MTL - Horror Resurgence: Ma’am, Please Respect My Profession-Chapter 41

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"Tomorrow, it should be done!"

Su Bai whispered softly!

Tomorrow, the fifth day, he can become a famous doctor!

Much faster than he expected!

His word of mouth fermented too fast, and a large number of patients flocked to bring such an effect!


"Doctor Su, I'll take you back~"

Bai Ling still sent Su Bai back to the dormitory. After returning to the dormitory, she proposed to beat Su Bai's back again.

Moreover, what was different this time was that Bai Ling brought a small bag.

"Doctor Su, I was worried that I would fall asleep here again, so I brought some clothes and a wash."

Bai Ling said a little embarrassedly.

This Lolita dean, it is estimated that she has forgotten her role as dean now, and completely regards herself as Su Bai's little assistant.

It seemed that she had not been aware of the hypnosis of the previous two nights.

He didn't feel anything about the red spirit coming out.


"Doctor Su, I..."

In the living room, half an hour later, the defenseless Bai Ling was hypnotized by Su Bai again.

After Su Bai asked a few more simple questions, Bai Ling fell asleep.

Not surprisingly.

After a while, the red spirit came out.

This time, after seeing Su Bai, the confusion in Hong Ling's eyes quickly disappeared.

"Come here, Red Spirit~"

Su Bai said.

Hong Ling walked over with small steps.

Now, her body is naturally exactly the same as Bai Ling.

Wearing little black silk, he came to Su Bai's side.

"Would you like to hear a story today?"

Su Bai asked.

Red Spirit nodded.

Su Bai's tone softened: "Then I'll tell you."

Su Bai spoke to her softly.

Hong Ling was sitting on the sofa, holding her chin in her hand and listening, her beautiful black legs swaying gently there.

Finally, a story is finished.

"You completed a contagious storytelling, and gained 10 occupation points, 5 occupation proficiency, and +10 recognition from the Red Spirit."

"You have received more than 100 points of recognition from Hong Ling, and Hong Ling has developed a certain degree of trust in you."

"Your ghost storyteller occupation level has been upgraded to 'skilled', and the ghost storyteller's ability and professional skills have been enhanced to a certain extent."

On the game panel, a prompt appears.

After telling stories for three nights, the professional level of ghost storytellers finally improved.

"Hong Ling, can we chat for a while?"

Seeing that Hong Ling had already developed trust in him, Su Bai said to Hong Ling.

Hong Ling stared blankly at Su Bai for a few seconds, then nodded and said "um".

Seeing her actions, Su Bai suddenly thought, she doesn't know what "chat" means, right?

"Hong Ling, how old are you?"

Su Bai asked.

Hong Ling thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know."

Her voice sounded quite different from Bai Ling's.

Although Bai Ling's voice had a little loli sound, perhaps it was because she had been the dean for a long time, and when she spoke, she was very crisp.

Hong Ling's voice was pure Lolita voice.

"Don't you know how old you are?"

Su Bai asked.

Hong Ling nodded: "Well, I don't know. Grandpa locked me in a small dark room. I don't know anything."

Little black house?

It is also accurate to describe it as a small black house.

She and Bai Ling are twin evil spirits, but because of her specialness, Lay Jia Qian was worried that she would become an evil spirit, so he did not let her out at all.

It has always been dominated by Bai Ling.

The place where she stayed was naturally equivalent to a small dark room.

It was dark, not even knowing the time.

Judging from the current situation, she may not know how long she has been in the "Little Dark Room".

Thinking of this, Su Bai couldn't help but feel that this evil loli was a little pitiful.

"Hong Ling, that must be very difficult, right?"

Su Bai asked.

Hong Ling raised his head slightly: "Actually, it's okay, no one speaks, but I don't know why, after I saw people, I couldn't help but want to kill them, maybe because of this, Grandpa didn't let me out. Bar."

Su Bai asked again, "Then have you come out before?"

Hong Ling recalled for a few seconds: "Yes, very rarely, once seemed to frighten Bai Ling, but I really didn't do anything."

