MTL - How Can the Saintess Be a Boy!?-v3 Chapter 19 The Curse of Blood (3) [Part2 / 2]

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"Stupid girl! Where have you been ???"

"Feier, don't do this. Qi Feng shouldn't go far. May I accompany you to find out?" Lian Qi comforted me.

"Only Qi Feng's magic has the function of finding out! But what she doesn't see now is her one ---!"

I was so anxious to walk around in the guest room that I stepped on the floor.

No no no!

It's better to spin around the city than to spin around the room!

Qi Feng, she must need my help now, so I must find her!

I touched my heart, and I firmly believe that her magical "lock of fetters"-must still be connected to each other, and they will surely attract each other!

"I'll look for it with you!" Lian Qi said.

When I rushed out of the hotel, I just passed by-for a while, the sky was completely dark. I looked around in the Middle East at night and lost my way like a lost lamb.

"Here isn't Wang Du. Mayfair, where do you think Qi Feng will go? Full novel

I recall what Bishop Barr had just said-"Your nun sister doesn't want to hurt anyone, especially her closest ones. She avoids anyone."

"Qi Feng-must have found a place where no one was hiding, we went to a place with few people.

I looked around and got into the dark alley, "Meow one-"-a stray cat glanced at me-and turned away.

Hey, if Qi Feng could hold her knees in the corner and wait for me to take her home!

I searched all the way from the end of the alley to the end of the alley, and I did not see Qi Feng's trace. In fact, I knew that she could not hide in such a close place.

"If the vampire chooses to evade the world one-then Qi Feng may have left the city." I said-while running.

"Huh!" Lian Qi nodded immediately behind me.

We both copied the short road just one-rushed out of the alley one-

Countless spotlights hit me, making me--time couldn't open my eyes. When my eyes could adapt, I found that the alley was blocked by armed guards.

Before we knew it, we were surrounded.

"Sir, sir, you never came to your door. Surrender yourself, you are surrounded."

Nasty !! It's on this knot !!!!

I'm in a hurry, without saying a word, transforming the hammer of the light! Directly to all of them!

"I was surrounded by you! K \"

Don't want anyone to stop me from looking for Qi Feng! Miss Ben one-no, how about Lao Tzu becoming black today? My majesty!

"Give me all the way! Otherwise don't blame my hammer for not having eyes!

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