MTL - Hold His Hand-Chapter 181 Extra Story Revealing History

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Zhou State is the best developed country in the world, no one.

Since Lu Yanzhou, the founding emperor of the Zhou Kingdom, overthrew the decadent Dayan and established the Zhou Dynasty together with Wang Ze, Dazhou has begun to rise rapidly.

In the long river of history, Da Zhou also encountered a lot of troubles, but they all survived and developed better and better.

Today, Zhou State is recognized as the most powerful country in the world, and it has been helping other countries, so that it has a very good international reputation. People from all over the world are proud of being able to come to Zhou State to settle or study abroad.

Lu Yanzhou University in Zhou State is recognized as the best university in the world.

Today is the 500th anniversary of the death of Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze. Lu Yanzhou University held a special event to commemorate the two seniors who made great contributions to Zhou.

Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze have been in power for 50 years. In these 50 years, they have done a lot of things.

For example, the development of agriculture has promoted the planting of many new crops, so that the people of Dazhou will no longer have to go hungry.

For example, in the development of education, it took 50 years to make 90% of the young people in Dazhou know how to read.

For example, amending the law has laid the cornerstone of modern law.

Even before their death, the two established a new political system, allowing Da Zhou to transition from a feudal monarchy to a modern regime.

And the two of them, without a doubt, became the two greatest people in the history of the Zhou Kingdom.

"The two of them are so much like transmigrators!"

"Super avant-garde thinking! And know a lot of things!"

"To use a hot weapon to fight someone's cold weapon, Sun Chongshao is also quite miserable."

"The most enviable thing is their relationship. They have never left for so many years.

"I heard that Lu Yanzhou was in good health. As a result, Wang Ze just passed away. He talked to someone and explained some things, and he lost his breath."

The students of Lu Yanzhou University talked about what happened back then.

These are things that everyone knows, and even what Lu Yanzhou said before his death has been recorded in detail.

After all, when Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze were in their later years, Da Zhou had already developed quite well. At that time, the students of Lu Yanzhou's students had already developed a steam engine.

However, the early years of Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze, as well as many things when they first ascended the throne, seemed confusing.

In fact, the origin of the two people is clearly written in "The Biography of Wang Ze", but various unofficial histories say that this is not the case.

One of the most widely circulated claims is that Wang Ze was actually the murderous **** Xie Chengze in the last years of Dayan, and Lu Yanzhou was Xie Chengze's favorite.

Isn't this nonsense!

Most people don't believe it: "That's all because the families of Dayan are not willing to lose their interests and write to smear them!"

"Lu Yanzhou has painted many portraits of Wang Ze in his life. In many of them, Wang Ze has a beard. How could he be Xie Chengze!"

"Speaking of Lu Yanzhou's paintings... He paints really well. Although there are not many paintings left by him, they are definitely the pinnacle of Chinese painting!"

"Although Lu Yanzhou once thanked Chengze in his own article, saying that if Xie Chengze hadn't cleaned up Dayan, he would never have gone so smoothly, but Wang Ze and Xie Chengze would never be alone. ?"

"Yes, it is said that Xie Chengze looks fierce, and Wang Ze is recognized as a beautiful man!"

"Wang Ze can't kill someone just because they are ugly!"

"I heard that in the month that Xie Chengze was in power, the palace was soaked with blood!"

"I have studied Dayan's culture. At the beginning of Dayan's establishment, Dayan's culture was still the mainstream. If Wang Zezhen were Xie Chengze, Lu Yanzhou would never have been with him under the pressure at that time!"

Of course, there are also a few people who believe it. After all, in the various articles left by Lu Yanzhou, there is not a single bad comment on Xie Chengze.

There is also... many of the remnants of Dayan who were officials in Dazhou have left some articles saying that Wang Ze is Xie Chengze.

And... Wang Ze really is grateful for the words of Chengze?

Everyone was talking and laughing, when someone suddenly said, "Fuck! The state wants to make public the many manuscripts left by Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze. I heard that they have never been made public before!"

"What is what?"

"The news has just been released, and no one knows what it is."

"One of the historians I follow is crazy and has been posting 'shocked' emojis on the Internet."

"who is it?"

"It's Wang San!"

"Wang San? He has been studying Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze, and said he knows them both well... What's wrong with him?"

"It seems that he saw the information first, and then found that the content of the information exceeded his imagination."

"As for?"

People talked a lot, but they all took out their mobile phones and started to pay attention to the news on the Internet.

Only then did they know that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze had left a lot of things in a special secret room.

It is said that Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze explained before their death that the secret room would not be opened until at least two hundred years later. As a result, due to various accidents, several people who knew the existence of the secret room had an accident.

It was not long ago that the country knew about the existence of this secret room, so it opened it, and it was going to reveal the contents of the secret room at a time when Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze passed away five hundred years ago.

Well, this is Lu Yanzhou's request.

