MTL - How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars-Chapter 417 Qingyuan Inheritance, the fourth source

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The desire for survival of the giant phantom is really strong.


He is really cowardly.

Seeing Li Jing and Jiang Yini coming from the sky, his huge body that stood above the sky quickly shrank to the height of a normal person, and turned into a handsome young man kneeling there.

Seeing that he had changed before he approached the giant phantom, Li Jing inadvertently made a "tsk" sound, dissatisfied with all kinds of desires.

Seeing that the phantom that was inexplicably blasted to death can reach the nine realms, people's desire to survive is so strong that he can't say what to do.

What is the difference between him and the cultivator of the evil way?

In principle, Li Jing has always had it.

Jiang Yanni looked strange when she looked at the phantom of the giant who was considered invincible when she appeared.

Coming to the youthful shadow, Li Jing and Jiang Yini first glanced down to the ground.

A bottomless black pit was revealed under the flat mountain that was bombarded by the big spy.

A simple explosion will not explode into this virtue.

After all, Li Jing's shot was a flat shot, not directed at the ground from top to bottom. It was normal to blow up a hole, but it wasn't that deep.


The bottomless black pit originally existed, but it was originally buried and covered by the mountain and the ground.

Looking down from a height, all you can see is darkness.

This pit is obviously not ordinary deep.

Both of them retracted their gazes, and they looked at each other silently. Li Jingwang knelt down to Lingkong and lowered his brows and lowered his eyes.

"So, what are you? Netherworld beast?"

Meeting the question, the young ghost was stunned for a moment and raised his eyes.

"I don't know what the evil beast is in the mouth of the senior, but I think you should see it, senior, it's just a remnant of the soul now."


Li Jing was stunned.

Jiang Yini also frowned.

Soul, this concept has always existed in this world.

The concept of remnant souls naturally also exists.

But so far, there is still no scientific basis for the relevant level.

In Xianxue, the soul has long been tacitly regarded as the representative name of the personal primordial spirit.

This is the unique concept of Longyu's orthodox immortal way.

The so-called orthodox fairy way was also called "divine cultivation" in the distant past.

On the one hand, the orthodox immortality mainly attacks the primordial spirit.

On the other hand, according to the records of ancient books that can be studied, the essence of the orthodox immortal way, from the entry to the birth of the baby to the evolution of the primordial spirit, is based on the soul.

Put simply.

The Nascent Soul formed by the orthodox immortal practitioners is the transformation of the soul, and the next level is that the evolution of the primordial spirit can reach the level of the primordial spirit leaving the body.

recorded in ancient books.

Some powerful ancient practitioners can exist in the world for a long time in the form of a remnant soul after the physical body is damaged or even died, until the residual energy is exhausted.

But for practitioners in this world, this is just a legend.

After reaching the Six Realms, if the Primordial Spirit escaped before he was about to die, he would indeed be able to live for a while.

Even relying on some relatively evil secret methods to seize the house, occupy the body of others and continue to survive.

But there is no such thing as long-term existence in the world in the form of a remnant.

The primordial spirit without the body can only exist for seven days at most.

Scholars have speculated that this has a certain connection with the "first seven" after death in the Longyu civilization.

The phantom of the young man in front of him is definitely not as simple as being dead for only seven days.

Don't talk about anything else.

When Li Jing mentioned "Netherworld Evil Beast" just now, he was confused and obviously didn't know it existed.

This one is an old antique from the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

Maybe he had been hanging for an unknown number of years before the demons invaded.


Is it really a remnant of a soul?

While Li Jing frowned, his mind moved, and his eyes turned golden.

The true eye.


At this glance, he suddenly looked strange.

The true eye of the extreme bug can make him see the essence of everything.

Look at this moment.

The young ghost is not a ghostly beast, but a remnant of a soul.


He is a crippled Nine Realm Primordial Spirit in an extremely weak state.

Under the peeping of the Eye of True Sight, Li Jing was even more conclusive.

If there is no accident, in no more than three years, the phantom of the youth will dissipate into the world.

Li Jing was even interested in the young ghost.

Under the eyes of true vision, the youth's phantom's incomplete primordial spirit is roughly the same as that of their orthodox practitioners, but in the primordial spirit power that constitutes him, there is a clear air that is neither aura nor a fairy spirit.

