MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 354 354 The King of Anyang visits

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   Chapter 354 354 The King of Anyang visits

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue looked at each other and didn't answer.

   "This king first came to the fief, and the palace has not yet been fully completed."

   "The ninth brother was in Liu Mansion again, so I thought..." King Anyang didn't say anything after that.

   looked at Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue, feeling a little annoyed.

   These two people really don't understand, or are they pretending they don't understand?

   He has said this, can't he stay in Dashi Village for the New Year?

   These two people can't see that he, the prince, is giving them a chance to befriend him?

   "Oh, that lord, why don't you stay for a few days and spend the New Year with us?" Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao and said to the king of Anyang.

   Not that she wanted to agree. However, if you don't agree, that person will be unable to hold back.

   Besides, right now they really need to contact King Anyang to get in touch. After all, in the future, they will have to rely on this person's breath to survive.

   Hearing Lin Xiaoyue's words, Anyang King's face really raised a smile.

   "So good." He continued.

   "Cough, Liang's house just moved to Nan'an County, and it hasn't been cleaned up yet. Dong Lin's house, can you—" Seeing this, Liang Yu quickly looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   He didn't actually want to come, but the prince has come, how could he not come?

   After all, in previous years, he also spent the year with his sister and brother-in-law. It makes no sense that this year is an exception.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   then smiled, "If Young Master Liang can admire his face, Liu Zhai will naturally welcome him," he said.

  Li Xiao couldn't help but look back at his daughter-in-law.

   got a comforting look from Lin Xiaoyue.

  Since all of them have been accepted, one more is nothing.

  Besides, next year will soon open up chain stores, and they may have to ask Ruyilou for help at that time.

  Liang Yu was a little embarrassed.

  This is the first time he has been so blatantly despised by others. Unfortunately, for now, I have to pretend not to see it.

   As King Anyang continued to chat, Lin Xiaoyue realized that King Anyang had instructed Princess Anyang to leave for Dashi Village tomorrow before leaving the Anyang Palace.

   So, this guy has already made up his mind to come to their house for Chinese New Year.

   "I just saw the ninth brother, and the change is not small." Suddenly, King Anyang mentioned Xiao Qing again.

   "My body and bones seem to be better than before, and my body is much calmer."

   "That's it...for this king, I'm more cautious than before..." Having said this, King Anyang also laughed two points of loneliness.

  Li Xiao's eyes moved slightly.

   "There are different identities. Qing'er is white like Caomin now, how dare you be presumptuous in front of the prince?" King Chong Anyang cupped his hands.

   King Anyang glanced at Li Xiao.

   "What is the white body? Brother Li Xiao can tell this king at any time if he wants to join the official post. As for the younger brother of the Nine Emperor Gods, his status is precious. When the time is right, this king will also help him restore his status as a prince." He said solemnly.

  Li Xiao's heart trembled.

   "Thank you for your love, Lord, but Caomin and Xiao Qing—"

   Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Anyang King reaching out his hand.

   "Your thoughts don't represent this king's Nine Emperor Brothers."

   said, King Anyang looked towards the door.

   "Go and invite this king's Jiuhuang younger brother. My eldest brother is here, but that kid actually hides." He said with a smile.

   "Yes!" A guard immediately responded at the door.

  Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue looked at each other with a serious look on their faces.

   But it was only a moment before he regained his relaxed look.

   After a while, the guards brought Xiao Qing in.

   "Xiao Qing, I have seen the prince!" After entering the door, Xiao Qing immediately bowed to King Anyang.

   King Anyang frowned.

   "In front of this king, you can use your original surname." He said.

   His Nine Emperor Brothers kept his name incognito and changed his surname, he knew.

   But he never thought that this kid could be so calm and call himself so calmly in front of him.

  Xiao Qing looked up at King Anyang, and quickly lowered her head again.

   "The prince's words are serious. On the day he was slaughtered from the Great General's palace, the ninth prince's Murong Qing was gone. Now, there is only Xiao Qing in this world." Then, calmly said.

   King Anyang frowned again.

   Just wanted to say something, but saw Xiao Qing looking up at him again.

   "If eldest brother is really good to Qing, let Murong Qing disappear completely." Then, he said with a bit of pleading.

   This expression shocked King Anyang directly.

   He is the eldest prince of Dayan, and he has many brothers and sisters below.

   But the older prince, for the crown prince, has been fighting openly and secretly with him.

   He was young, and he rarely came into contact with him.

   Therefore, he actually doesn't have much affection for the emperor's younger brothers and sisters.

   On the other hand, because of her mother-in-law and Concubine Shu's friendship, he has more opportunities to meet the Nine Emperor Brothers than other imperial brothers and sisters.

   When Jiuhuangdi was young, he still pestered his eldest brother and asked him to play with him.

