MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 16 I'm Harry Potter~

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  Chapter 16 I am Harry Potter~

  Percy, as a low-end careerist with a heart higher than a space station and a life thinner than toilet paper, finally realized in the original book that family is more important than anything else.

   But now there is none, only Page Weasley.

  Peppa likes to eat pasta and chocolate cake, likes to dress up as a fairy princess, and likes to drink orange juice. It's a piggy girl~

   She entered the school in 1987. Two years older than the Weasley twins, four years older than the likes of myself, and now in fifth grade.

   Moreover, Page Weasley still became a prefect with her excellent grades, but according to Ron, Peggy is not an annoying official fan now. On the contrary, she was very kind to Ron, and the relationship between the two sisters was very good.

  Looks like the butterfly's wings are flapping again?

  But Harry has become Harry, and was adopted by Sirius, and the savior has become Neville. It's not unacceptable for Percy to become Peggy.

   Inexplicably, a voice came to Ted's mind: Hello, I'm Page, and this is my brother George, Fred and Ron!

  Hahahaha, quite interesting~

   About an hour later, the door of the carriage was knocked open, and a lady with a sweet smile came pushing the dining car.

   "Would you like something to eat, kids?"

  Ron: Don't look at me, I have a sandwich.

   Jerry: Don't look at me, I have bread and cheese.

  Ted: I brought a meal.

  These three poor ghosts~

  Hermione intends to try the snacks in the wizarding world, but she was a little surprised when she saw them in the past: "Why are they all sugar?"

   Is it not afraid of tooth decay if you eat too much?

  As the daughter of a dentist, she still restrains herself from eating sugar.

  Finally, Hermione and Neville bought a lot of snacks and invited everyone to eat together.

  Especially Neville, although he is shy, he is not short of money. People are also very nice and know how to share.

  Ted took out the beef jerky, meat floss, big sausage, etc. that he had prepared, "You want some too?"

   Fortunately, I brought a lot of beef jerky, otherwise it would not be enough.

  Ron was happier on the train, the sandwich had been thrown aside, and Scabbers wouldn't even eat it. I don't know how excited Banban is when he eats candy!

  He stayed in the Weasley family for eleven years, but he suffered a lot!

  Ron was obviously excited too, and he kept talking while eating.

  The five of them ate and chatted in a lively atmosphere.

  Children, especially at this stage of new school, it is always very easy to make friends.

  Neville became a lot more cheerful after having friends, and introduced his toad, Raffle, to everyone.

  In the wizarding world, many wizards keep pets. A wonderful contract effect will be formed between master and servant.

   This kind of pet is called a magic pet, and it can often help wizards learn magic and even fight.

  For example, Toad Rifle, according to Ted's experience in the magical pet shop, generally choosing toad as a pet is to learn potions.

  Because toads are extremely resistant to drugs, they can be used to test potions~

   It's just Neville's potion. It is estimated that the clam will be sent to the ICU if it eats it.

  Ron grabbed the dull fat mouse that was gnawing on the chocolate frog: "This is my mouse Scabbers!"

  Ted pointed to Ansu who was tearing and eating beef jerky: "It's Ansu the Raven in the human language."

   "Quack~ Nice to meet you~" Ansu heard Ted introduce it, put down the beef jerky at his feet and made a bowing gesture.

  Everyone: It's so smart!

  Knowing that Ted, Hermione, and Jerry didn't know much about the common sense of the wizarding world, Ron wanted to take the opportunity to show his hand and satisfy his vanity.

   "Ahem, young yellow, sweet cream and sunshine, turn this stupid fat mouse yellow~" Ron's wand was spotted a little.

   I don't know if the wand scared Scabbers, it just sprayed a Bibi Bean in Ron's face.

   "Hahahaha!" Before the people in the carriage could laugh, there was a burst of wanton laughter outside the door.

  It turned out that Ron was just spotted by the Malfoy trio who came to make friends with Neville Longbottom.

   Those who came were Malfoy Ma Tianlong (translated by Wanwan) and his two followers.

   The stupid and stupid fat guy is Blake, and the stupid and stupid fat guy is Goyle.

  Since Voldemort fell mysteriously and the Death Eaters were liquidated, old Malfoy, who managed to escape, wanted to befriend the Longbottoms. Their family has always been a smooth wind.

   But the old lady Longbottom has a tough personality, and she is very shameless. pouted Malfoy in the face.

   Now that school has started, Malfoy, under his father's instructions, came to make friends with Neville.

   He happened to see this scene in front of him, and because he looked down on the Weasleys through his ears and eyes, he directly insulted Ron.