"What the **** is it!"

"So curious!"

"I heard that there will be a live broadcast? I'm really looking forward to it!"

The live broadcast is indeed launched, and when the time is up, the official account of the country will start the live broadcast.

People poured in instantly, and then they saw that the one who appeared in the live broadcast was the historian Wang San, who had been posting "shocked" expressions on the Internet.

Of course, Wang San is just a nickname. He was a **** when he was young, he loved to play and play, and he was the third in the family, so he was called Wang Sanshao.

As a result, Wang Sanshao stopped going to bars to study history. He was getting older and older, and his nephews and nieces were all grown up... He changed his screen name to Wang San.

The Wang family where Wang San is located is the Wang family that came out of Wang Ze.

In fact, there is no conclusion whether Wang Ze is from the Wang family or not, but most people still believe that Wang Ze was born in the Wang family in "The Biography of Wang Ze".

"Hello everyone, I'm Wang San, there should be many people who know me, and this time, I'll broadcast it to everyone."

"I was a little excited before, and I posted a lot of emojis on the Internet. I hope everyone can forgive me. After I came here some time ago, I have not been allowed to surf the Internet. The ban was lifted an hour ago, so I urgently need to express my feelings."

"Okay, let's get to the point and start this live broadcast, which can be regarded as revealing the true identities of Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze to everyone!"

"I believe that everything you see today will definitely refresh your three views!"

The camera followed Wang San into a brightly lit room, and Wang San said again: "Everyone, the secret room we found was a little small and a little crowded, so everything was taken out, and our live broadcast is also going on here."

After he finished speaking, he came to the two portraits: "First of all, what everyone is curious about should be the looks of Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze... Don't worry, the portraits of the two of them that were circulated in the market before are real, the two of them are real. He looks very handsome, from when he was young, to when he is old."

There are more than two portraits, both of them are Lu Yanzhou and Wang Ze. As Wang San said, the people above are very handsome.

Well, they've already seen it!

At this time, Wang San said again: "The next thing I want to show you is the many manuscripts left by these two people. Regarding these manuscripts, Lu Yanzhou left a letter saying that he hopes to make it public... It will be published online soon. There is an electronic version for everyone to read for free. Now, I will summarize and tell you about it.”

Everyone was urging Wang San to speak quickly, but Wang San didn't delay, and said, "First of all, let's talk about Wang Ze's origin, Wang Ze is indeed the Wang family."

Netizens: "So "The Legend of Wang Ze" is true?"

"Why are you shocked by that?"

"what is the problem?"

Wang Sandao: "However, the truth is completely different from "The Biography of Wang Ze"... Wang Ze was actually abandoned by the Wang family."

Netizens couldn't believe it.

Wang Sandao: "You don't believe it, right? I don't believe it either, but it's a fact. When Wang Ze was born, his body was handicapped and he lacked male organs. The head of the Wang family at the time, Wang Tingyun's father, felt that it was embarrassing for the Wang family to give birth to such a child. His parents didn't want such a child either, so they asked Wang Tingyun to deal with him. Wang Tingyun should have killed him, but he didn't want to, and finally used some methods to hand him over to a family named Xie to raise him. ."

Netizens were dumbfounded: "Thank you? Wouldn't it be what I thought?"

Wang San took a deep breath: "At that time, Wang Ze was named Xie Chengze. He was intelligent since he was a child. Wang Tingyun thought of his blood and family, and even found a teacher for him to teach him to read and write."

Netizens were stunned: "Shocked my whole family!"

"Wang Ze is Xie Chengze?"

"Yoshi is actually real?"

Wang San slowly talked about Xie Chengze's experience, saying that his adoptive parents and younger brother were killed by the emperor, and he endured the humiliation and entered the palace: "Xie Chengze's experience after entering the palace is detailed in his autobiography. He is a ruthless man, he has written all the things he has done, whether good or bad, and recorded them in great detail."

"Then I will talk about the acquaintance of Xie Chengze and Lu Yanzhou, as well as the origin of Lu Yanzhou. Lu Yanzhou's mother is a daughter of a noble family, and his father is just a yamen servant, or a lowly rank at that time..."

Wang San briefly introduced Lu Yanzhou's origins, and then said, "That year, Xie Chengze was out doing errands, and he met Lu Yanzhou by chance.

Netizens have sent questions.

What did they hear? Xie Chengze **** Lu Yanzhou and snatched it away?

You must know that Lu Yanzhou is recognized as a powerful force. Although he has been doing research in the later period, he has encountered many assassinations during this period. He often overwhelms a group of assassins by himself!

Such a person was robbed by Xie Chengze?

"Of course Xie Chengze can do things, and there should be a reason why Lu Yanzhou didn't resist. In short, Xie Chengze liked Lu Yanzhou's appearance very much, so he kept Lu Yanzhou at home, Lu Yanzhou also cooked for him every day, and developed a way to squeeze oil. The porcelain has been improved to help Xie Chengze consolidate his position."