  This kid never calculated him. At that time, he was regarded as a big brother.

   Thinking of something, King Anyang almost lost his mind.

   After returning to his senses, seeing Xiao Qing still looking at him pleadingly, a look of love flashed on his face.

   "Did you really think about it?" Afterwards, he put away the expression on his face and asked Xiao Qing in a deep voice.

   He is actually afraid of the Nine Emperor Brothers.

   If he wants to use Nangong Xiao, he will make the Nangong family rise again.

   And after the rise of the Nangong family, they will not necessarily be loyal to him.

   After all, compared to him, the blood of the Nangong family was shed on his younger brother Jiuhuang.

   "I've thought about it, please let your lord do it!" Xiao Qing said without hesitation, and a smile appeared on his face.

   King Anyang was a little surprised.

   But immediately, King Anyang's expression turned hesitant again.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled when she saw this.

   "Your Highness will fulfill your love. This kid doesn't have any big ambitions, so he just wants to be a scholar and make a name for our family."

   King Anyang and Liang Yu were both surprised.

   Seeing Xiao Qing's face turned red, her complexion was even more strange.

   "Cough, Qinger, do you want to take the imperial examination?" King Anyang asked Xiao Qing slightly embarrassed.

   They were born princes, and their status was precious, and they did not need to take the imperial examinations at all.

   He was a little surprised when he learned that Xiao Qing was in Qingyun Academy and that he was going to take the imperial examination next year.

   Now listening to this, his Jiuhuang brother is really going to take the imperial examination? Moreover, the goal is to test a scholar?

  Scholarly, this kind of country place is really not bad.

   Can be put on the prince, a scholar who does not even have the chance to become an official, will it be too low?

   "Well. After the spring of next year, there will be a big exam in the academy, and we will decide on the list of candidates."

   "If I can pass, I can come off the field and participate in the county exam." Xiao Qing replied.

   King Anyang looked complicated.

   "Why is it so troublesome, this king can directly seal your official position." He said.

   He didn't know much about the imperial examinations, but he probably knew the process.

   One test, one test, one test is very troublesome.

   In addition, during the exam, the environment is still very difficult, and many candidates who are healthy will not be able to bear it.

   Besides, his younger brother of the Nine Emperor Gods, his body and bones are still not good.

   Xiao Qing quickly surrendered to King Anyang.

   "Thank you my lord, but Qing'er wants to rely on her own strength."

   "Since you have decided to change your face, you should change it completely." Shen said.

   King Anyang was surprised again.

   Then, there was a feeling of appreciation in my heart.

   "Don't be my lord. Just like before, call me eldest brother." His heart softened and he smiled.

   Xiao Qing was taken aback.

   Immediately, a smile appeared on his face.

   "Qinger, I beg big brother!" He smiled and bowed his hands to King Anyang.

   "Haha, that's fine! Just do what you want!" King Anyang finally agreed.

After    the words were out of his mouth, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   Brother Jiuhuang would be best without those thoughts, otherwise, it would be troublesome for him.

   "Thank you, big brother!" Xiao Qing had a burst of joy on her face.

   After a while, he remembered something, and bowed to King Anyang again.

   "Brother, I have one more thing to do." He said respectfully.

   King Anyang quickly restrained his smile.

   "What?" asked.

  Xiao Qing looked at King Anyang with a hint of hesitation on her face.

   Then, he opened his mouth.

   "It's about my mother—" said embarrassedly.

   King Anyang was taken aback.

   At the same time, the tension that had just risen in my heart was instantly relieved.

   "Oh, Concubine Shu, everything is fine, you can rest assured."

   "Before, according to the concubine's plan, it was originally planned to start these two days, and arranged for the concubine Shu to leave the palace. But it happened that the Chiwu army at the border escaped."

   King Anyang looked at Li Xiao and Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Now the emperor suspects that Brother Li Xiao is still alive, and may contact Concubine Shu, so he has strengthened his surveillance on Concubine Shu."

   "Therefore, this king and the noble concubine have discussed and arranged for the concubine Shu to leave the palace, so I can only postpone it later."

  Li Xiao frowned and sighed in his heart.

   I didn't expect his arrangement to actually affect my sister.

  Lin Xiaoyue reached out and held Li Xiao's hand.

   was then held by Li Xiaofan.

   "As for my elder sister, there is Prince Lao and your concubine." Lin Xiaoyue smiled and said to Prince Anyang.

   "Lin Dong's family is very polite. Since this king agreed to this matter at the beginning, he will not break his promise."

   Then, King Anyang asked Xiao Qing some more information.

   and Xiao Qing staged a deep brotherhood before it was over.

  In the evening, the kitchen prepared a lot of braised pork, bacon and sausages according to the orders of King Anyang.

   During the banquet, King Anyang and Liang Yu praised the Liu family's food again.

