MTL - Hogwarts Card System-Chapter 79 【Magic pattern amethyst (blue)】

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  Chapter 79 [Magic Pattern Amethyst (Blue)]

   The next day was the spell class, which was in the spell classroom on the fourth floor.

  Professor Flitwick's exam was much easier, and many students still had smiles on their faces.

  The exam question is also interesting, which is to make a pineapple tap dance and walk across a desk.

  Most of the students could easily do it, even Neville was no exception.

   And Hermione made the pineapple dance fiercely for a while, and there were a few Muggle gymnastic moves, which won the applause of Professor Flitwick and the students.

   When it was Ted's turn, Ted directly transformed the pineapple into hands and feet, just like a stickman or a simple animation, and enthusiastically danced the samba on the table.

  Ted can be said to have brought a lot of the essence that he saw in the dance area of ​​station B, and even waved it with a magic wand to make a soundtrack.

  Let everyone see a pineapple dressed like clothes, burning all over~

   He is lucky if he didn’t get a zero penalty for rubbing the edge~

  Professor Flitwick: Wonderful, wonderful!

   "Ahem, don't allow it next time~"

   After that, there is the herbal science exam, which is held in the greenhouse.

  The content of the exam is picking and processing white fresh.

   Baixian is a good medicine for wounds, and even some clever magical animals use them to heal their own wounds.

  In the hands of wizards, this herb has developed seven or eight functions, and it is the basic material of many potions.

  Among them, the most typical one is Baixian essence, which has a more stable, fast and lasting effect.

  The reason why herbal medicine is regarded as a main course is because it is too complicated and too important.

   There are many magical animals and they are also very complicated, but they are not as important as herbalism. Wizards cannot do without herbalism.

  A lot of students got excellent results in this exam, most of them were Hufflepuff students, and Ravenclaw had three—in addition to Ted and Hermione, there was also one of Ted's roommates, Michael Kona.

   In Gryffindor, only Neville got the excellent award.

   Gryffindor cubs are not really interested in herbalism.

  Afterwards, Professor Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, this course is a theoretical class in Quirrell's hands, and naturally there are no practical exams.

  Written test, the content is: a variety of treatment methods after being bitten by a werewolf.

   There are werewolves and vampires in the wizarding world.

  Vampires in the magic world are relatively low-key. After all, it is the era of wizards now. Isn't the goblin jumping like that and being **** to pieces?

  Vampires live a long time, see a lot, and can endure it, so they live their lives behind closed doors.

  Even during the first generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald, only sporadic vampires participated in it in their own names.

  So the vampires are doing well so far. For them, the senses of wizards are much better.

   And what about werewolves? There are even express restrictions and discrimination!

   To some extent, their treatment is worse than that of demihumans from another world.

  Because the subhumans can at least control themselves, most of them are law-abiding.

   But not for werewolves. Werewolves are extremely contagious, and they will be forced to transform on a full moon night. When the time comes, the wildness will dominate everything, and the relatives will not recognize each other.

  Uncontrolled and highly contagious, it would be strange if they were treated badly.

  And the less you are treated, the worse you have seen, the more miserable you are, the easier it is to go astray, and the more you go astray, the more you are unpopular... Closed loop!

   There are also some radical or extreme werewolves. In order to retaliate against the society, they will attack wizards and Muggle children after transformation!

  This is simply an offense against Ni Lin! It also caused the entire werewolf group to encounter huge resistance.

  No one wants themselves, their family members, or their children to be bitten by werewolves and become unpopular werewolves, so everyone in the first grade begins to learn the knowledge of werewolf prevention.

  Normal being bitten by a werewolf in a non-transformed state will not be infected and become a werewolf.

   Of course, there will also be some effects, such as heavier body hair, such as tooth itching and wanting to eat meat, such as bad temper and so on.

  But compared to being bitten by a werewolf transformed by the full moon, this is already a very slight consequence.

  After being bitten by a transformed werewolf, almost no one escaped unscathed.

  However, there is also a chance of remediation. If it is dealt with in time, at least it can keep it from becoming a werewolf.

   But if there is a transformation, it is completely hopeless. In this life, I can only be a werewolf and spend every full moon night locked in the basement.

  Although Professor Quirrell follows the scriptures in class, he looks very careless. But at least the exam difficulty is low! You only need to familiarize yourself with the textbook, and passing the exam is not a problem at all.