It is clear.

This clean air is the secret that his primordial spirit can exist in the world as a remnant soul for a long time.

What he cultivates is undoubtedly the orthodox immortal way.

But it is definitely very different from Long Yu's orthodox immortal way, and it is even different from the orthodox immortal way that was circulated in Daxia.

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Yini caught a glimpse of his eyes turning golden, and made a strange sound.

"Li Jing, your eyes..."

"Don't think too much, my eyes are just the changes brought about by the improvement of the acquired eye technique."

Li Jing responded in a low voice.

Jiang Yini was stunned when she heard the words.

Li Jing knows how to use the eyes of the sky, she knows it.

Heavenly Eye Technique has self-growth, she knows it too.

But she didn't know that the Sky Eye Technique would change.

The beautiful eyes flickered twice, and Jiang Yini nodded silently.

Li Jing would not lie to her about this kind of thing.

Let's just take it as his Heavenly Eye Technique has transformed...

Someone has reached the height she can only look up to, and she has no ability to prove it.

Eight realms, there are many in this world.

But at this level, not just anyone can touch it.

Only God knows, besides Li Jing, whether there are other eight realms who have practiced the Heavenly Eye Technique, and who can she ask for proof?


Li Jing pays attention to the phantom of the youth.

"What is the Qingyuan Immortal Palace you mentioned just now?"

"It's the sect ruins before Xia's death."

The young ghost responded honestly, and then said with a straight face.

"If I remember correctly, it has been 100,000 years since the fall of Asgard."

One hundred thousand years! ?

Li Jing stared.

Jiang Yini took a deep breath.

If this young phantom is not nonsense, the Qingyuan Immortal Palace where he once lived is older than the "ancient" recorded in the world.

Hard to say.

This isn't really surprising.

Like the remnants of the ancient gods who survived in the Chongyuan Holy Land, if they trace their era, I am afraid it is not just as simple as 100,000 years.

The intelligent anomalies found in other secret realms have existed for at least ten thousand years.

But they, after all, are different.

Compared with those aliens who have lived in the secret space for tens of thousands of years, God knows when they began to exist. Although traces of ancient humans appear from time to time, they are generally relatively late and backward.

At this moment, the young ghost in front of them was undoubtedly a person before his death, and he was an extremely powerful orthodox immortal practitioner.

If this news is thrown into the world, it will be a big news.

On the Blue Star 100,000 years ago, humans were only Homo sapiens who were not much different from monkeys, and they truly became human after evolution in later generations.

With an attitude of confirmation, Li Jing spoke up.

"You were human before you died?"


The young phantom was stunned, and then seemed to understand something, said.

"It was natural to be a human before the next life, but the people at that time claimed to be a human race, not a human being."

Li Jing raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and gave Jiang Yini a sound transmission.

"My shot seems to have accidentally fired an 'ancient cultivator' that only exists in mythology. Maybe we have the opportunity to obtain the same ancient cultivation method that only exists in mythology."

Hearing this sound transmission, Jiang Yini looked strange.

Ancient monk, this is really a myth.

The ancient cultivation method is almost an imaginary of modern people.

There is no evidence that it ever existed.

The key point is that the evolution history of human civilization on Blue Star is only so long, and further ahead is the era of prehistoric creatures such as dinosaurs.

What is ancient and wild is basically nonsense in the eyes of modern people.

However, the existence of the phantom of the youth in front of him made everything seem less nonsense.

In ancient times, it seems that there really existed...

A fault in the long river of history?

Jiang Yini was filled with thoughts.

There have been faults in human history, which have led to the fall of the once prosperous history of human civilization and completely divided the era.

This hypothesis was put forward by historians and ancient civilization scientists many years ago, but it has not been confirmed so far, and their basis is only various myths circulating in the world.

Red lips pursed lightly, Jiang Yini quietly gave Li Jing a voice transmission.

"This remnant soul doesn't look like an ordinary coward. bluffing is your strong point. Can you try to bluff his cultivation method?"

Li Jing nodded at the voice transmission and looked at the young ghost.

