MTL - History’s Strongest Senior Brother-~ 33. Slap in the face! (Seeking a ticket! Ask for a collection!)

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Under the control of Xiao Sheng, the puppets of the big day saints flew in the palms, like a phantom shuttle.

Just like the setting sun, the last light, turned into a thousand scenes, beautiful and unpredictable.

The eve of the sun shines on the magic palm.

Daejeon Shengzong rumored the martial arts, and tied the Seven Laws with the Heavenly Gods.

It is the martial art that is famous for the change of the move.

Xiao Sheng has been immersed in this martial art for many years and has already won the true meaning of the marrow.

It is the elders who have been trained to be stronger than his elders in the same door. The accomplishments and understandings on this martial art are not as good as him.

Under the encouragement of Xiao Sheng, the puppet is like a living warrior, and he has vividly interpreted this varied and varied method.

"The manipulation of puppets is still the case. If Xiaosheng himself came, how is it?"

The Guangfushan disciples who watched the battle all felt pain in their mouths, and their palms began to sweat.

Yan Zhaoge’s gaze did not look at the puppets of the Darius sage, but watched the palm of Xiao Sheng’s manipulation of the puppet.

In the face of the embarrassing enemies, Mr. Dong’s puppet has no words, just a knife!

In the eyes of everyone, the original dull puppets seem to be turned into a sacred dragon, flying in the sky, breaking through the mirage generated by the sunset.

The blue color is inspiring, just like the real dragon shaking armor, vertical and horizontal.

A heavy illusion is broken, like a dream bubble.

Although Mr. Dong’s wooden weapon is a knife, Yan Zhao’s song is a sword and a sword. It is not limited to shape. The sword technique of Qinglong in a sleeve is still wonderful, and the glory of Xiao Sheng’s glory is resolved.

Guangzhanshan disciples cheered in unison.

Xiao Sheng’s mouth is full of cruel smiles.

"I thought I was a stupid cow who would only be a bit brute force at the end of the Yuan Yuanlong?"

As said, Xiao Sheng’s manipulation of puppetry is more complicated, and all kinds of subtle changes in the glory of the glory of the glory are unfolding.

Inspired by the suffocation, the puppets of the Darius sage rolled up a faint stream of light, and if the sunset was taken, it would cover Mr. Dong again.

This time, in addition to the unpredictable and vicissitudes of the illusion, there is more sense of despair.

When the sunset returns to the mountains, the earth is about to enter the dark night, and there is only one last night in the sky.

How to retain the world, how to give up, is also in vain.

The coming, will still come!

The deep martial arts of the glory of the glory of the glory of the glory of the sun, at this moment was performed by Xiao Sheng.

The sunset glow of the setting sun, like the cage of despair, will cover Mr. Dong’s puppet.

The Qinglong swords in the sleeves of Yan Zhaoge, such as the Tianlong vacant, are not correct.

But at this time, I can only open my eyes and watch the sun set, unable to restore the change of this natural sky.

The blue-colored swordsman was faint in the evening, and the sun was fascinated. In front of everyone, I saw the darkness of the moment, and swallowed the two puppets together.

Xiao Sheng smiled and said: "The fallen, will eventually fall."

“Recalling memories, it’s just futile!”

He was so angry that the palms of the big day saint puppets had already hit the chest and abdomen of Mr. Dong’s puppet!

"Oh..." Yan Zhao song looked at this scene, in the eyes, the cold light suddenly shot.

At the same time, Mr. Dong’s puppet body suddenly twisted and his wrist shook!

The wooden knife blade shrinks and the puppet body is in a group.

Originally sharp, suddenly suddenly turned to nothing.

It seems as if the sword is in the sheath, and it seems to fly the real dragon above the nine days, and it is like drilling into the clouds.

Qinglong in the sleeve, Yunlong Tibetan sword style!

Xiao Sheng’s face was smiling, and his heart suddenly felt bad.

Uncomfortable, not happy, such as mans back!

Yan Zhaoge manipulated Mr. Dong’s Tibetan sword style. At this moment, Xiao Sheng only felt that the other party disappeared from his face.

It is still there, but the one that I am determined to win is lost!

"Glyphs and tricks, clown tricks!" Xiao Sheng sighed, and the voice of the rough was even sharp.

He manipulated the big day saint puppets, and forced himself to take his own hands, condense and not, and carefully perceive the existence of the opponent.

Just caught the traces of faint meaning, Mr. Dong’s body has been stretched!

Like a cloud that was stunned by the thunder, the sword broke out and the target pointed to the great saint.

Just like a dragon plunging into the cloud, it suddenly pops up like a head!

Like the rifle in the martial arts of the secular warfare, dragging the knife, killing the enemy is caught off guard.

Xiao Sheng smiled, and the unsuccessful momentum also broke out, just in time for the attack of Yan Zhaoge.

"Hold you this time!"

Still thinking, but suddenly saw the opposite Yan Zhao song, the original momentum of the sword is once again suddenly, disappeared without a trace!

Another trick is the Tibetan sword!

Yunlong Tibetan sword-style, virtual and real, coincident and dynamic, such as Shenlong Tibetan head, hidden in the cloud, no trace, no signs!

Xiao Sheng’s eve of the sun, the glory of the illusion, completely lost!

The next moment, the blazing blue-colored swordsman light up, sweeping the sky, tearing the night, let the light return to the earth!

"The sun will fall, and it will rise as usual. The clouds will cover your eyes for a while, and the clouds will disappear and the sky will be seen again."

Yan Zhao Geman laughed and laughed at the knife, the blade of Mr. Dong, pointing directly to the chest of the Darius saint!

Xiao Sheng’s pupils have shrunk, but they have no time to manipulate the big day saints to avoid them.

The invisible airflow that flashes the metallic luster circulates on the big day saint puppet.

The radon defense was promoted to the extreme, and the scalp was blocked by Mr. Dong.

But on the blade of Mr. Dong, the sharp green mans swallowed, and the metal luster flashed.

At this moment, the wooden knife seems to be turned into a real steel sword, forcibly breaking the opponent's defensive defense and piercing into the chest of the big day saint puppet!


Xiao Sheng snorted, the palm of his hand, the suffocation of the big day saint puppet, suddenly skyrocketed!

The big day saint puppet itself first shattered, and the wooden knives piercing into the body were also broken.

This force stretched along the wooden knife to the Mr. Dong’s puppet, and the body of Mr. Dong’s puppet suddenly broke apart!

Yan Zhaoge was not annoyed, he took back his palms, his hands behind his back, and looked at Xiao Sheng leisurely.

Xiao Sheng stared at Yan Zhaoge, his eyes had been smashed into a slit, and the sinister eyes flashed in it.

There was a big beard on his face, and he kept shaking as he gasped.

Although not like the Yuan Yuanlong, he lost all his face and lost his underwear. However, Xiao Sheng was also angry and angry at the moment, his face was burning.

The test method was chosen by him, but in the end he was also the first to break the rules and slap in the face.

It seems that he has lost the tie, and he has lost before then.

Yan Zhao song squinted Xiao Sheng and shrugged his shoulders: "Actually, I agree with you, people really should not live in the past."

"Based on the present, looking at the future is the right thing."

What does he mean in his words, how can Xiao Sheng not hear it?

Xiao Sheng stared at Yan Zhaoge and nodded slowly: "Yan Zhao Ge, you are very good."

"I admit that I have seen you before, but it doesn't matter, let's come, day, party, long!"

After all, Xiao Sheng did not say much, turned and left.

Yan Zhao song chuckled: "The more time goes by, the less you think about it."