine more!

When Wen Jingyu came to the counter, the eager sight was swept across a row of magic numbers.

Here it is! You can still wave your arms in your consciousness.

However, he can't be shaped, just a pen that is hidden like a chicken in the sea.

You can still control your own ideas and try to make your pen shine. However, under the light of the display cabinet, the firefly on his body did not exert the amazing effect that made him stand out.

Dear! I am here! Still shouting in tears, he did not stretch out his hand.

Looking at Wen Jingyu in front of the counter and turning around again and again, I still feel that I am about to explode!

Just as he racked his brains to try to attract someone's attention, Wen Jingyan suddenly said a word, and instantly let him burst into anger.

"All the magic pens here, I have to."

Is it a domineering side leakage?