MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 143 ghost banishment

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  Chapter 143 Ghost Repelling Curse

  George and Fred pulled Ted out of the auditorium quickly, and then let him go.

   "What do you two have to say directly, so mysterious? I haven't finished my meal yet!"

  George looked distressed: "What time is it, do you still have the mind to eat?!"

  Fred looked upset: "That's it!"

   Ted: ? ? ? Voldemort came with Death Eaters? !

  George leaned into his ear and whispered, "Ted, your performance on Halloween was so eye-catching!"

  Fred: "That's right, it suppressed our scenery."

  Ted shrugged his shoulders: "I'm really sorry. So what are you two going to do? If you don't say it, I'm going back!"

   "Wait!" George grabbed Ted.

   "Well, we were inspired by your candy and came up with a deal!"

"We need your help!"

   "Transforming candies? Do you want to make candies with various strange effects for sale?"

  Ted didn’t expect that what he did on Halloween would directly stimulate the twins’ desire to start a business.

   "Then you can try it! It doesn't matter, I don't want your copyright." Ted said.

  George rubbed his hands: "That..."

   "Our technology is limited..." Fred said.

  The two brothers looked at Ted expectantly.

   "You want me to help?"

   Connect two red heads.

"Okay. But I can only spare time to help you. After all, it is the dream and career of the two of you, right? In this way, you read a few books first, and then make the candy first, and then we will consider adding magic Effect…"

  Ted made a list of books, and then went back to continue his own breakfast.

   As a result, George pulled himself back again.

   "Huh? Anything else?"

  The two dogs looked left and right, and George took out a folded cardboard from his sleeve.

   If you don’t know, you might think this is some kind of invitation. I thought the two were getting married, so I invited Ted to dinner!

  But Ted was just taken aback for a moment before thinking of what this thing was.

   "This is?" He suppressed his surprise and asked casually.

  George: "This is a map."

  Fred: "A map of Hogwarts."

  The two said in unison: "A map that knows everything!"

  The two looked at each other, "Let our good friend see this great work!"

  George stretched out his wand and clicked on the map: "I solemnly swear that I will do no good."

  The map unfolded by itself, and then the ink marks started to appear, spread, and soon became a densely lined map.

   A cursive line appeared: "The Marauders Four: Moonface, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, gentlemen for the aid of magical mischief-makers, Introducing, The Marauder's Map."

  George's wand lightly swipe the map, the lines change, and the picture actually expands.

  The names of the three of Ted appear next to the three small black dots, and on the other side of one wall are countless names densely stacked together.

  Ted was shocked—although he knew that the Marauder's Map was highly technical, he didn't expect it to be a touchscreen!

  At that moment just now, Ted found the feeling of using the wicked map back then!

  Fred: "Well, when we were in first grade...Ted, we were young, carefree, innocent..."

  Ted smiled: "With all due respect, I can't imagine your innocence."

  George said: "Well, we are indeed no longer naive. At that time, we didn't have much experience, and we threw a big **** in the corridor and were caught by Filch."

   "But we found it in a drawer in Filch's office, with the opening and closing spells written on a piece of paper beside it."

  Fred: "We guess, this may be left by the seniors of an unknown generation before, to help us fight against the evil in the castle!"

  Filch: That’s right, that’s exactly what I said~

  George: "This map records a large number of secret passages and secret doors. We have tried them one by one in the past few years, and most of them are still there."

  Fred spread his hands: "There are also several secret passages that collapsed and blocked, which is regrettable."

  George said: "Now it is of little value to us, those secret passages are already in our minds. We are going to fully develop the prank candy. So, I want to give it to you as a thank you."

  【Marauder's Map (Blue)】

   Magical Oddities

   Made of magic parchment that has been passed down in the castle for hundreds of years, the magic map made with several advanced magic effects can show all the passages.

  For some reason, it is bound to the castle and can reveal the location of everyone including the headmaster.

  Open password: I solemnly swear that I will do no good.

  Close password: The prank is over.

  Note: You can't take it outside of school.

