MTL - Heroic Death System-Chapter 260 01. Present - initial

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[Backtracking is complete, the mission is over, and the host will return to the real world after five minutes. 】

I have just finished my happy life with Wen Jingwei. I haven’t had time to feel sad and miss, I heard the system’s prompt message.

"Wait, return to the real world?" Still busy, "Is there a world of sorrow and fangs?"

[The world of mission failures will disappear forever, there is no opportunity to trace back; the world of gods, touching the law, cannot restart the second time. 】

“Disappear?” It’s still a matter of heart. “What does it mean to disappear?”

[Task success, world archive; mission failure, world deletion. In other words, the world is out of control of the system, unless the host has a chance to be born into that world, allowing the system to reintegrate the rules of the world. 】

I can think for a moment and say: "What do you mean, the world in which the seal is located does not really disappear, but is it independent?"

[Can understand this. 】

“As long as I can find that world, I have a chance to go back?”

[There is nothing wrong with theory. 】

It is still possible to fix the **** a little. Although it is hopeful, it is not impossible. As long as the time and space imprint is still there, they always have a date to see each other.

Just the mission is over...

"I... can you still see him?"

[As long as the system exists for one day. 】

I still have a slight eye movement and seem to want to say something, but in the end I still did not say anything.

[Dear host, the transfer is about to begin, are you ready to return to the world? 】

I can still breathe a deep breath: "Get started."


Z Country A Central Hospital.

A patient who has been fascinated for more than nine months suddenly miraculously awakens. After a series of examinations, it is determined that all physiological functions are normal and can be discharged after rehabilitation.

"My dear, you finally woke up!" A young man took a bunch of big red roses into the ward and smiled and looked at the book on the pillow.

Can still look up at him, between the eyes, Guanghua circulated, seeing the young man's heart. A person who has been fascinated for more than nine months, shouldn’t it be bleak, his eyes are ignorant, his body is thin and his face is wilting? Why does he seem to be more radiant than before? !

"...戚辰?" Still staring at him.

"Of course it is me, except for me who is a good friend, who will come to see you in the first time?" Hao Chen put the rose on the bedside table.

I can still watch him for a while, and suddenly he said: "You... look familiar."

Yan Chen: "Did you just call out my name is Meng..."

No, it’s just that he is more concerned about his name than he is. Because Chen Yu was called "Yu Chen" before the comprehension, the time was too long, and he always called it "Chen Chen", but he forgot his real name. I didn’t think of it until I saw it.

However, it is still certain that this singer is not his birthday. Although Yu Chen also made him feel familiar, it is not the kind of familiarity.

"Well, people have seen it, you can go." Still can't wave his hand to him.

Yu Chen was hit hard: "I am good to see you, do not let me take a break and take me away?"

"You are still very embarrassed to say? I am not good if you are not good!" Still can't glare, "If you didn't always take me as your excuse, how could I be blocked by your ex-girlfriend at the intersection, then unlucky Is this a car accident?"

"What, is there such a thing?" Yu Chen looked changed and asked coldly, "Who is this?"

"What is it?"

"My ‘previous girlfriend’ who killed you in a car accident!”

"You have so many 'pre-girls', how do I know which one?" I can still look at him inexplicably. "I have always had a question. When you break up many times, I am obviously not present. You are 'pre-girls'. Why do you seem to know me all?"

Hao Chen gracefully took out a rose and licked the petals one by one in an attempt to escape the problem.

"Say!" Still can take the rose from his hand and stop him from continuing to burn the flowers.

"Cough, this is actually the case." Yu Chen whispered back and forth. "I made your photo from small to big, and made it into a qq expression pack. Every time I broke up, I bombed them with an expression pack..."

In the eyes of the sword, there are countless slang words in the brain, and finally summed up into a word: "Slag!"

For this evaluation, Yu Chen is not hurting, but also reveals a look like a red dust: "Is this kind of thing to be strong, I can't force it. It's not good for everyone to get together. I don't treat them when I am in contact. Just Feelings are weak, and naturally I have to break up."

Yes: "Oh."

The girlfriends who have been handed over by others for a lifetime have not been with you for more than a month. Are you still interested in talking about feelings?

"Don't say this, the doctor said that you can be discharged from the hospital next month. I will pick you up at the time." Yan Chen couldn't hide his eyes. Although his character is still to be considered, his concern for Shangke is true.

When the junior high school was in junior high school, both parents died. Other relatives were reluctant to adopt him. In the end, Yuchen persuaded his father to support the university. This is why it is still very tolerant to Yuchen.

