MTL - House Witch-Chapter 35 Sophilia's Reflection

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  Chapter 35 35. Sophilia's Reflection

  Because of the protection of the field magic "false life" in the arena, Sophilia has now fully recovered. The pure white girl is still spotless, so white that it glows, as if she has never been injured.

  But the recovery of the body does not mean that the mind also recovers. The feeling of being instantly killed by someone and then shattered is not so easy to forget.

  The false life can only ensure that the witch will not be really injured, and has no other functions other than that. Therefore, when injured in a duel, it should still hurt.

  Then how does it feel to be crushed after being cut out by someone's claws?

  After being teleported to the lounge, Sophilia opened her eyes for a long time, and there was still lingering pain and fear in those golden pupils.

  Pain is the imprint left by the traumatic experience, while fear is simply the resistance to death itself.

   It's just that the angel witch is not the kind of pampered and delicate lady after all. She quickly calmed down, stabilized her emotions, closed her eyes again, and began to replay the battle that ended in an instant.

Although Sophilia is very unwilling to be reconciled to the result of being killed in seconds, but losing is losing. No matter how much you argue, this is always true. So instead of venting your emotions meaninglessly here, it is better to think about yourself. Learn from your failures so you don't make the same mistakes next time.

First of all, the first crime, jealousy, I was afraid that the appearance of Dorothy would threaten my position in the heart of the teacher. Jealousy made me lose my calm, which led to the fact that when the duel started, I did not put on the shield at the first time, but chose attacked.

Then came the second sin, arrogance. The reason why I chose to attack first was because I underestimated the enemy besides jealousy. I underestimated Dorothy, thinking that it was absolutely impossible for this witch who grew up in a small country place to be real The ones that threatened me subconsciously felt that there was no need for a shield to deal with her, just hit her casually.

After that.

   Then there was no more. The duel ended so quickly that Sophilia didn't have time to make more mistakes. Just a mistake in the first move at the beginning directly declared her defeat.

   And this also shows Dorothy's horror even more.

  She is not a harmless internet-addicted home girl like the information collected by the teacher at all. As for the wish to become a research witch in the future, it is even more nonsense.

  Which research witch can have such a terrifying fighting instinct? Is it really easy to be keenly aware of the opponent's insignificant flaws in this ever-changing battle?

  There is no shortcut to develop this kind of combat intuition. It can only be cultivated after thousands of battles. This Dorothy is undoubtedly an old dueling witch.

  But how did an internet-addicted girl develop such a fighting instinct? How could she have experienced so many duels?

  Sofelia thought for a while, and then came to a realization.

   "Magic net duel?"

  The angel witch murmured, and then felt the frustration in her heart become more serious.

  She actually lost to a magic net duelist?

   There is also a chain of contempt in the witch duel circle. The kind of ruthless people who play life-and-death duels look down on arena duels under the protection of false lives, and arena duels in reality look down on magic net duels.

After all, the reality of the magic net is only 99% of reality. The last gap between reality and illusion is not much different in entertainment, but it is very deadly in battle, especially in the battlefield. It may be that subtlety If the hand feels wrong, the witch may lose her life on the battlefield.

Not to mention that the magic net duel can also block the pain sensation. This is not something a warrior should do. If you are afraid of pain, what kind of duel do you play? Scars and pain are also a kind of fun in duels. You must try it, this is unacceptable If not, you might as well go home and drink milk.

   Therefore, the world of witches generally believes that the magic net duel is just an entertainment game played by little witches, so that the underage little witches or those scientific witches who don't go to the battlefield can experience the duel atmosphere.

   Real armed witches seldom go to magic net duel. It is okay to play that kind of game once or twice as a relaxation, but if they play for a long time, it will only make the armed witches' strength decline.

  After all, if you abuse vegetables and fry fish too much, you will be assimilated by the fish pond. Swinging a knife at the weak can only make you weak. If you want to become stronger, you can only challenge the stronger.

Sophilia hasn't played Magic Duel for a long time. The last time she played it was when she was a child. At that time, she was only seven or eight years old and she was already able to kill in Magic Duel. She just felt that there were weak chickens everywhere. , so she didn't play much after that.

  But now that Dorothy's appearance made her start to doubt her life, could it be that the magic net duel has quietly escalated over the years? Are the current magic net duelists of high quality?

  Angel Witch decided to go online after a long absence and try it out after going back later.

