MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 18. Things can't be grabbed casually (seeking for a recommendation ticket!)

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Ye Jingshen took a deep breath and secretly spurred his own ring to absorb the power of the fire.

His movements actually fell in the eyes of Yan Zhao, Yan Zhao song shook his head, was about to speak, suddenly changed his look, looked up and looked up.

The black fog that kept shaking on the top of the head suddenly became more violent, and the wind and the clouds surged. The heavens and the earth inside the town of Longyuan seemed to be broken!

The stable vortex center area is no longer there!

Under the violent violent volume, the dark fog that disappeared all the year round, even spread out slightly!

There is a fire from the sky above the head of the crowd, and the violent swells of the people seem to be broken.

A violent drink is shocking!

"You are the youngest nephew of the surname Yan, you will bear the part of it!"

Seeing the fire, Yan Zhaoge quickly responded: "Red spirit flag Lord!"

This Nima, who just lost the fire from the flames, is depressed, and there is still a big master who kills the door.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth are like an oven, and the power of destroying the earth is falling from the sky!

"Hey!" Yan Zhaoge immediately mobilized all his means and prepared to meet.

A group of black guards, they are desperately trying to approach Yanzhao song to protect his safety.


At this time, the red spirit flag of the main violent scream, the violent punch has fallen, the goal is directed at Ye Jing!

Pointing at Ye Jing...

Directly... um? !

Wait, it seems that there is something wrong!

The Yanzhao song, which had already been opened up, looked at the power of the Red Spirit flag master, and fell down with Ye Jing as the center, and he was only on the edge of the storm.

What is the rhythm? !

Si Kongqing, black guards, and a group of Guangchengshan disciples are equally stunned.

As the party's Ye Jing, it is the second monk who can't figure it out!

The other party just called, it seems to be... the surname of Yan’s nephew?

That should be the right thing for Yan Zhaoge?

What is the situation now?

Yan Zhao’s songs looked at the past, and I saw Ye Jing’s heart still holding the flames of fire, more active, and constantly beating, as if to break away from Ye Jing’s palm at any time.

The airflow around the flames, like the flames of the flames, clearly formed an echo.

"He relies on the fire to lock the target, and can be positioned through the town of Longyuan." Yan Zhao song stunned: "This is a fire from the flame, afraid that he was first found, set up the organ, used as a bait for me."

"No wonder, no wonder, he hides his own trails and lurks. He feels that someone is absorbing the power of fire, thinking that it is me, then he has to start, so it is too sudden and swift, and the elders of the Eastern Tang Dynasty have no time to find out to stop him."

Yan Zhaoge has come back to God, and his look is slightly strange.

Most of the Red Lingqi owners also perceive the existence of the elders of the Guangfu Shandong Tang, and in order to avoid being intercepted, they can only take the initiative to break the shot.

Even the town of Longyuan does not enter, directly from the valley is a fist down!

He never thought that Yan Zhaoge was cut off.

Ye Jing did not expect that the sky would be a blessing, and suddenly it would become a disaster.

He got the fire, but turned into a gun for Yan Zhao!

"Ah!" Ye Jing was in the center of the furnace, only feeling that he wanted to burn.

Compared with the previous 晁元龙, it is like the gap between the fire of fire and the glory of the sun and the moon.

The violent temper was set off, and Si Kongqing and others alongside Ye Jing’s body were also unsatisfactory. They were all shaken off. Si Kongqing was in the forefront, but he did not match the power of the main master of the Chilingqi. It was Yubo’s pressure that made her difficult to move.

The gap between the two sides is too great and far exceeds the limit.

This is not the level that they may be exposed to now. Unless they actively provoke a big master, how many big masters will take the refinement of the realm as an opponent?

It is difficult for both sides to meet each other.

For the warriors at the refining level, the great masters are legendary figures.

It is the Yan Zhao song of the lord of the guilty ancestors. It is also because of his own ancestors that he became the object of venting anger of the red spirit flag.

Ye Jing screamed, raised his right hand, and the dark red ring on his finger flashed, blocking the attack of the Red Spirit.