Netizens: "Didn't you say that these were made by Wang Ze?"

Wang San also mentioned this matter: "I was surprised before that Wang Ze researched so many things in his early years, why he was unknown in the later period, only after reading this autobiography did I know that Lu Yanzhou was the only one who did the research from start to finish. Lu Yanzhou was the only one who crossed the journey alone, and he gave Xie Chengze so much credit at the beginning, just to make Xie Chengze respected."

"Lu Yanzhou and Xie Chengze have been together for a long time, and the relationship is getting deeper and deeper. Lu Yanzhou realized that in the identity of Xie Chengze at that time, it would not end well in the future. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he decided to go against it."

"This reason for rebellion is really the first in history!"

Netizens feel the same way...

Wang Sandao: "Lu Yanzhou kept writing letters to Xie Chengze when he was developing his power abroad, and the correspondence between the two has been preserved. You can watch the live broadcast after watching it. Later, when Lu Yanzhou learned that Xie Chengze had killed the Dayan royal family, he hurried. rush to the capital and save Xie Chengze..."

This is simply fairy love!

Wang Sandao: "I saw the barrage, and they were all talking about the love of gods. That's true, but in Xie Chengze's autobiography, there was a piece of paper, and he wrote some things that Lu Yanzhou didn't know on the paper... Xie Chengze was actually very ignorant at that time. Self-confidence, I feel that even though Lu Yanzhou wrote to him after being separated for many years, he did not necessarily remember the oath of the two of them back then. He even prepared for Lu Yanzhou to kill him, but even so, he cleaned up the capital and planned to Give it to Lu Yanzhou cleanly."

Wang San read the contents of the piece of paper.

Netizens: "I cried."

"Xie Chengze really loves Lu Yanzhou."

"He originally had such an idea back then, no wonder he acted so crazy!"

"Of course, even so, Xie Chengze killed people who should be killed. He never took the initiative to attack innocent people because he didn't want Lu Yanzhou to think he was a bad person."


Wang San said again: "Xie Chengze has a deep affection for Lu Yanzhou, and Lu Yanzhou did not disappoint Xie Chengze. After he came to the capital, the first thing he did was to find Xie Chengze. You know what happened after that. He made Xie Chengze king. , Empress. Lu Yanzhou actually has no ambition, so that he gave Xie Chengze all the world. Xie Chengze's identity was too sensitive at that time, and the world was unstable at that time, so he changed his name and surname and became Wang Ze."

Netizens are brushing "fairy love" again.

Wang Sandao: "Various electronic versions, as well as picture versions, have already been uploaded, and everyone can read them... In addition, the history book is afraid to be rewritten. Xie Chengze was Wang Ze, and many officials at that time also knew that it was only in the last years of Dayan, Dayan's officials wrote articles all day long to scold Xie Chengze and slander Xie Chengze, so much so that later, they told people that Xie Chengze was actually Wang Ze, and no one else believed it!"

Netizens wanted to laugh: "Sympathy for those former officials in the early years of the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Do you remember? There were people who said that his father didn't forget to discredit Wang Ze before he died, because his father said that Wang Ze was Xie Chengze..."

"Suddenly I feel that these people are a little pitiful..."

"There is one more thing, that is Xie Chengze, or Wang Ze's long beard. Wang Ze was born with a physical disability, so he entered the palace directly, and he did not undergo castration, and he may just have some organs growing inside the body, so his appearance is It's no different from ordinary men, and can grow a beard..."

This live broadcast has been going on for a long time.

When the live broadcast is over, everyone will watch the information together.

"What historical secret, is this actually stuffing us with dog food?"

"Lu Yanzhou is too good! The love letters he wrote to Xie Chengze in those years were really good!"

"I didn't expect Xie Jia to write such a letter. He also helped Lu Yanzhou block the peach blossoms hahaha! You must know that he has always been a grandfather in textbooks, and a grandfather with great military exploits..."

"Xie Jia doesn't like to write, but his daughter wrote something about him in his later years. In his later years, he revealed that Xie Chengze asked him to help him write letters to show his loyalty. Are these letters?"

"I was envious of their relationship before, but now I am even more envious!"

"After knowing that Wang Ze is actually Xie Chengze, I like their relationship even more!"

"Xie Chengze is a real bull. He even robbed Lu Yanzhou home! He broke Dayan by himself! According to what he wrote, those former officials were really afraid of him."

"He also asked them to write articles to praise him, hahahaha!"

"No wonder the relationship between Wang Ze and the Wang family has not been very good. It turns out that they are the same thing!"

At this moment, someone suddenly said: "Uh... Do you have any students? I'm a college student, and my thesis was written about them, and now I'm going to rewrite it..."

"The teaching materials should also be changed..."

"The price of watching the gods' love is not small, woo woo woo!"