"Your sect has been destroyed for 100,000 years, and the inheritance is obviously broken. But you are still 'alive'. I will now give you a chance to let your sect inheritance continue to pass down. The door inheritance is delivered to me?"

The young phantom raised his head when he heard the sound.

With an unprecedented desire to survive, he changed his cowardly appearance and carefully examined Li Jing for a moment, then fixed his eyes on Jiang Yini and said.

"To tell the truth, senior, the remnant of the soul is not complete, and it has continued to weaken for many years. Now it can't even be called surviving, and it will die soon. I can't remember exactly what happened back then, only vaguely remember the sect. The downfall is related to Western religion. The only thing I keep in mind is the task of my own survival in the world, and I will find someone who is destined to continue the inheritance of Asgard after the advent of Asgard one day.”

Zhenger said such words in eight classics, and the young man's virtual shadow changed the subject.

"But it's a pity, neither the senior nor this fairy is a destined person of my Asgard. In fact, it is not yet the time when Asgard came out. In my incomplete memory, I remember that the patriarch of Asgard had long been in the ancestral hall. Before the destruction of the door, it has been deduced that the catastrophe will come, and it has been deduced when the destined people will appear. According to the deduction, there will be changes that will change the direction of the entire history in the land under my feet in the near future. It will appear, and then Asgard will appear."

Listening to the young ghost's narration, Li Jing and Jiang Yini looked at each other.

Of course they don't believe it if they don't deduce it.

Can people from 100,000 years ago be counted into what happened 100,000 years later?

But in front of them they had to believe.

Not to mention that the young ghost came from 100,000 years ago is enough nonsense, the deduction of the patriarch of the fairy palace is really accurate...

The change that will change the historical trend of Daxia, didn't it just happen in the last few days?

Li Jing himself is the initiator.

Then after this January, it is also very particular.

According to the custom of Daxia.

When the emperor dies, if there is a designated orthodox heir to the throne, he will usually pay tribute to the first emperor for January, and then ascend the throne after the ceremony is completed.

Forget custom.

After Xia Qianqian was appointed by Li Jing, it was inevitable that Da Xia would continue to be in chaos for a month.

With the assistance of Long Yu and the Northern Divine Kingdom, it is not a problem to get on the right track initially in January.

Then there is the more important point.

It won't be long after January, the forces of this world will begin to gradually withdraw from the Heavenly Sacred Realm because the closing time of the secret realm channel is approaching.

If Asgard came out at that time.

Most of the people in the world don't get involved...


Looking at the young ghost just now carefully examining the postures of the two, it seems that the characteristics and identities of the predestined people have also been deduced.

This issue…

Not ordinary evil.

"Li Jing, how about this one?"

Jiang Yini's voice transmission came over, and then again.

"This Qingyuan Immortal Palace is very strange, and there is obviously a plan to choose the Daxia people as the inheritors of the inheritance. We can disbelieve such gods and monsters, but we can't be disrespectful."

Li Jing smiled when he got such a sound transmission.

Jiang Yini, like him, is a typical atheist.

What she said did make sense.

When encountering strange things, you may not believe it, but it is best not to be disrespectful.

Even when he was still weak, Li Jing might have the same attitude.

But it's different now.

New gods and demons, he has done it.

He even had a question mark with the will of Heaven in the Great World. What is a Qingyuan Immortal Palace that has been destroyed for 100,000 years?

What if Li Jing wanted this inheritance from Asgard?

Could it be that the ancestors of Asgard could lift the coffin board and pop out?

He can't wait to jump around to find something...

Staring at the phantom of the young man with a serious face, Li Jing raised his hand and flicked his fingers.

A fiery Yang Lightning arc shot out with the rules of Heavenly Punishment, rubbing the scalp of the young phantom and went to the distance in a blink of an eye.

"You, do you think we are destined?"


Youth phantom.


Jiang Yini.

"answer my question."

Li Jing smiled and looked kind.

The young phantom glanced back, looking back at the original face full of positive smiles.

"Senior and the next are naturally related, and it is an indissoluble bond! Asgard was blown up by the senior before he was born, how can it be considered a missed relationship? Not to mention other things, the senior's arrival broke the patriarch's push..."

