MTL - His Son Has a Richest Billionaires Dad-Chapter 4 Invite dinner

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The two people in front of them stared at Cheng Yang, waiting for Cheng Yang's answer.

Cheng Yang's fist on the side clenched sharply, struggling to prevent herself from greeting her fist.

He slowly raised his breath, and suddenly laughed.

He was already beautiful. The smile, like snowflakes falling, revealing the softness of Gao Jie, and the tight nerves of Li Ye and Song Peng also loosened.

"I don't know, that person just met by chance, and nothing happened last night. I slept on the sofa in that person's house, but your joke was quite real." Cheng Yang frowned, revealing the past That kind smile.

However, what Li Ye didn't know was that deep anger was hidden under Cheng Yang's eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's because we are too much, and there will be no next time." Li Ye saw Cheng Yang not to blame them, and went straight down to climb.

Song Pengcheng walked beside Cheng Yang, carrying Cheng Yang on one arm, and grabbing people into his arms.

Cheng Yang's eyes dropped droopingly, covering the flickering hatred inside.

Yesterday he was lucky, he was able to meet the man in the elevator and went to the other person's room instead of someone else's house, and last night's lingering, Cheng Yang admitted that the first x love would be like that Together with high-quality and handsome men, that is the best person Cheng Yang has met in reality so far. He really let Cheng Yang feel the taste, and even had a little hope in his heart.

However, even this cannot obliterate the fact that Li Ye deceived him and betrayed him.

Friends of this rubbish, Cheng Yang will never ask again.

They acted in front of him, and he could not.

Song Pengcheng they saw yesterday ’s incident as if it was Cheng Yang ’s generosity and indifference. So they came to an end. Counting it out, he did n’t lose much. It ’s a matter of signing a game company. At present, because the executive did not sleep Cheng Yang, while temporarily stranded, but they got the money.

The two now have tens of thousands each, so they propose to play a few games at the Internet cafe on the cruise ship.

"You go first, I forgot to take my mobile phone, and I will go to you after a while." The mobile phone is in Cheng Yang's pocket. He just hates to stand with the two people in his heart.

"Okay, the Internet cafe was just behind the bar yesterday, and you can see it around the corner." Song Pengcheng said without a doubt that he was holding his hand on Cheng Yang's shoulder.

Cheng Yang nodded slightly, turned around and walked upstairs. Afterwards, the two of them kept looking at him. After the disappearance of Cheng Yang disappeared, the two recovered their attention. They didn't go to the Internet cafe immediately, but went to the executive. The conversation with Cheng Yang was passed to the executives in 1510.

Knowing that nothing happened between Cheng Yang and Yan Yan, the executives are actually a little bit suspicious. After all, the kind of spring crickets he gave to Li Ye is a new breed. This medicine has been used on those little lovers. The effect is very strong, and it will not improve so easily.

Regardless of the facts, as long as Cheng Yang is not a whisperer, and executives suddenly start thinking again, it does not matter if Cheng Yang is not the first time, so Qingjun's face, beautiful body, just thinking about lying on his back red On the bed, executives felt excited.

So he took the medicine to Li Ye and asked them to go to Cheng Yang again. Medicine, Li Ye and Song Peng are a little hesitant to come. When they hear the executives promise that this will be done, they will not only sign them as professional game players, but also give them another 50,000.

They no longer hesitated and agreed.

It seems that there is no difference between selling Yang Cheng once and selling it twice.

Moreover, Cheng Yang is a man. When she is caught, she will not become pregnant like a woman, and there will be no loss.

Cheng Yang didn't know that Li Ye and they were going to give him medicine again. He returned to his room. He wanted to unscrew the lid of mineral water and drink some water. He saw a small bag while looking away.

Although Cheng Yang wanted to ignore it, the place underneath seemed to be a bit swollen. Cheng Yang stared at it for a while, and finally decided not to live with her body.

The bag contains a tube of ointment and a few days of medicine, as well as several finger cuffs.

Cheng Yang thought that the man was still very interested, looking coldly, always serious without excessive expression, but actually a very good person.

If such a person is his boyfriend ...

Cheng Yang twitched his lips and laughed at his innocence. A man is a successful person when he sees it. He is afraid that there are countless men and women who have seen him. He never falls in bed with him and likes him.

He doesn't have that much charm.

Holding the ointment and finger wraps, Cheng Yang went to the toilet, and applied the ointment to the slightly swollen area. Not only the outside but also the inside, using a small half tube, Cheng Yang leaned against By the sink, I looked up and saw the cold sweat from my forehead in the mirror.

He exhaled heavily and went out.

Raise the trousers that fell to the knees, Cheng Yang fastened the buttons, screwed the faucet, and washed her hands.