   Knowing that Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao were going to Zhoujiazhuang during the day tomorrow to celebrate the New Year with the Chiwu Army, King Anyang immediately proposed to go together.

   "It is a blessing for the prince to go to Zhoujiazhuang and personally reward the Chiwu Army." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   She is worried, and she has no way to take out the wild animals she got from hunting today and feed them to the brothers of the Chiwu Army, so she has to buy meat again.

  It's all right now, someone wants to reward the sergeant, and she can save the money.

   She doesn't care if King Anyang wants to buy people's hearts.

   Just buy it, they have no other ambitions anyway.

   King Anyang became more and more happy when he heard Lin Xiaoyue's words.

   "Someone!" He immediately shouted outside.

   "Your Highness!" A guard quickly entered the door.

   "Go and arrange 2,000 catties of meat, 4,000 catties of rice, 400 catties of wine, and other dishes to send to Zhoujiazhuang early tomorrow morning." Anyang Wang said boldly.

   "Yes!" The guard hurriedly ordered to leave.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked happy.

   "The wife and husband, for the brothers of the Chiwu Army, thank the lord!" Together with Li Xiao, they raised a glass to the king of Anyang to thank him.

  The atmosphere is so generous.

  These supplies were sent to Zhoujiazhuang, enough for the brothers in the village to eat for ten days.

   "Hey, Lin Dong's family and brother Li Xiao are very polite! The Chiwu Army fought on the battlefield and made great achievements for Dayan. What is the king's gift?!"

   said, King Anyang also raised his glass.

   Had a drink with Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao.

  Liang Yu ate quietly by the side, without saying a word.

  I don't know why, but he always felt that his prince and brother-in-law were tricked by the couple.

   Unfortunately, he still can't grasp the evidence.

   Also, even if he was calculated, his father-in-law and brother-in-law were willing to do so.

   That’s it. Anyway, this money does not need him to pay.

   The dishes are plentiful and everyone is full.

  Especially Henry Zhang, he only had to support himself.

  In ancient times, there were no entertainment activities, so it was a little uncomfortable to eat and sleep like this.

   Henry Zhang proposed to let Lin Xiaoyue take out the playing cards and let everyone play cards together.

  Li Xiao also had some strong interest in his eyes and agreed.

   King Anyang and Liang Yu were curious when they saw this.

  So, at the request of everyone, Lin Xiaoyue went to get the playing cards.

   Next, teach King Anyang and Liang Yu to play cards.

   "There's no point in playing for nothing, let's add some bets." Lin Xiaoyue suddenly said.

   Take advantage of the door, if you don’t kill it, you can’t kill it for nothing.

   Liang Yu's eyes immediately became alert.

   Henry Zhang was nervous. He has no money.

   "What bets?" King Anyang laughed.

   was very curious about the playing cards that Lin Xiaoyue took out.

   The manufacturing process of this card is very special, and I don’t know where Lin Dongjia got it.

   "The one who puts the hat on the opponent wins, and the loser gives the winner one thousand taels of silver." Lin Xiaoyue said.

  Liang Yu's heart sank instantly.

   He heard that King Anyang had already asked: "Is this the king and brother Yu, give each one thousand taels, or give one thousand taels together?"

   Hearing that, Liang Yu couldn't help closing her eyes.

   His brother-in-law, even before the fight started, he was already thinking about losing money.

The meaning of    is obviously to answer.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "Two thousand taels is too much, it's fun to play cards. Five hundred taels per person is enough."

   "Besides, I haven't even started playing yet. It's hard to say who will win in the end. Not necessarily, it's the prince and Mr. Liang who will pay."

   "Haha, this makes sense! Come on then!" King Anyang laughed.

   Liang Yu glanced at her prince and brother-in-law, and sighed helplessly.

   That's all, it's only five hundred taels of silver left and right, so it's time to pass the time.

   So, next, Lin Xiaoyue and Henry Zhang team, Anyang Wang and Liang Yu team played cards.

  Li Xiao was idle, and was called by Henry Zhang to help him.

   After playing cards, at the beginning, because King Anyang and Liang Yu didn’t know the tricks, they made a few low-level mistakes, and Lin Xiaoyue and Henry Zhang won several games in a row.

   But soon, the two mastered the trick and began to catch up.

   Especially Liang Yu, who is very good at playing cards.

   After he was in the village, he took the King of Anyang to win three games in a row.

   forced Lin Xiaoyue's attitude towards playing cards to become serious.

   There is no way to be serious, otherwise, she and Henry Zhang might lose in the end.

   Henry Zhang can't come up with five hundred taels, won't she have to pay for the money?

   One thousand taels, how much food is enough to buy?

   So, the two sides quickly entered a tug-of-war.

   After half an hour, in the end, both sides were promoted to K, and they were stuck in the part of wearing hats.

   (end of this chapter)