Through the action of Zhen Longyuan, the attack of the Red Spirit flag is greatly weakened, but even so, it is enough to kill Ye Jing!

Yan Zhaoge looked at this scene and had some toothaches: "So, don't grab something."

"Although the true life of the protagonist's aura can be level-fighting, but this leapfrog has limits. It is impossible to get out of the novice village and be able to provoke a super-high-level boss."

"The difference between the grades is too much, and the gap between the tenths of the refining body and the late nine-fold gas guide of the refining body is far greater than the gap between the middle of the gas guiding and the late gas guiding, and the gap between the guru and the micro-introduction. Be bigger."

"And the owner of the Red Spirit is a great master. It is strictly calculated that it is not more than a dozen levels, but dozens of levels..."

It is no longer a gap that can be described by level crushing.

It can be seen that under the life and death, Ye Jing has no choice but to hide secrets, but has left all his power without reservation.

The threat at the moment is much bigger than when facing the Yuan Yuanlong.

But unfortunately, in the face of the gap of more than one kilometer, from one centimeter to two centimeters, three centimeters, does not play any role.

"Wait, I think about it... In this case, some of the protagonists are still very difficult to die." Yan Zhaoge, while protecting the people near him, moved to the side of the storm center: "This At the time, there is often a sudden, high-level grotesque, because or for that reason, help the protagonist to tide over the difficulties?"

"Either there was a relationship before, or the protagonist managed to take advantage of the foxes and tigers, and in the end will save the protagonist."

"Afterwards, perhaps another chance for the protagonist will be achieved?"

Yan Zhaoge is thinking so, suddenly feels the depths of Zhenlongyuan, violent shocks.

A horrible atmosphere, which came out of the black mist, seems to be even stronger than the Red Spirit flag!

Yan Zhao’s song blinked: "...there is a trough, are you really there?"

"Who is the good thing that broke Laozi?" A violent voice sounded through the abyss, and it was almost impossible for everyone to be attached.

Ye Jing, who had already been on the verge of hearing, heard this fierce voice, but he was overjoyed and struggling and shouted: "Han brother!"

"Hey, is the leaf brother?" The voice shouted: "Which dare to move my little brother of Han?"

In the sound of the drink, a palm in the black mist stretched out, and it seemed to be growing in the process of stretching forward. It soon became a giant hand-shadowing hand, blocking the flame storm for the leaf scene!

Zhenlong Yuanli suddenly moved to the mountain.

Other Guangfushan disciples looked at the ever-changing situation in front of them, and they all reacted at some time.

Yan Zhaoge turned his eyes: "Rely, actually still worship the brothers, what is the knot of Jinlan, saying that you a big master and a refining body warrior Ji Jinlan? Are you able to see his protagonist aura like me? ?"

"...wait, my inner crystal furnace!"

At the beginning of the millennium, the comers blocked the attack of the Red Spirit Banner for Ye Jing. The two great masters played the aftermath and directly razed the nearby area.

The black fog in Zhenlongyuan is like a tsunami landslide. The special environment here is stimulated, and the space is even beginning to be disordered and distorted.

The mountain rock collapsed and broken, and the Yanjing song's inner crystal furnace was also smashed, dropping the abyss valley below!

The owner of the Red Spirit flag was blocked, and suddenly he was furious, and the master of the sky-covered giant was also a temper, turned into a lightning bolt, pierced the town of Longyuan, and killed the owner of the Red Spirit.

Just then, outside the town of Longyuan, there was another horror atmosphere, such as the sea.

However, the elders of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, who was in Guangfu Mountain, finally arrived.

A group of Guangchengshan disciples just prepared to breathe a sigh of relief, they heard the outside of the canyon and screamed at the same time.

"Strict old two!"

"Han blame? You are not dead?"

"Strict second, thanks to what you have given, Laozi’s death in the past, I will calculate this account with you today!"

Outside the town of Longyuan, a more vast, face-to-face battle between the great masters broke out immediately, affecting a hundred miles!

Everyone in the bottom of the mountain was a stay. I didn’t think that the person who had just saved Ye Jing had turned upside down with the elders of the East Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, the Red Spirit flag owner, no one is in charge...