Li Ye didn't mention it actively. Cheng Yang also wanted to go to the Internet cafes to play a few games. After all, she was the anchor of the game and made money by playing games. It is better to touch the keyboard every day to avoid losing the feeling.

Li Ye and Song Pengcheng had already found a good machine when they went. The two had an empty seat beside them. They did n’t do it before, and they found a place to lean against the wall. The two played games and hi. Cheng Yang just squinted when he came. He greeted Cheng Yang and continued to indulge in the game.

Log in to your account and enter the live broadcast platform. Cheng Yang told the fans in advance that he would come out on a cruise this time. He took a day off yesterday and started the live broadcast today.

Cheng Yang technology is ranked as the best live streaming platform on the contract. He has accumulated a lot of loyal fans. He will not be like other anchors. If the game technology is not good, he will use plug-ins or rely on other methods to attract fans. Cheng Yang relies entirely on his strong technology.

He entered his room, where fans had been waiting for a long time. Cheng Yang's own headphones used to tell him in advance that he was on an Internet cafe on a cruise ship.

All kinds of welcome words flashed on the screen.

Cheng Yang does n’t talk very often during live broadcasts, and only occasionally say two sentences. Most of the time, he concentrates on playing games. Most of the fans know his habits. If some newcomers enter the room, if they ask any questions, those old fans will Help Cheng Yang answer.

The game ended at Cheng Yang's super-fast hand speed within a short while. Cheng Yang didn't stop. The second sentence followed, and teamed up with several passers-by. Those people did not know that Cheng Yang was the game anchor. The passerby's technique seemed a bit dishonest. It wasn't Cheng Yang who repelled a wave of soldiers and detoured to help each other.

The voice of thank you came from the headset, Cheng Yang said no thanks.

Cheng Yang and Li Ye did not form a team with each other. Generally, they played each other separately, unless they sometimes advertised each other and would form a team.

After finishing the four games, Cheng Yang stopped for the past two hours. A fan recommended a new game to Cheng Yang in front of it. Seeing the introduction seems good, Cheng Yang decided to play with the toy body.

He opened a new game interface, registered an account, and saw an old fan in the barrage asking him if he had a cold. Why was the sound a little husky?

"No cold, just last night ..." Cheng Yang just said a few words, and then he paused. After two seconds, he coughed and continued, "Maybe the sea breeze lasted a long time last night."

Can you take medicine if you have a cold?

It doesn't matter if you stop broadcasting for a day or two, your body is more important.

Fans of Xin Chengyang's body said.

"Actually, it's not serious." Cheng Yang naturally wouldn't tell his fans that his voice was dumb because he yelled for too long last night. To say this, he probably didn't need to do live broadcast.

Cheng Yang lived for three to four hours each time. In the next hour, he played a new game. The game was a single player, not a group battle. Cheng Yang got on fast, although she died several times in a row, and finally finally Can go far, although the result is still dead.

Cheng Yang dropped the game here, and then also exited the live broadcast room. Before leaving, he told the fans that, if nothing unexpected, it should be at this time tomorrow.

On the other side, Li Ye and they are playing games, but there is no live broadcast, and both of them feel that entering the professional team is a sure thing. In addition, now that they have some unexpected money, they are too lazy to broadcast live.

Cheng Yang used to ask them if they wanted to go down. Li Ye waved his hand and didn't speak, apparently he didn't want to leave the Internet cafe.

The two did not get off the plane, but Cheng Yang wanted to see it, and he went out one by one.

The sky is clear and the sea water is blue. Looking at this vast sky and sea, Cheng Yang feels that her whole body and mind are slowly calming down.

There was a beach on the cruise ship. At this time, many people were playing on the beach. Cheng Yang went down to the beach, looked for a location on the left corner, and then sat on the beach.

The sun was shining, and the warm daylight was shining on people. Cheng Yang looked up and squinted to enjoy this moment of happiness.

The corners of her lips are slightly hooked, and her smile is bright.

Upstairs was talking to people about investment matters, and his eyes were tilted to the beach at will, so a face of Qing Jun who had seduced him last night suddenly came into view.

Yan Yan stared at Cheng Yang, who was quietly basking in the sun below, and his eyes became deeper and deeper. People around him noticed that Yan Yan suddenly stared at a certain place, followed the Yan Yan's gaze, and saw a look that was really pretty Boy.

"If you like it, I'll ask someone to come to him." The man thought that Yanyan became interested in the boy.

As a result, his words fell short, and his words turned back. The sharp iciness in his expression made the man in front of him gasp in horror.

"No." Yan Yan turned around and missed each other's shoulders. The investment hasn't been finished, but looking at Yan Yan's expression, it seems that he is not ready to talk again.

The people behind him hesitated for a moment, following the pace of catching up with the words.