   There are many magic items in the magic world, the most typical one is a magic wand in each hand. The wand can strengthen certain aspects of the owner's ability.

   There are also many magic items mentioned in the original book, but Ted has not seen much so far.

   When I was engaged in salted fish nets during the summer vacation, I saw some, but they were all relatively low-end.

  Because wizards will not exchange these things for money unless they do not know what is useful.

   And this Marauder's Map, if it is not limited to Hogwarts, it must be of purple quality, right?

  This powerful tracking spell effect can even mark Dumbledore.

  Ted felt that it was likely that this map had some connection with the castle and became a part of the castle.

   I just don’t know how the bandit four made this map.

   If you have a chance, you must ask Sirius.


   Today Ted got the Marauder's Map and was very excited.

   The friends are not idle either.

  In a spell class with Gryffindor and Slytherin, Ron unexpectedly answered a question from Professor Flitwick for the first time, and added 5 points to Gryffindor!

  Jerry Neville They were all stunned: Are you still the Ron we know?

  Even Malfoy, who was in class together, was taken aback. This poor red-headed ghost can answer the questions?

  When the get out of class was over, I still yelled at my classmates loudly, saying that some people will get extra points if they are fooled.

  Ron trembled with anger.

   If Professor Flitwick hadn't gone far, Jerry and the others would have already started to attack Malfoy.

  Jerry comforted his good brother: "Don't listen to his nonsense!"

  Neville nodded: "Yes, we have all seen your efforts recently."

   Jerry: "You deserve it."

  Ron has indeed read a lot during this period of time, and it is considered shameful and courageous.

  Hope he doesn’t read a book about how slugs make potions~

  Although due to many things, the matter of the secret room was temporarily suppressed.

   But life in the castle is very boring, and this kind of thing will definitely not be simply forgotten.

  Even the rest of the six were thinking about the Slytherin chamber.

  Ted had to say what he said to Hermione to his friends again.

  Harry: "Okay, so you already knew it, why did you say it now?"

  She winked at Jerry, and Jerry understood immediately: "Yes, why did you say it now?"

  Ted raised his hand and surrendered: "I understand, I understand, it doesn't have to be like this, can't I treat you?!"

  Ted took his friends to the kitchen, and amidst the cheers and onlookers of the house-elves, he cooked himself and cooked a table of magic delicacies to "express his apologies".

   After all, Ted has mastered a lot of magic recipes. After learning from the house elves for a while, he is now able to cook many kinds of magic delicacies with various effects.

  The house elves in the kitchen can be said to be his apprentices~

  The Halloween dinner was just a small test.

  Ted: The elves are very savvy, learn how to cook with me!

  Ted graciously recommended a saliva chicken to his friends.

   "Try this! It's delicious!"

  Jerry looked at the flushed saliva chicken, and swallowed: "It looks very spicy."

  Ted waved his hands again and again: "It's neither spicy nor spicy, it just looks colorful."

  Jerry dubiously took a piece of chicken and put it into his mouth: "Mmm~" His eyes widened, "It's delicious! (Voice is slightly muffled

  Harry also picked up a piece when she saw this: "Mmm! It's so delicious~"

   Seeing this, Neville and Ron were afraid of falling behind, so they also grabbed a piece.

  Seeing this, Jerry picked up the iced mint lemonade and drank it down.

  Harry also quickly drank water, exhaled, and hissed~

  In order to trick his friends into sharing weal and woe, he insisted on controlling his expression!

   "Ha~ Ted, you liar!"

  Hermione snickered, after all, she had already been fooled.

  Although it was very spicy for the first time, it was also very delicious. The more spicy the more, the more addictive it is.

  Chili, my friends should understand at night.

When Ted and the others left the kitchen, a house elf named Kaka whispered to him: "Mr. Ted, there is already news about what you asked us to help investigate. We found Myrtle, she said She was expelled by magic, and she couldn't go back to the bathroom where she always lived..."

   Was expelled, ghost expulsion spell? !

  (end of this chapter)