MTL - House Dad’s Literary Life-Chapter 1214 Finished, Yang Xiaoyu, you have a big event! (2/3)

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Murphy’s chat with her mother is almost over. She smiles and leans forward on the sofa and probes her head. She shouted, “Hey, hey, come over, say goodbye to your grandmother!”

After shouting two times, a small figure ran from the stairs, the small steps ran very slippery, and also mixed with the laughter of "嘻嘻".

"He is coming!" Murphy smiled and handed the phone over and shouted, "Hey, tell my grandmother, bye, seeyou!"

But when her eyes shifted from the microphone, it fell on the little **** that was like the little cat, and the head was gray. Murphy suddenly sounded stunned and dumbfounded.

Is this gray doll or my baby son?

At least the sound is still there, Xiao Xiaoxing rushed his two gray paws on the sofa, screaming at the microphone, and shouting milk: "Grandma, bye!"

Perhaps he heard the English from inside, and he also learned like a decent: "seeyou!"

Murphy returned to God. She hurriedly said a few words to her mother, hung up the phone. Then, her eyes were a little bit stunned and stared at the little cockroach that was still stunned by the sofa.

"Yang Xiaoyu!" Murphy was angry and screamed with a funny voice. "What good things have you done?"

Xiao Yan is immersed in his happy little world. He did not find his mother's emotional changes. He also raised his small head and smiled with his mother.

"How do you make yourself like this? Where did you play?" Murphy reluctantly picked up the little guy's two dirty paws and asked.

"Just, hey, play with the buns!" Xiao Yan licked his innocent big eyes and explained it, "Drawing, sister, painting!"

"Bags take you to naughty?" Murphy looked suspiciously at Xiaoyan.

Xiao Yan is not a teammate in the heart, but in his simple thoughts, the buns are "smoothed" with him! Therefore, after listening to my mother’s first half of the conversation, the latter half automatically ignored the Xiaoyan, and I was very happy to have a small head.

Fortunately, Murphy held a skeptical attitude. Without convincing the little sister, she picked up the little guy and went to the stairs to check.

Just after the corner, Murphy saw the wall in front of him, the floor was a mess, and suddenly his face was black.

"My God! Yang Xiaoyu, you see what good things you do!" Murphy was a good-hearted, and funny, put the little guy down, then she stared at the innocent little guy, voice Slightly blame, "I also lost the responsibility to the buns. Does the buns have the guts to make this look like a home?"

Murphy apparently forgot, and the buns have once had a "glorious record" that tears the paper towel all over the floor. (Yang Yang used paper towels in the stairwell last year, and played games for the donkeys and the little sisters.) That time was not exactly the fault of the buns. The other three big fat cats who had moved their claws first slipped away, leaving the buns, but after all, the buns still participated!

Murphy has forgotten this matter, but the buns still have the impression that the big masters are still terrible when they lose their temper. It has been reprimanded many times, and even shut down several small black houses!

So, seeing Xiao Xiao’s “poorly” being blamed, the buns provoked courage, ran from the side, and stopped between the big master and the little master. It also lifted two forelimbs, enthusiastically On the lap of Murphy.

"Oh..." The buns stood unsteadily, and they fell two turns, and they sighed and stood up.

This looks like it is helping to pull the frame, don't let Murphy blame the little cockroach.

Otaru also seems to feel the anger of her mother. He stretched his hand and scratched his face, leaving two traces of gray, his eyes were bones, secretly aiming at the gaze and looking at him. The mother of the "record", the mother's expression, clearly said: "You are in trouble!"

How to do?

Xiao Yan does not know! I could only stand in the same place, dare not move, but also tried to slap his innocent, cute big eyes and pretend to be pitiful...

Fortunately, there is a buns "sister" to help stop, otherwise my mother may have to slap on her little ass!

Murphy was actually thinking of a solution, but she looked around and finally sighed helplessly, learning some accents on TV and saying: "Well, Yang Xiaoyu, Ma Ma told you that you have a big event. There is no way for Ma Ma to make up for you!"

What else is it made up for? In addition to a few black handwritings on the wall, it is the mark that is drawn by the little cymbal with the tip of the pen. Therefore, it seems that the wall below is like the plowed field, and it’s pitted and horrible. !

"When you come back, his guy has obsessive-compulsive disorder. When you see that the wall is so messy, you must be crazy!" Murphy thought of Yang Lan, couldn't help but sigh gently, not sullen. Said the little guy.

Xiaoxuan knew that he was really in trouble. He was also embarrassed by his mother. His excitement had long since disappeared. Gradually, his flustered and helplessness prevailed, and his eyes were red, small. The mouth smashed up...

Still not crying, this is just a performance of the little guy afraid of being detained.

I saw the little guy grievously moving a small step, a little closer to the mother, and then carefully grasped the mother's hand, although not snoring, but this poor little appearance, still let Murphy soften.

"Okay! Ma Ma will give you a bath first, then drag it to the ground, you look at you, and make yourself a head of dust." Murphy happily picked up the little cockroach, softly said, "Next time Don't be naughty again!"

In the mother's arms, Xiao Yan was a little relieved. At this moment, the teardrops that were spinning in his eyes slipped down on his little face. He sadly buried his small head in his mother's arms. I don't want to be shackled.


In the evening, Yang Lan, who is not the protagonist, found an excuse to open the sneak. He did not attend the dinner, but went to pick up Lan Lan and go home.

Just after returning home, Yang Hao’s car keys and his schoolbags were not put down. Murphy greeted him and smiled. He stretched his hand and said, “Come, let me show you, What good things did your baby son do this afternoon!"

Xiao Yan saw her sister was still happy, but when he heard his mother, he panicked.

Isn't Ma Ma clean the floor? How to sell teammates again?

"Don't, don't!" The little guy yelled anxiously twice, but he thought that his little man couldn't stop the big dad's, and he smiled and slammed two times. Wrongedly grabbed her sister's school uniform skirt and hid behind her sister's little ass.

He looked at his father and mother with a misty look, then grabbed the hand of Xiao Yan, who was holding his skirt tightly, and asked in confusion: "Brother, what have you done?"


The ground has been wiped clean by Murphy, and Xiaoyan has not been as grey-faced as it was at the beginning, but when Yang Lan saw the wall being smashed, the performance was exactly the same as Murphy expected!


A tangled face!

Although listening to the situation told by Murphy, Yang Lan was a little bit sorrowful about the naughty little sister, but he still looked at the wall that was smashed.

"It's not easy to get it!" Yang Hao looked at it for a while, and said with a smile to Murphy. "He is destructively sloppy. I don't want to add a bit of painting on it. I can't change it!"

Yang Hao refers to the method, a bit like the time when he was still not very likely to paint. He would be happy to make the little guy happy, and deliberately painted her scribbled paintings into a complex second creation and turned it into a pair of pounds. Awesome paintings!

But the little ones can't do this, and the messy ones are all twisted and twisted, the key is still asymmetrical!

"That can only make people brush the wall again, or how about the tiles? So you won't break the wall again!" Murphy asked with a smile. "Fortunately, he is not tall." It’s just that the following is awkward, just use the tile below it!”

"This is not the solution to the problem..." Yang Yan grinded, and reached out and touched the wall, saying, "Yes, what is he drawing? Make the wall so messy?"