Cheng Yang knows that many people are watching him, and this situation is very common in school.

These attentions are relatively friendly, so Cheng Yang did not care too much.

But it didn't take long before, Cheng Yang straightened up and looked back behind her.

There were a pair of men, women, and women with heavy makeup, wearing a mini dress with suspenders, and she nestled in the bosom of a middle-aged man who was plump and looked particularly greasy. The man was estimated to be two years older than a woman. One can be called offensive naked eyes.

The man's gaze was very aggressive, as if he had stripped Cheng Yang's clothes, and then admired Cheng Yang's body unscrupulously.

Cheng Yang was very disgusted with this kind of gaze. He stood up directly and there was such a person staring at him. He couldn't be considered non-existent. He also sat here on the beach for some time and could leave.

When Cheng Yang left, Cheng's eyes fell down to his lower body. Even though Cheng Yang turned his back to the other side, he still felt the sight disgustingly disgusting him.

The ship is also equipped with a small book bar, Cheng Yang found the past according to the route marked on the ticket.

The book bar is located in a relatively small place. Compared with the noise on the beach, the book bar is much quieter here.

When it was dark in the book bar, Cheng Yang hadn't figured out what to eat at night. For physical reasons, he couldn't eat as usual.

He had just come out of the book bar, and another man stood before him.

The comer's face was a little familiar, and Cheng Yang suddenly saw that the other was carrying a bag in his hand, and the bag contained his own clothes—the wet clothes that fell into the room of Yan Yan, just now As if, the clothes seemed to be washed and dried.

"Hello, our uncle always asked me to bring your clothes over." The other hand politely handed the clothes to Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang received it and took out his clothes. He remembered that he tore off a few buttons, and the clothes buttons in front of him were well on it.

"Do you have an appointment for a few days?" The assistant to the president asked Cheng Yang with a decent smile.

Cheng Yang replied subconsciously: "No."

"I always hope that I can invite you for a meal tonight, an apology for the offense last night." The assistant conveyed the meaning of the words.

After being shocked for a moment, Cheng Yang refused immediately without much thought.

"No, it's not offensive, it's my own carelessness."

The assistant follows the Yan Yan for some years, and can basically reach the true intention of his president.

He saw Cheng Yang refused so succinctly, knowing that the other party might not want to have a relationship with Yan Yan, but his boss gave him such a task again, then he must complete it.

"The restaurant seat has been booked, and now Mr. Xi is waiting there. Please be sure to accept our invitation." The assistant's words are sincere and quite kind. If Cheng Yang does not agree, she will continue to consume with Cheng Yang. Stance.

Such a high-quality man, unless Cheng Yang's aesthetic is abnormal, otherwise it is really very difficult. Maybe it is rolling over the sheets with the man. The other person is regarded as Cheng Yang's first man. It can also be said that the other person taught Cheng Yang x love How wonderful.

Cheng Yang likes to express his face and the perfect body of the other male hormonal. Cheng Yang has a tangled heart, but he can't bear the huge attraction of the man's body, and then he nods.

That meal Cheng Yang went with a little bit of heart, but throughout the process, Yan Yan treated Cheng Yang with a rather gentleman's performance.

The other party began to apologize to Cheng Yang and didn't mention it later.

Cheng Yang originally thought that she would be more restrained when eating at the table with people who had been in bed. As a result, when she didn't know it, the whole person relaxed.

They seem to have known each other for a long time, not just for more than a day. Cheng Yang knows the name of the man and knows that the other party is in business. Specifically, the other party didn't talk much and Cheng Yang didn't ask much.

More topics revolved around Cheng Yang. Cheng Yang soon unknowingly revealed most of her information.

A preconceived notion made Cheng Yang feel that men would not hurt him, so he was not too fortified, and he could not think of what the other party could do to him.

Roll the sheets again? That's not a loss.

After eating, Yan Yan sent Cheng Yang to the door of his room. He saw Cheng Yang's hair on his forehead fall down, covered his eyes, and thought about it. He reached over and shoved the hair to the back.

Cheng Yang felt the flick of her fingers on her forehead, and the light in the corridor was not particularly bright. Under the dim light, Cheng Yang's eyes lifted, a little sparkling was jumping.

Cheng Yang is about 1.8 meters tall, while Yan Yan is about 1.90 meters tall. Cheng Yang raises her face slightly, her expression looks a little confused at that moment.

He may not have realized that the moment he was rescued by rumors in the elevator, he already had a snack on the man.

Close at hand is the boy's white and tender beautiful face, and this posture of raising the head under the other's eyes falls on the words, as if asking him for a kiss.

Yan Yan immediately listened to the voice in her heart, bowed her head and kissed the two soft, seductive lips.