   "Don't worry about red hair, pure blood is a disgrace to the Weasley family. I heard from my father that your family has too many children to support, and you still have money to feed rats with multi-flavored beans?"

  With the expression of arrogance and contempt on his face, it immediately angered everyone in the carriage.

  Even Ansu and Banban probably don't like him very much.

  Looking at Ted and Ron's old robes, Malfoy raised his chin slightly and said to Neville, "Are you sure you want to be with these people? Pureblood scum? Poor mudblood?"

   "My father always said to be cautious in making friends. Maybe Longbottom you need an equally noble friend?" He held out his hand.

Neville was a little flustered under the eyes of everyone, and couldn't help shrinking into the corner, but he still stammered: "I don't want, I don't want to be friends with grandma doesn't want me to be with the Malfoy family. Play!"

   That expression is like "my mother won't let me play with idiots".

  Malfoy's complexion suddenly turned ugly, pale and blue, he never thought that he would be rejected.

  Malfoy: I finally had a heartbeat, but you hurt me so thoroughly, Zhuo~

   "You, you, you, you... No wonder they call you the stupid savior!"

  He withdrew his hand and rubbed it on his pants, as if the action of reaching out made himself dirty.

  At this time, one of his fat attendants—I don't know whether it was Goyle or Grubb, reached out to grab the snacks on the table, but was bitten by the rat Scabbers with an "ow".

  He backed away in a panic and bumped into another follower, causing a small commotion.

   Ted: Well done Peter!

  During the chaos, Ted shook his wand quietly, and Malfoy suddenly felt that someone tripped his leg, and his **** fell backward hard.

   Before he got up, he saw a face with a critical expression appearing above his head, looking down at him.

   It's Harry Potter, the wild girl who beat him up since he was a kid!

"Malfoy, do you just like lying on the ground so much? Stop embarrassing yourself here! Otherwise, you're going to get punched again!" She pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and waved her fists in front of Malfoy's face shaken.

   Malfoy suddenly got up in a panic, and quickly turned around and ran away with two followers.

  Malfoy: I will be back~~~

  Combined with the scene Ted saw in Diagon Alley, Malfoy may have received a lot of justice before.

  Harry saw Ted's movements and grinned wildly.

  She took a glance and found that Neville was also here, so she didn't go back to her own car, and squeezed in without asking.

  The four-person carriage was squeezed into six people!

  Malfoy: If you drive import, you won't take me with you, right? You wait for me!


  Hermione and her two good-for-nothings got it together... well, not anymore.

  How about Harley, apart from black hair, black eyes and glasses, there is no similarity with the original book.

   Live bandits! That is unrestrained!

  Ted, Hermione, and Jerry who just met can also chat casually, looking like a social cow. She looks like a big sister!

   Gorky said: Suffering is the best university in life.

   I don't know what path Harley, who is living a very chic life this time, will take.

   After a while, Harry and Ron started playing wizard chess, and Neville and Jerry tried to tease Ansu to talk.

  Hermione mentioned Voldemort to Ted, and she saw Neville's experience in the book.

   "What's the name of You-Know-Who? Why doesn't everyone say his name?" she asked Ted.

  Ted turned the fitness ball in his hand, "The names in the wizarding world are magical, and I think the reason may be related to it."

  When the mysterious man was mentioned, Neville's expression was a bit serious, as if an invisible burden had been placed on his shoulders.

   Everyone also looked at him.

  Neville said: "It's best, it's best not to say that name directly. My grandma said that the mysterious man cast a spell on that name, and if someone says his name, he will perceive it."

  Hermione was also a little nervous, "What the **** is he... he's dead, isn't he?"

  Ted said: "Voldemort, his name is Voldemort, but I guess it's not his real name."

  The word Voldemort came out, and Neville, Ron and Harry gasped. contributed to global warming.

  Voldemort obviously made a "real name perception" on his nickname. This trick can not only perceive people who mention him, but also use the fear in people's mouths to enhance his power.

   It is a very high-end approach.

  That's why no one in the magic world says his name. Those who understand it know how to avoid it, and those who don't understand it are full of fear.

  In fact, his trick is easy to crack, but the thinking of wizards is relatively rigid.

  If Ted is allowed to come, he will directly make a big news in the Muggle world to frame Voldemort and let him be on the news.

   At that time, tens of millions of people will say his name within a few days. How can he handle such a large amount of information? Shock him into an idiot directly!

   No matter how bad it is, he can force him to cancel this real name perception.

   The main characters are basically here~

   Sprinkle flowers~



  (end of this chapter)