MTL - House Witch-Chapter 557 556. Fighting and stalemate

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  Chapter 557 556. Fighting and Stalemate

   "Trough, my power of the king."

   "Stop howling, the mechanical body doesn't hurt, what a fart you are, hurry up and fill in the vacancy of this actor, I can't stand it anymore."

   "Hold on, sister, let me do it."

   "Medical soldier, no, where is the maintenance soldier, my **** is hanging on a tree, please help me pick it up."

At the junction of the two countries, a brutal war is being fought. The situation of the battle can be said to be very anxious. The mechanical army that has followed one after another is not afraid of death, and the indifferent and powerful angel army is unstoppable. For a while, the two sides are fighting. One you come and I go, each other wins and loses.

That is to say, occasionally the strange screams and wailings of the witches from these mechanical armies have a bit of a ruinous atmosphere, but if the little noise from these unprofessional guys is ignored, the tragedy of this war is indeed enough to be overwhelmed. Later generations called it the War of the Gods.

  After all, in terms of pure strength, the single-machine combat power of the mechanical witches is really impressive. Ten mechanical witches may not be able to hold back the footsteps of an angel warrior.

But who makes there be too many witches? If ten can't do it, there will be twenty. Moreover, they are not afraid of negative states such as pain. Explode the body, come to a suicide charge or something.

  Ants kill elephants more often, and the mechanical witches are not afraid of sacrifice. If one machine breaks down, another one will be added. Anyway, there are still plenty of spare machines.

   But the situation on the angel side is not good. Although the angels are powerful, so far the casualties are still very small.

  But no matter how small the casualties are, they are still casualties, especially when the angels have no follow-up support, the ratio of casualties will only become heavier.

   After all, there is no glorious kingdom of God anymore. After losing the source of belief of the believers, they also lost the possibility of summoning new angels.

   Thus, the **** and cruel torture continued.

  The powerful angels wield the holy fire weapons in their hands, swaying the dazzling holy light and scorching holy fire with every move, ruthlessly and equally sweeping away everything in front of them.

  The relatively fragile Mechanical Witches are not a one-shot enemy of the Angels in a head-to-head battle. If they are truly equal to each other, they may be cannon fodder that will fall in one round.

  But the witches still have the unique skill of using the weak to control the strong.

  Military magic skills. Eight formations.

The powerful dominance from Dorothy is like the will of the nonexistent lord of all machines in the legend of the Mechanicus, which connects every mechanical body on this battlefield. The "Eight Formation Diagram" program was written into the database of each mechanical witch.

  Just follow the algorithm and guidance of the program, and the mechanical witches don't need to learn or special training, and they will naturally master this military god's stunt that should be difficult to get started.

   Therefore, mechanical witches often form a team of eight or sixteen. They will complete the formation in the combat preparation room before joining the battlefield, and they will go to the battlefield together.

  The souls of the mechanical witches who died in the battlefield will also return to the battle preparation room. After activating the spare mechanical body, they will find someone to form a team again, and then go to the battlefield again after gathering a team.

   This cycle goes on and on.

   Well, it’s like randomly matching teammates to fight in a team in the game.

   Die after fighting, fight again after death, and be able to read unlimited resurrection is such willfulness.

   Moreover, the help from the eight formations makes the witches no longer have the pressure to form a team, and there is no need to worry about the skills of pig teammates. Everyone cooperates with God.

It doesn’t matter even if some lower-grade witches’ strength and quality are a bit lackluster. After all, it’s the intelligent program of “Eight Arrays That Even Fools Can Understand”. A witch can maximize her role within her own strength.

In this way, the actual combat power of an eight-formation team with a standard number of people is far from the saying that eight one plus one equals eight. The battle formation is becoming more and more adaptable, and the coordination proficiency is getting higher and higher, and this number of combat power is still soaring.

   In this way, the weakness of the mechanical witches who are not strong enough in individual soldiers has been made up to a certain extent.

  It is difficult for them to compete with the elite angels individually, but they can do it as a team.

Usually, a witch team with eight formations can hold back an elite angel for a long time, and if you are unlucky enough to meet an elite among angel elites, don't panic, the guidance from the military **** will automatically ask for help, and the other readers will come back to life Witch Squad joins you directly for support.