   In order to ensure excellent, Ted also wrote some additional methods on dealing with werewolves and preventing being bitten.

  The astronomy class exam is in the middle of the night, on the astronomy tower with a height of more than ten floors.

   This course caused Ted a lot of trouble, because second-hand telescopes are a bit too difficult to use!

  Ted only finished his studies by rubbing the telescope of his friends.

  The content of the exam is to draw an astronomical map of Jupiter, okay?

  Ted only wished that he could go to third grade earlier and give up this course that was a waste of time for him.

  The last one is the History of Magic exam.

  This course can be described as lackluster.

  Original history is something that makes people remember lessons, learn from experience, and analyze the essence through the fog of numerous events.

  But under the hypnotic voice of Professor Spencer, being able to remember the contents of the textbook has become a difficult event.

   This exam is very similar to Muggle exams, they are all answer sheets, fill in the blanks~ choose~

  What what happened when, what is the historical significance... blah blah blah~

   One question turned out to be: Which wacky old wizard invented the self-stirring crucible? The answer: Guspard Singleton.

  How did this question come about?

how? What is the historical significance of the invention of the automatic stirring crucible?

   Since then entered the era of automatic stirring crucible?

   If you want to say that the professor who dissatisfied Ted the most is Professor Spence, who is simply messing around. And it will continue, almost forever.

   Four days of exams in a row, and even Ted was relieved when it was over.

   Such a high-intensity stress test is like letting students experience the stress of life in adulthood in advance!

  The little wizards experienced this for the first time, and that feeling—it could be described as golden on both sides, burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, which made the second and third graders laugh and cry.

  That’s how they came here back then, and now looking back at the elementary school students, they suddenly understood why those seniors and sisters were so happy.

   Really interesting~

   After four days of exams, Ted finally completed the task and got excellent grades in all subjects, ranking first in the grade.

  In the common room, Ted leaned on the sofa as if closing his eyes and recuperating, but was actually browsing his rewards.

  350 experience points, which is not bad in the blue mission.

   And the three cards were also turned over in Ted's mind.

  The first card, a beautiful quill with a faint golden glow, is ticking "Yes" on a piece of parchment. There is also a "No" next to it.

  【Divination quill (blue)】

  Prop card

   Consumes a lot of mana, ask this quill, it can answer you "yes" or "no" on paper.

  Cooling time is 10 hours.

  Note: Questions that are too complicated or confidential cannot be answered by the quill.

  Ted shook his head, what is meant by "problems that are too complicated or confidential", the standards for this thing are vague!

   Considering the blue quality, I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense.

   It is better to ask the pen fairy to use this!

  The second card is an amethyst with dark red lines. Amethyst has natural facets, very beautiful, and the whole is the size of a fist.

  【Magic pattern amethyst (blue)】

  Material card

  Magic amethyst represents spirituality, spirit, and high-level love. It can also develop wisdom, help thinking, concentrate thoughts, and increase memory. And the amethyst that is full of magic patterns inside is naturally born in a special magical environment, which is the best that can be encountered but not sought after.

  Ted looked at the card description, and couldn't help but move...

   A red candy on the third card? Above the candy is filled with mist-like white things, forming a strange god, holding a sword in one hand and making mudras in the other, making a gesture of anger.

  【Hum Jiang Tang】

  Prop card

  Candy made by Xianfeng Temple that can obtain the effect of "Hum General Asylum".

  After eating, the protection of the inhuman spirit will come to the body, and it will receive spiritual and physical strengthening blessings for 3 minutes.

   Use times 3/3.

  Note: Seance is an unbearable behavior for the human body, so it is necessary to crush the candy and hold on.

   "Inhuman spirit"!


   It sounds a bit risky!

  Although the effect sounds good, Ted wants to be safe, and he will not choose such strange props that may even interfere with his spirit and body.

   Moreover, when he saw the second card, he remembered one thing—as a psion, he could "attract" a psicrystal!

  But because I haven't found a good spar gem, I can only drag it.

   This delay will take a year.

   And this rare magic pattern amethyst, isn't it a good material?

   It’s up to you~

  【Magic Pattern Amethyst (Blue)】!

   Thanks to the book friend "Sunset and Sunset" for the 300 tip.

   Thanks to the book friend "Fat Tiger Who Eats and Drinks" for the 100 tip!



  (end of this chapter)