MTL - Hokage: Ryo’s Path-Chapter 410 Deer's wisdom

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After getting the black soil, the big snake pill has a dozen snakes out of the spirit, and there are no other ninjas in the dead forest.

After some investigations, the Great Snake Pill determined that only a few members of the dark group that were under the control of Nie and Muye were left in the dead forest. The security of Naruto was also guaranteed.

The "mission" of the big snake pill was over, so he left the dead forest with black soil.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, the two of them chatted for a while and began to recover Chakra.

When the state of the two men recovered to seven or eight eight, Sakura arrived in the tenth class from a distance.

Lumaru looked at the ruined trees around him, as well as a large piece of blackened land in front, and had a rough estimate of the situation at the time.

"How come you?" Naruto asked strangely.

"Sakura tells us that you were stared at by the endurance of Yan Ren Village in the dead forest and a powerful woman, and we immediately rushed over.

Listening to Sakura said that the woman has at least the strength of the elite, and you can all win. Sure enough, Sasuke is really amazing! Jing Ye said excitedly.

Naruto immediately retorted: "Hey! Minefield, the battle just made me a big force! And that woman is not killed by us."

Deer pill brows: "Isn't you? But what is the situation of the charred land over there? What happened? Tell me."

When Naruto was organizing the language, Sasuke first said: "For me! At that time, the combination of Naruto and Naruto did hit the woman..."

Sasuke told the deer pill in detail, and the deer pill was shocked after hearing the name of the big snake pill: "The big snake pill? Sasuke is the big snake pill?"

Sasuke nodded: "Well! It's him!"

"It was really troublesome. I didn't expect that there would be such a big man in the test of the endurance test. I knew that I would not participate." Lumao muttered.

"That, who is the big snake pill?" Sakura whispered, and the Ding times on the other side was also a curious look.

Lumaru sighed and gave the two men a brief talk about the brilliant deeds of the big snake pill.

After listening to the description of Lumaru, Sakura’s expression became more and more tense. Ding was still indifferent, but he asked a question that everyone would like to know: “Lumao, why is there a test of how to endure the test? Is such a powerful person?"

After a moment of silence, Lumao pointed to Naruto and said: "I think, probably because of him!"

"I? Why is it me?" Naruto asked strangely.

"It's very simple, because of your identity. You are the new nine-tailed person of Muye, and you can communicate with the tail beast at a young age, using the power of the nine tails. The rock village is jealous of the nine tails and therefore will send people to kill you. .

The big snake pill is estimated to be the uncle who is looking for protection. ”

After listening to the deer pill, Sasuke is also suddenly realized, so that everything can be explained.

"Sasuke, you just said that the big snake pill went to chase the woman?" Lumaru then asked.

Sasuke nodded "Well! The big snake pill went to chase the woman. As for whether I left the dead forest, I am not sure."

Lumao looked down and said for a moment: "The big snake pill should have gone!"

"Lumaru, how do you know?"

"Because Naruto is safe, just now Sasuke said that the endure of Iwamura was very respectful when I saw the woman. After the woman appeared, the bears of Yan Ren Village left.

This means that this woman seems to be very powerful in these rock tolerances, and she is sure to kill Naruto.

Since she must be able to kill Naruto, Iwamura should not send a second person. The assassination of this kind of thing is not as many as possible. ”

"Lumaru, you said so much, meaning that Yan Rencun only sent an elite to bear it. There are so many tolerances here, Naruto is not safe!" Sakura asked.

Ino said with a smile: "Sakura, you don't understand, this big snake pill is called by Uncle Far, and Uncle Uncle will not be in the same fight for the next, and the big snake pill should be the same."

Sakura heard a big change in his face: "That means, now we need to face all the squadrons in Yan Ren Village?"

Lumaru nodded: "Well! The next team of Yan Rencun should still chase Naruto."

"Cut, a group of people will endure, I am not afraid!" Naruto said disdainfully.

Sasuke stunned Naruto and said: "Stupid! With our strength, if one class comes, we are certainly not afraid. The question is, what do these rocks do?"

Ino looked at Sasuke’s side and blinked. He said quickly: “Really, if these people are together, you really can’t cope. That’s it! Let’s act with you! Deer, do you say it?”

"Ah? Such a troublesome thing..." Lumao’s voice did not fall, and he felt that his heart was cold. Looking back, he just happened to be on the eyes of Jingye to kill.

Lumaru seconds, quickly changed his mouth: "What? I am talking about such troubles, we are companions, of course, we have to bear together, but I have two conditions."

"What conditions?" Sasuke asked.

"1 Since I decided to act together, all the battles and actions must be heard from me.

2 Because we are helping you, so the scrolls we get must be taken first. ”

Sasuke agreed after thinking about it. Naruto and Sakura had no opinions. The seventh and tenth classes formally reached an alliance.

After a while, the status of Naruto and Sasuke has completely recovered, and the six people are ready to go after eating something.

Before the departure, Lumaru and everyone said: "After the start of action, Naruto Sasuke is in front, and Ino and Sakura are in the middle of my and Ding.

The strength of Naruto and Sasuke is much stronger than ours. The two of you are open in front and attract firepower.

Ino and Sakura are girls, so they are better in the middle, and Ino is a perceived ninja, Sakura is a medical ninja, it is appropriate to protect them.

I and Ding are at the end, because the family secrets of our pig deer butterfly family need to cooperate with each other. Once there is a problem, Iye can return to the team immediately to form combat effectiveness.

Ino and we establish a spiritual connection, and at the same time pay attention to the presence of other endurance in the vicinity of the perception, and notify us immediately if there is a wind and grass.

For the time being, everyone has no opinion? After the arrangement, Lumao looked to everyone.

Everyone expressed their consent. Before the trip, Sasuke looked at Lumaru and said: "The wisdom of the Nara family is terrible. In this case, wisdom is really the most powerful weapon."

Lumao smiled and said: "My father often said a word, in the face of absolute strength, any ingenuity is useless."