  Two eight-member groups directly merged into a sixteen-member group. If this is not enough, they can continue to shake people into a thirty-two-member group or something.

  Anyway, in the entire battlefield, an invisible hand commands the army of mechanical witches, always keeping them on the right path, doing the right things, and completing the most exquisite coordination with the smallest force.

   This is micromanagement, the art of micromanipulation on the battlefield that is almost extreme.

  Of course, the Mechanical Witch is good at micromanaging, but the command of the Angel Legion is not bad.

  Also from the will of a military **** to coordinate the angels, the holy aura of apocalypse links them all, and various powerful legion buffs are continuously blessed on the angels, making them even stronger.

  At the same time, one by one military orders were issued in an orderly manner. Under the skillful scheduling, the entire legion became a whole, and the strength advantage that already had the upper hand was brought to the extreme.

  Even though the mechanical witches are not afraid of death and try to reduce the number of angels as much as possible by suicide bombing attacks, the orderly dispatch from the God of Heaven's Qi Army minimizes this possibility.

  Many mechanical witches are often cleared by AOE attacks from nowhere on the way of suicide charge.

Although the prediction of fate is useless to the enemy's coach, it is accurate for other witches. The action trajectory of the witches is transparent to the eyes of the angel army. The holy light bombardment of the angels can often predict the enemy's actions in advance route, and then hit the soul.

   This is absolute firepower suppression, an upright kingly crushing.

   Well, at this moment, the first battle between the two magic net army gods seems to usher in a reenactment, and this moment is just like that moment.

   It’s just that the side that tried to crush the opponent with the Dream Fleet learned the opponent’s micromanagement, and the side that used the art of micromanagement to resist the crushing of the opponent’s strength learned the opponent’s fire suppression.

   What a two-way rush, really gratifying to congratulate, gratifying to congratulate.

   "Okay Sophia, you have changed, you were not like this before."

   In mid-air, Dorothy had just organized a surprise attack team and was suppressed by enemy firepower again, and the middle way collapsed. The angry house witch gritted her teeth and protested to the pure white angel opposite.

  She has really used up all she has learned all her life, but she still can barely resist the oppression of the Angel Legion on the opposite side. She has more than enough self-preservation, but not enough to attack.

  Although the mechanical army is not afraid of casualties, the spare machine bodies are not endless, and it is not a solution to consume them like this.

   "Hehe, miss, I'm not stupid, and I can't afford to underestimate the enemy in a battle with you."

  Sophilia on the opposite side rolled her eyes in response to her eldest lady.

  Although she used to like to use lower-level units to use the weak to control the strong, it was all to exercise her tactical command ability.

But training games and actual combat are two different concepts. In actual combat, who would be idle and tied their hands and feet? Of course, the configuration can be full and full, and it is best to take away with zero casualties. opposite.

  Besides, she has suffered too much from the eldest lady who underestimated the enemy. Now she dares to underestimate the enemy. She only hates that her firepower is not strong enough, so that the eldest lady still has the strength to fight back.

   "Tsk, I still underestimated these mechanical creations in the past. I didn't expect that after the development of technology to a certain level, it would be so difficult to fight a war of attrition."

  Looking at the endless and endless mechanical army under the command of the eldest lady, Pure White Angel is also reflecting on himself.

  Although the technological level of the Kingdom of Glory was not low before, Sophilia has never really worked **** the technological level. In fact, the technology of the Kingdom of God has only been developed by Noah in recent years.

Sophilia has always discriminated against technology. After all, in this western universe, mechanical technology has always been considered a small way, with no future for development. It is an external force that only the weak are forced to develop. How can there be magic that can Weili's own path is perfect.

  The highest level of mechanical technology in the western universe is some goblin and gnome civilizations. These races are just bronze races with hips, not even silver races, so the threat is limited.

  So, when there is a sunny avenue like the Angel Legion to walk, the Pure White Angel is naturally too lazy to pay attention to the useless mechanical single-plank bridge.

  However, now her angel legion is actually blocked by the old lady's pile of broken machinery. This really refreshes her three views, and she has a new understanding of the power of machinery.

  Maybe it’s not that the mechanical power is not good, but that the mechanical civilizations in the Western Universe in the past were too hip. If this kind of power is developed in the hands of someone like Missy, it may have the qualifications to become a new natural disaster.