Su Bai understood.

He continued to chat with Hong Ling again.

After chatting for some time, Su Bai discovered that this evil loli was as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

She knows very little about the outside world, and she doesn't know many things.

This is also normal. She was sealed up by Lay Jia Qian and kept in a "small dark room" since she was a child.

"Do you blame your grandfather?"

Su Bai asked.

Hong Ling shook his head: "No, only blame me for being too dangerous, Bai Ling is afraid of me."

Having said that, this evil loli bowed her head, a little frustrated.

Seeing such a red spirit, Su Bai stretched out his hand and gently stroked her head.

After three consecutive nights of preparation, this action did not stimulate Hong Ling.

Instead, she seemed to be comforted.

Su Bai pondered for a while and asked, "Hong Ling, do you know about vampires?"

Hong Ling shook his head.

Su Bai said: "Vampires survive by sucking human blood. It is the blood of human beings like me, not evil spirits. But in fact, it is not because they are evil, but because that is what they need to survive."

Hong Ling looked at Su Bai.

Su Bai's eyes were affirmed: "If it is possible in the future, I can take you to the world of vampires to have a look."

Hong Ling said "Oh" and chose to trust Su Bai.

Su Bai continued: "Your current problem is the same, it can't be blamed on you, because you were born like this."

Su Bai's words made Hong Ling look at Su Bai again: "Really?"

Su Bai nodded: "Really!"

As soon as his voice changed, Su Bai said again: "However, vampires have restrained their desire to **** blood, and they will no longer be eaten by vampires!"

Hong Ling couldn't believe it: "How did they do it?"

Su Bai said: "Not only that, after they restrained their blood-sucking desire, they may still evolve, completely control their own life, and become stronger and more powerful!"

Hong Ling's eyes slowly lit up.

Su Bai looked at her with an extremely infectious voice.

Now he is equipped with the professions of ghost teacher and ghost psychiatrist, both of which have the skills to increase the convincing and appealing power of his words.

The skills of the two occupations have also been fully activated by him.

He looked at Hong Ling and said: "Hong Ling, if you can restrain your desire to kill everything, then you can also completely control your life and become stronger. At that time, whether it is Bai Ling or you Your family will no longer be afraid of you, nor will they lock you up!"

Su Bai's words made Hong Ling's eyes completely light up.

Take control of your life!

Let the family no longer be afraid of themselves!

Won't lock her up again!

These points are very important to Hong Ling, who is as simple as a blank piece of paper!

Hong Ling was clearly moved.

But immediately, her eyes became confused again, she looked at Su Bai: "But, I don't know what to do, and Grandpa won't let me out~"

"I'll help you, trust me."

Su Bai said softly.

Then, he stretched out his little finger: "Let's pull the hook."

"Pull the hook?"

After being stunned for a few seconds, Hong Ling tentatively stretched out her little finger and hooked it with Su Bai's finger.

"Hint: You have obtained Red Spirit's Dependency 10."

On the game panel, a prompt appeared.

044 Hidden Mission! Red Spirit learns medicine!

"Red Spirit's dependence?"

Su Bai saw this line of prompts.

This little loli, who was guarded by her family and sealed by the layman with money, had already become dependent on him at this time!

At this time, another line of game prompts appeared.

"Game Tip: You have triggered the dungeon hidden mission.

[Hidden quest]: Help Hong Ling successfully restrain his natural desire to kill to complete the quest; quest reward: extra game score +5, friendship of the evil spirit family.

Explanation: As the grandfather of the twin evil spirits, Lay Jia Qian hopes that the red spirit will be normal, but he is afraid that she will lose control, and even more afraid that she will swallow the white spirit, so he has sealed the red spirit for a long time.

He couldn't find a solution in the world of evil spirits, so he kept sending out invitations, hoping that one day some players could solve it. If you can solve this problem, you will be able to gain the friendship of the entire family.

Note: Hidden missions can only be triggered if the official players meet all the preconditions. "

At this time, on the game panel, a prompt appears.

"Hidden mission?"