The 戚辰和尚 can be completely two extremes, one is empty and unruly; one is self-satisfied and diligent. The reason why Yuchen’s father was willing to support him was to take a look at his character and hope that he would benefit his son. In fact, in addition to the invaluable heart of the heart, Yu Chen did change a lot, at least on the surface it seems to be a talent.

“How much did I spend on hospitalization?” I can ask. Every year, his family’s financial support for him has been clearly remembered. He is not worried about his family’s care. In fact, his family is very good to him. Because of this, he does not want to associate with them with a debt relationship.

Upon hearing this question, Yan Chen’s face showed a tangled expression of anger and anger, and faintly said: “The hospitalization fee is not for your care, it is paid by the perpetrators.”

“Continued to pay for more than nine months?” The hospital that can still live is the best in the city, and it is a vip ward. Maintaining daily nutrient infusion is a big expense, definitely not affordable for ordinary people. From the beginning. Strictly speaking, the main responsibility of the car accident is not the other party. If he is not accidentally pushed out by the ex-girlfriend of Yuchen, this will not happen.

"Yeah." Yu Chen didn't seem to want to talk more, and the answer was very perfunctory.

The perpetrator was really a good and generous good man, but he could start to believe in life again.

Yu Chen stayed in the ward for two hours before he reluctantly left.

I can still look at the rose bouquet that holds the bedside cabinet. I think that it is just Valentine's Day. I have a eyebrow, take a wheelchair, pick up the rose, and then come to the garden downstairs and start giving a gift.

In a five-star hotel in the urban area, Yan Xun walked out of the bathroom with bare body, and the water stains on his body were not wiped, letting the drops of water slide down the strong muscles. The deep facial features, under the projection of light, looked extremely cold. .

At this moment, a ring of mobile phone rings in the room.

Yan Xun wiped his hair while picking up the phone: "What?"

"Xun, the man lying in the hospital has already awakened."

The image of the young man emerged immediately in the mind of Yan Xun. After a few months, he didn't quite remember the appearance of the man, but some strange feelings were always lingering in his heart. It was only a glimpse of the moment, but he left a deep impression on him. It may not be strange to change to other people, but Yan Xun is a blind face. He is very sure that he really remembers his appearance when he looks at the person at first sight.

Thinking for a moment, Yan Xun changed his clothes and asked the driver to send him to the city hospital.

Going out of the car, Yan Xun followed the memory and walked toward the inpatient department. When passing through the garden, Yu Guang saw a beautiful red. Looking around, I saw a young man sitting in a wheelchair holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand and smiling and talking to people around him.

In a cold color, he is only flamboyant. Even if they are tens of meters apart, they can easily take away the attention of others.

Yan Xun involuntarily walked toward him. As the distance narrowed, his face gradually became clear in his sight. Eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips... handsome, meticulous, smiling, and happy .

For a long time, Yu Xun could only rely on sound, smell, body shape, dress, pace, habits, etc. to distinguish the identity of the people around him. At this moment, he saw a person with his eyes and remembered one person.

It's him.

Nine months ago, the young man who was injured by his driver and was still in a coma until yesterday.

Yu Xun is extremely determined.

Can still look up, the dark scorpion clearly reflects the man's figure.

No matter how his appearance changes, he can still recognize him at a glance.

You can bend your eyebrows and hand a bright red rose: "Give it to you, I hope you find your destiny partner."

Yan Xun took over the rose and said, "My name is Yu Xun."

"Hello, Yan Xun, my name is Shang Ke."

"I know." Yan Xun stared at him intently.

"I know you too." It was ridiculous. "You are the boss who smashed me into a culprits."

Yu Xun, who has never apologized: "..."

"You don't have to apologize." Shang can go on to say, "The responsibility for this accident is not for you. You also have to pay for all medical expenses. Strictly speaking, I have to thank you for your care."

"No." In front of him, Yan Xun subconsciously put away his own edge, looks like a young talent, and looks at the bodyguards and assistants around him.

"Yu Xun, I will be discharged from the hospital next Wednesday. Can I invite you to dinner at home?" The first step in abducting a lover is to first establish a relationship, first grab the stomach with the ultimate invincible food, and then Grab his heart with a horrible beauty, and then you can happily do this.

"Okay." Yan Xun did not want to agree.

Grandfather, do you want to be so refreshed? Have you forgotten to go back to the annual family gathering on Wednesday? The assistant shouted in his heart.

"That's it." Still reveals a 360-degree perfect smile without a dead end, without any surprise, flashing a man's blind eyes...