   Sophilia felt that it might be time to study this special unit in depth after she went back this time.

   On the other side, the house witch who was bullied by her roommate was also furious.

Damn, if it wasn't for the lack of development time, she wouldn't be able to hold back such a big killer as the Witch Battleship, and the only war fortress, Longshan, killed the negative mountain dragon tortoise not long ago, and it is still charging. It cannot be used again for a short time.

   Otherwise, how could she make this little angel so rampant? In terms of firepower to suppress her, the God Cult has never been afraid of anyone.

   But forget it, although it is impossible to expect this group of broken machines to win this game, but the army of machines has at least helped her hold back the angel army, which gave her a chance to single out King Sophilia.

   Capture the thief first and capture the king first. As long as she can directly behead Sophilia, the commander, the remaining Angel Legion will naturally be nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, the house witch silently held the whale killer in her left hand on her shoulder, and then, countless metal dragon scales pierced her skin, and densely grew out, finally forming a piece of dragon scale on her body surface jersey.

  The giant dragon magic outfit starts.

  Since she completed her full-body magic costume, this is the first time she has entered a full combat state.

  At the moment, with horns on top of her head and a tail behind her, Dorothy, who was completely transformed into a dragon, stared coldly at Sophilia opposite her with her red eyes.

  She stretched out her right hand silently, then held the left dragon horn on top of her head, and finally pulled it hard.

   There was only a click, and the dragon horn was broken by herself, but the broken dragon horn was like a natural sword handle, and then a sharp magic light blade extended from the fracture.

After skillfully pulling up the sword flower, Dorothy carried Fang Tian's painting halberd in one hand and pointed at Sophilia with the other. She was going to try to see how this roommate from home has grown up in the past five hundred years. .

   Seeing this, Angel Chunbai raised the holy fire sword in his hand without fear in response.

  No one speaks at this moment, and there is no need to speak

In the next instant, the voices of the two had disappeared in place at the same time, followed by the continuous sound of weapons colliding, the aftermath of the wrestling between the two turned into circles of ripples, and the terrifying shock waves radiated everywhere, causing the original Both the Mechanical Witch and the Angel Legion, who were in a fierce battle, had to stop, and each began to resist the impact under the aftermath of the big boss's power.

   "Damn, this is not the kind of movement that a student should have, two perverts."

  “Indeed, the gap between people is sometimes bigger than that between people and dogs.”

   I don’t know who said it first, and it immediately resonated with everyone. At this moment, both the witch student and the young angels who participated in the trial just felt a little boring.

   What was agreed was everyone's team battle trial, and it was almost becoming a rivalry between these two.

  Inexplicably, everyone has a kind of sadness that they seem to be only worthy of the role of cannon fodder.

  It's boring.

   On the other side, Dorothy and Sophilia also gradually became popular.

   "Damn it, it was taught by a master. If it can't be broken, it's okay."

   Seeing that the two sides have tested each other hundreds of tricks, but they couldn't find each other's flaws, Dorothy felt very helpless.

   Both of them's combat and martial arts were taught by Uphelia. In terms of talent and realm, she is better than Sophilia.

  After all, the house witch is already in the realm of a warrior, and the pure white angel is no more than a pinnacle warrior.

But the power of fate is the power of coercion. Sophilia gave herself the fate of "Sword God" at the beginning, and forcibly raised her fighting skills by one level. After a while, her sword skills soared, and she withstood Dorothy's pressure in a daze.

   During the hand-to-hand moves competition, the two were surprised to find that they were really connected with each other.

   "I can't procrastinate any longer. A protracted war is not good for me. The dragon demon is overkill, open."

   Seeing that the temptation was ineffective, Dorothy didn't bother to continue. She is now a mortal body, and she can't consume the real angel body on the opposite side, so she just opened up a wave.

Immediately, violent magic power burst out from her body, the originally colorless magic power even had a hint of scarlet at this time, her hair was blown by this burst of magic power like a super Saiyan, which also made the house witch The whole temperament suddenly seemed a little crazy.

   This is her own strategy, Sophilia, learn it if you have the ability.

   Otaku Witch Kai Dazhong

   It was so difficult. I went to the hospital, but the cough that was almost healed began to worsen. What kind of broken hospital is this? I wondered if I was infected again.



  (end of this chapter)