MTL - Horror Camgirl-Chapter 811 Warden

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Chairman Tan went forward and said: "Old Feng, don't sleep."

The old man opened his eyes and went to the password plate to lose a password, scanned the iris, made a big yawn, and sat down to sleep.

Tang Mingli looked at him and said, "This is the master of the famous Chinese shock 50 years ago - Feng Jiu zero?"

The old man’s eyes did not open, saying: “The kid, there is no Feng Jiu zero in the world. Only Lao Feng, I will not allow this name in front of me, otherwise I will not blame me for turning my face.”

Soon he began to fight. Although his face was full of pleats and dirt, I can see that when he was young, he must be very beautiful. Compared with Tang Mingli and Shangguan Yun, he did not give up.

In the end, what was the blow to him, and he was willing to stay in such a place and spend his own time?

He is a storyteller.

The elevator stopped at the fifth floor of the underground. We walked out the door and a young man greeted him. "Mr. Tan, everyone, please come with me."

Walking into the office inside, I couldn't help but frown.

Strong and demon!

"President Tan, how do you bring these outsiders in?" A cold voice came, we looked up and saw a man in a black uniform, about 30 years old, looks good, but the eyebrows are filled with Stocks are evil.

We were shocked in our hearts, and we were afraid of our faces.

This man is definitely not human!

Chairman Tan said to us: "This is the warden of black blood purgatory."

Shangguan Yun hooked his mouth and said: "I haven't asked for a name?"

The governor glanced at him coldly and said, "No one is calling my name, you still call me the governor."

Tang Mingli blinked his eyes slightly, looking up and down him, seeming to think of something, thoughtful.

Suddenly, the warden's gaze fell on me, and the eyebrows picked it up and said, "You, get out of the house immediately."

I stumbled and said, "Is the Warden saying me?"

“Is there anyone else here?” he sighed. “Go out immediately. Otherwise, I will give you a hand out.”

Chairman Tan frowned: "The governor, what are you doing? This Ms. Yuan has been working with us and has repeatedly saved China from danger."

The warden's voice was cold: "I don't care what she did, she must leave immediately."

Chairman Tan was somewhat angry, his face was white, and his chest was exposed, showing the painful color.

I quickly helped him and said: "Chairman, you just took medicine, you can't be angry. Since the warden does not welcome me, I have no need to stay, and I have to leave."

Chairman Tan looked at the warden and asked, "Why?"

The warden screamed coldly: "No, since you let me guard the following things here, I will be the master here."

Shangguan Yun snorted and said: "It seems that we don't need our help here. It is our nosy, and we will leave."

Tang Mingli did not say anything, but just looked at the warden and looked away.

That look made the warden stunned, and seemed to think of something. He looked at Tang Mingli with doubtful eyes. Unfortunately, Tang Mingli only gave him a back.

Chairman Tan gasped and eagerly said: "They are all god-level masters. They are there. We have a better chance of winning. The warden, I have never asked the outside master to help us, why are you so? Prepare for Yuan Junyao?"

The warden snorted and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Chairman Tan was so easy that he was relieved and said: "I need an explanation."

The warden’s face was cold and turned to look at the fake city outside the window. “Do you still remember flying?”

Chairman Tan was shocked: "Fei Lian? Is that the person who is in the cell of the ninth?"

The governor said: "Yes, it is him. He had a divination a year ago. Do you want to know the result of divination?"

Chairman Tan took a deep breath and said: "Is it related to Yuan Junyao?"

"The elephant said," he paused. "There will be a woman who will let them go."

Chairman Tan sighed: "How do you conclude that the man is Yuan Junyao?"

The warden took up the tall tulip glass and took a sip of champagne. He said, "From the time I saw her, I can conclude that the person said on Feilian is her."

We just walked to the door of the elevator, and suddenly an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the entire black blood purgatory trembled fiercely.

The old Feng in the elevator slammed his eyes, and the eyes filled with eyes were suddenly shining.

who is it?

Who actually has the guts to jail?

The explosion exploded all the prisoners in the black blood purgatory. They all rioted and slammed into the metal door. There was a burst of screaming in the prison.

The warden looked calmly around and said, "This is what you call the prisoner? The so-called Satanism? Oh, but that's it."

Chairman Tan was shocked for a moment and suddenly stood up and said, "No! They found that thing."

