MTL - Hilarious Pampered Consort: Lord I Will Wait for Your Divorce-Chapter 1461 Detective Conspiracy 5

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Chapter 1461 Penetrating Through The Plot 5

"Taner, have you searched for Gong Zhenhun? Have you found any news?" Mo Liancheng looked at the clouds in the sky and asked a question at will.

"The gravel cottage was washed by his blood, and neither escaped. The two disciples of Ziyun Zong were also murdered by him." Qu Taner told Gong Zhen about his murder and wanted to marry him. The five elders gave instructions to Gong Zhen himself. He killed and spread rumors everywhere. "

Mo Liancheng hadn't seen this little trick, he thought about another thing, "Is there a city like Moyang in Gong Zhen's memory, or somewhere?"

"No search. Chengcheng, is there nothing in Wuxiang?"

"So many denominations are here, there must be some." Morian City looked up at the sky again. "And, according to my calculations, one of the fronts here is the main front. Just destroying this one is enough. The big battle will stop. "He is not in vain these days in Voidland, and has been carefully observing the terrain and changes.

The two continued on the road without hiding their whereabouts.

The five elders of Ziyunzong did not appear.

Two days ago, Morian City would have noticed that a high-profile figure was following. The two people stopped on purpose or walked to a place where no one could lead to each other. The other side is very cautious. The two could not confirm whether the man was the five elders of Ziyunzong.

For several days, the man did not behave, and for the time being the two did not want to bother.

When two people relaxed, something happened again.

As soon as I walked out of a small town, I noticed that someone was tracking in the dark, and more than one or two people. It is by no means the level of those shrimp soldiers and crab generals before, and the breath that is perceived is no exception. All masters are above Qingxuan, all of them have conquered murder to the extreme without revealing a trace.

The two did not fight against each other, they just looked at each other and sneered, but wanted to see who they were and whether they were the five elders.

Choose to actively avoid the crowd and come to the top of an unmanned mountain.

After waiting a long time, the secret person has not moved yet.

The city of Mo Lian stands on the top of the mountain. He was like a fairy, but he turned into a killing god, waiting for the other party to send it in, but he waited a little too much. He frowned lightly, sweeping the void, and said indifferently: "Come out, don't hide it. Waiting for you. "

For a while, there was no sound.

Qu Taner raised her eyebrows. What's going on?

Are you afraid to show up?

"Chengcheng, why don't I pick them out directly?" Qu Taner also felt that it would be a waste to accompany them, "or let Xiao Mengmeng play with them?"

As soon as her words fell, a small figure flew out of her sleeve abruptly, then rested on Qu Tan'er's shoulder, her eyes flashed with evil light, and she stared in one direction.

Recently, it has been very aggrieved. Where there are outsiders, Qu Taner will not allow it to appear and throw it into the space stone. Of course, it is unwilling. How can you quickly cultivate when thrown into the space stone? Only by being close to her could she feel the constant mystery. As a result, it could only change smaller, hiding in her sleeve.

In the sleeves, I don't always feel comfortable on my shoulders.

As soon as he heard Qu Tan'er suggest it to fix the old men behind him, it came out.

The reason without it is that the old man behind him is an accomplice.

If it weren't for the old man, it wouldn't have to hide in his sleeve.

Before the city of Merian had time to say anything, Xiao Mengmeng was like an arrow to Gong Xiang somewhere in the bushes.

(End of this chapter)