   An insensitive fighting intuition is important, but it is only one of the factors that allowed Dorothy to instantly kill her, not all of them. The real decisive factor is the opponent's strength.

  In fact, if it was another opponent, even if her mistake was caught, with Sophilia's strength, she would still have the opportunity to calmly dodge subsequent attacks and quickly adjust her state.

   But facing Dorothy.

  The angel witch fell into memory.

The sword she slashed before was actually just a routine test. After all, when both parties don't know much about each other's methods and moves, it must be right to make a test. Under normal circumstances, whoever meets will make a big move. Oh crazy.

  The tentative move naturally wouldn't be a full-strength attack. She reserved a little strength at the time, so that she could withdraw her hand in time to dodge or defend when the attack failed.

And after the sword brushed against Dorothy's body, Sophilia had already decided to dodge immediately, but what she never expected was that Dorothy's speed would be faster than hers. Faster, to an unreasonable degree.

It is not uncommon for Sophilia to see the kind of magic that speeds up her movements in a short period of time, but normally this kind of strengthening magic can increase the speed by about 50%, which is a very good buff, but Dorothy The rapidity of the explosion at that moment was far from what this kind of strengthening magic could match. At that moment, the speed of her explosion soared by at least ten times.

   What is the concept of a sudden ten-fold speed increase in a battle? People usually only use two words to describe this kind of situation, that is-hanging force.

  This kind of skill that completely destroys the balance should not exist at all.

  It's a pity that reality is not a game. Games may need balance, but reality doesn't.

   Before she had time to think about it during the battle, she was killed, but now that she carefully reviewed the situation just now, Sophilia could almost understand what Dorothy did.

   That is the power of time. She had indeed noticed the abnormality of the time flow on the other party in an instant before, and the time flow on her body had just accelerated ten times in an instant.

And this means that Sophilia's own time has slowed down by ten times. Even though she has already evacuated at the fastest speed, her movements must be quite short in the eyes of Dorothy, who has just sped up time. in slow motion.

Facing the mighty power of time, Sophilia was not wronged. At that time, she was still powerless to resist, and the defense power of her angelic body might still be useful in front of other races, but In front of Dorothy, who owned the dragon's claw, it was almost paper. The dragon's sharp claws with the effect of breaking demons easily pierced through her chest, grabbed her heart, and then crushed it.

   And what's even more outrageous is that what Dorothy shows is not only the power of time, but also space.

A broken heart is fatal to other races, and it can kill with one blow, but it can only be regarded as a serious injury to angels. Even if they lose their hearts, angels can still fight for a few minutes, Sophilia At that time, they were already ready to blow themselves up and drag their opponents to the end.

  But the mirror-like shattered space directly shattered Sophilia's hope of forcing a tie. The lethality of the shattered space is undoubted, and it almost kills the targets under the great witch with one blow.

Sophilia, as an elite witch who is only one step away from the great witch, with full strength, she can barely resist the damage of the broken space. She could take this blow, but who made her want to defeat Dorothy in an upright manner? Not only did she take off her shirt, but she also sealed her magic power, leaving only 1w of magic power behind?

  1w magic power, no armor, fighting a coercion with the two supreme powers of time and space at the same time, and the situation that has already been raided on the face, this is a hammer.

  If Sophilia is given another chance, she will definitely fill up her shield immediately, and then immediately draw a distance to start a guerrilla attrition war. This way, she still has a chance to beat her, otherwise she will definitely lose.

  But do you really have a chance to fight a guerrilla war of attrition?

Sophilia recalled the multi-element compound evocation magic that Dorothy used in the last time when she was ashes. The complete reaction between the various elements allowed each element to perfectly play its respective roles. Features, to achieve the effect of the theoretical maximum damage value.

Although this fine manipulation of magic is not as shocking as the power of time and space, it is also outrageous. To control multiple elements at the same time requires multitasking, and to prevent the elements from interfering with each other from conflicting with each other requires Absolute control over magic.

   But is this kind of precision really achievable by the Great Witch? Aren't the compound evocation magics composed of opposing elements generally high-level magic with a level 7 or above? In theory, you must be a great witch to learn, right?

  So, what kind of monster am I fighting, or should I say that I really deserve to be the teacher's daughter?

  The pure white girl was lost in thought for a while.

   It's not wrong for her to lose.

  (end of this chapter)