The warden squinted and said, "What?"

Chairman Tan looked at him and said: "Now is not the time to explain, hurry to the ninth floor!"

In the eyes of the warden, a sceptical edge flashed, and he walked out the door, only to find that we were still in front of the elevator. He screamed: "Why are you still not going?"

"The elevator door won't open." I said coldly.

"Can't open?" His face sank. "I obviously opened the permission!"

He strode to the elevator and let the password disk scan his iris, but the password disk did not respond.

He seemed to think of something, his face was black as if it were the bottom of the pot, and he looked back at Chairman Tan and said, "I have been here for 60 years. You still don't trust me?"

Chairman Tan said: "We are just in case."

The warden sneered aloud: "Just in case? The highest authority of the prison now falls into the hands of Satanists, and you can handle it yourself."

After all, I took a short walk and walked back to my office.

Chairman Tan said: "The warden, although they canceled your control, but the control is not in their hands. According to the original regulations, after your control is cancelled, only the general commander has the final password. Turn on permissions."

Just then, a voice rang in my ear.

"Girl, I finally waited for you."

I was surprised, who is this person? It’s so good that it can be directly transmitted to my mind.

How powerful is his god!

I said in my heart: "Who are you?"

"My name is Feilian."

I frowned. "I don't know you, why are you waiting for me?"

Fei Liandao: "I am waiting for you, let me go."

I sneered and said: "You are a prisoner. Those who are in the black blood purgatory are all evil and evil people. You are dead, I will never let you go out."

"No, you will," he said. "Because only me can help you destroy Satanism."

"What?" I frowned. "Do you think I will believe you?"

Fei Lian smiled and said, "I know that you don't believe me. If so, I will show you my strength first."

He paused and said: "The intruders have come in from special passages. They want to release the things that are closed in the eighth floor of the eighth floor."

I frowned and asked, "What is the key in the eight-story and thirteenth cell?"

There was no sound on the opposite side. I had to ask for Chairman Tan. He looked at me with amazement and said, "What do you ask this?"

The warden blinked and said, "Is it cheap to tell you?"

I nodded and suddenly saw a flower in front of me. He rushed to my front and took a palm to my chest.

My response was extremely fast, my hands were in front of my chest, and I suddenly removed most of his strength, then stood up and quickly retreated, and was ten steps away in an instant.

Tang Mingli and Shangguan Yun also shot, and the two men were each other, attacking him from two directions.

He played side by side with the two, and after several seconds, he passed several rounds, and the huge energy shook the entire fifth floor.

"Stop! Stop!" Chairman Tan sighed, but the three were doing their own thing, still playing.

Chairman Tan is in a hurry and wants to get sick again. I quickly hold him down and said, "Don't panic, look at me."

I took a shot on the Qiankun bag, took out the white bone flute, placed it under my lip, and played a piece of music.

The name of this song is "Night Weiyang", which is a requiem, able to calm the violent temper of ghosts, and is also effective for the living.

The melodious flute echoed in the air, and the three listened to the ear, and the war in the heart was slowly extinguished. I felt that there was no meaning in playing it again.

After a few more moves, the three men each stepped back and looked at each other with vigilance.

The warden looked over at me and said coldly: "You are a good means."

I was black and said, "What did you want to do when you suddenly shot me? I remember not offending you?"

The warden looked like a knife and stabbed me on the face, saying, "I won't let you let fly away."

I feel inexplicable: "When did I say I wanted to let him go."

The governor’s voice is like a cold ice: “The divination of Feilian has never been missed.”

I am not a fool, I quickly figured out the key, and I was amazed at it. No wonder the warden was so disgusted when I saw it. I was going to let him go.

I sighed: "I don't know this flying, how can I let him go? The governor is too worried."

"This is cheap and insidious, and there are many wisdoms. It is no wonder that the warden is such a dike." Chairman Tan said, "Jun Yao, why did you mention the 13th floor of the 13th floor?"

I said, "Fei Lian told me that the Satanists have come in from special passages, and they want to release the things in the eighth floor of the eighth floor."

"What?" Chairman Tan was so anxious that he was sweating and said to the warlord: "The warden, now is not worried about the time of flying, if the people taught by Satan let the thing out, the consequences are unimaginable!"