MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 372 Yin and Yangwei changes

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"Cough, far-reaching people, it may be a bit rude to say this, but I heard the principal of the school said that the results of the theory class of the Sinna Daren were also a mess.

The performance of Lujiu and Lumaru is exactly the same. ”

When I heard Iruka, the look of Yamamoto was more and more embarrassing.

"What, Sir Iluka, I will go first, and the punishment of Naruto's kid will be left later!" After leaving the mountain, he escaped from Iruka's office.

In the middle of the mountain, I moved to the playground. I couldn’t help but say that Naruto took away, leaving only the deer pill to run alone.

At the home of Chen Xinnai, today it is particularly lively, Yin Jiuwei, ring tone, stop water, several people gathered to give Naruto a birthday.

玖Cinnay made a big table of food, and also went to buy a lot of ramen noodles, which are usually liked by Naruto.

After the mountain brought the Naruto back, the birthday party officially began.

Today is Naruto’s birthday. Yamamoto is too lazy to teach him, birthday! You should be happy.

Friends and family had a good meal and then left, and Naruto also went out to play. There was only Yu Xinnai, Yin Jiuwei and Shan Zhongyuan.

The yin and nine tails are rarely in the wood leaves, most of the time outside the village, I don't know what to do.

"Nine Lamas, what have you been doing outside the village for so many years?" Shan Zhongyuan asked casually.

The Yin Jiuwei glanced at him and said faintly: "Nothing is trying to improve his strength."

“Improve strength? Is it because of 10 years ago?”

As soon as I heard the emotions of Yin and Jiu 10 years ago, I became excited. "The mask is a bastard. Sooner or later, the uncle will kill him!"

In the middle of the mountain, he was helplessly sighing. The masked man’s soil was only known to him and Lin. The current status of the soil was not exposed.

Shan Zhongyuan now also has an eternal kaleidoscope to write the eye, and he is ready to find a chance to unblock the seal in the soil and help the soil to find memories.

After the restoration of the memory with the soil, the person in the village explained.

Thinking of this, Yamanaka smiled and deliberately opened the topic: "Nine Lama, before I restricted Naruto to use your Chakra, after so many years, Naruto's own amount of Chakra is enough, I am going to teach him. How to use your power correctly."

Jiuwei heard a brow: "The kid is only 10 years old, is it a bit early?"

"It’s not too early. In another year, Naruto will graduate from Ninja School. After becoming a ninja, I will encounter all kinds of difficulties. Naruto needs this power."

"Also, the current world of forbearance seems to be peaceful, but in reality it is undercurrent. All the villages have their own thoughts, and the mysterious organization of the country of the rain, do not know what to do, let the little ghost prepare in advance. It is also right."

The nine-tailed words made Yamamoto far surprised: "Nine Lamas, are you actually the organization of the rain country?"

"I know something strange? The organization used to send people to contact me, but I refused."

"What? Those people actually...what is going on?" Yamagata heard a big change in his face and quickly asked.

"Probably 1 year ago! At that time, a man with a shark face came to me. They said they were a mercenary organization, I hope I can join."

'a year ago? It seems that the main members of the Xiao organization should have been assembled. The reason for inviting the nine lamas was probably because the snake uncle and I were too close, and I didn’t feel comfortable letting the snake uncle join, so I started playing the nine-tailed idea. ’

I think that this mountain has found a key problem in the middle of the mountain. The nine tails are the tail beast. How can the identity of his tail beast not be found in black and white? It is still said that black and white has already been discovered, but it is only pretending to be unknown.

When Jiuwei saw the far-browed brow in the middle of the mountain, he looked like a big enemy. Some strangely asked: "Boy, what do you think of?"

"Nine Lamas, as far as I know, there is a person in this organization who has the ability to perceive ordinary people. He should have discovered that you are a beast. I am wondering why they invited you to know that you are a beast. ""

"Haha! Kid this time you can think wrong, I can be sure that no one in the current world can find out that I am a tail beast.

Kid, don't you feel that I am different now when I got this body 10 years ago? ”

"Different?" Yamamoto looked a little strangely and looked at the nine tails, then closed his eyes and felt the nine tails around him.

Presented in the mountains far away is not the original nine-tailed Chakra, but a group of natural energy.

"How is this possible! Nine Lama, how did you do it?"

"It's thanks to this body, and your tail beast.

After I occupied this body 10 years ago, your tail beast made me improve my spirit and said that I hope to become a complete nine.

According to what she said, I learned the secret skills of your family and exercised mental strength every day.

And this body has changed with my mental strength. When I first entered this body, I found that this body cell is a bit like the cells of the first generation, and my strength is limited by him.

But as the mental power grows, I find that the cells of this body can communicate with the natural energy of the outside world.

I tried to control these cells to absorb natural energy. Gradually, this body became a state similar to the immortal pattern.

In this state, my chakra is covered by natural energy, no matter how it is perceived, what is perceived is a mass of natural energy. ”

After listening to the explanation of Jiuwei, Shan Zhongyuan suddenly realized it, and also lamented the good fortune of Jiuwei.

"Kid, my situation is probably clear, then what about you? You will not be able to harvest it on the moon this time!"

"Do you say this?" Yamanaka smiled and opened his eyes.

Yin Jiuwei glanced at the new pattern in the middle of the mountain and looked awkward.

Nine tails shook his head, and the distracting thoughts in his mind were somewhat complicated: "I didn't expect that you really got the eternal kaleidoscope to write the round eyes. Now you are no more than the Qianshouzhu of that year, Uchiha has a bad spot."

Yamanaka smiled and said: "My strength is only at the limit that people can reach, and it has not yet reached the level of God."

"God? Are you talking about the extent of the six immortals?" Jiuwei was shocked by the words of the mountain.

"Well! My goal has always been to be the strongest in the world, and the power of the six immortals is the most powerful force in the world."

"Haha! I didn't expect your goal to be six immortals. You really made me look good."

In the middle of the mountain, he smiled and asked: "Nine Lamas, do you think I might succeed?"

Yin Jiuwei heard a glimpse of it, and after a moment he said seriously: "If it is you, I think it can."