Before the young phantom could finish speaking, another Yang Lei with the rules of thunder and punishment rubbed his scalp and rubbed his head over, causing his remnant soul to twitch.

Looking at someone's impatient face again, the young ghost rubbed his hands together, nodded and bowed.

"I read it wrong just now. Senior and this fairy are both destined people of our Qingyuan Immortal Palace. This inheritance should be handed over to the two of them."


Jiang Yini.

This young phantom is really too stubborn.

Immortal Palace inheritance let him guard, I am afraid that the people of Qingyuan Immortal Palace were not blind.

Li Jing didn't think so.

This young ghost was probably an extremely reliable and powerful Xian Palace disciple back then, otherwise he would not have been entrusted with important tasks.

It's just that his disposition has changed due to the incomplete soul and memory loss.

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing stretched out his hand.

"Bring it."

Seeing this, the young virtual shadow blinked and said cautiously.

"Senior, you may have misunderstood. The inheritance of Asgard is not in my hands, but imprinted in Asgard. If the senior wants to obtain the inheritance, he must go down to the Asgard inheritance monument together with him to comprehend by himself."

Learn by yourself?

Li Jing frowned.

If you want to say inheriting the secret method, he can open it.

You can learn to practice...

He doesn't have that much time, and he personally can't say how good his understanding is.

It seems that this inheritance may...

After a little silence, Li Jingwang turned to Jiang Yini.

"Shall we go down with him to see?"


Jiang Yini nodded.

She is not so greedy.

But under the premise of this young phantom being too weak, there is an opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the Asgard, which cannot be easily missed.

Let's go down and have a look, and take a moment to try to understand.

When Jiang Yini responded, Li Jing turned his head.

"lead the way."

"Okay, senior, please come with me!"

The young phantom responded very simply, and his figure fled downwards.

Seeing this, Li Jing followed.

As the shadow of the youth fell into the pothole, Li Jing and Jiang Yini went deep into the ground after a while, and finally saw a magnificent and well-preserved palace about 10,000 meters underground.

Compared with this palace complex, Tianque Palace is completely a younger brother.

Every brick and tile of the huge palace complex reveals a very strong spiritual energy. There are lotus ponds all over the palace complex, and each lotus pond grows a large number of purple lotus flowers.

You don't need to look closely to know.

The palace complex is constructed of high-quality spiritual objects, and the lotus flowers that are still standing in the lotus pond are super high-quality rare elixir, and they are quite old.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Yini gave Li Jing a voice transmission.

"This Qingyuan Immortal Palace is not ordinary, let's be careful. Although the virtual shadow is very cowardly, it is impossible to guarantee that it is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

While Li Jing nodded, there was some expectation in his heart.

What Jiang Yini reminded was exactly what he was looking forward to.

He was looking forward to it.

The phantom is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger...

In the end, Li Jing was disappointed.

The young ghost really led the two to an open space in the center of the Asgard building complex, where a stone tablet with an unusual aura was erected in the center of the open space.

On the stone tablet, Long Feifengwu inscribed four big characters in some ancient script.

Judging from the shape of the font, it is the Qingyuan Asgard.

The fonts are quite different from those commonly used by Modern Longyu, but the shapes are not too different.

"Senior, fairy."

The young phantom turned his head and said.

"This is the inheritance stone tablet of our Qingyuan Immortal Palace. The magic of Qingyuan is all in these four characters. If you can comprehend from it, you have to look at the fate of the two, and I can't provide assistance."


Li Jing frowned silently.

Seeing the inheritance stone tablet, he didn't feel that the young ghost was fooling himself.

The cognition of the eight realms told him.

This stone tablet is indeed unusual, and there is a certain power of rules hidden in it.

But the situation in front of him is a little embarrassing.

He didn't even have a formula, just a stone tablet with four words. He comprehended a woolen thread?

Looking at the stone tablet, Li Jing turned his head.

"Yi Ni, it's up to you."

? ? ?

Jiang Yini.

What do you mean by relying on her?

What do you mean?

Li Jing didn't look at the stone tablet a few times when he came down, and immediately gave up the enlightenment?

Silently speechless, Jiang Yini didn't waste any time, approached the stone monument and looked up to try to see something.

The stele was unusual, and she could somewhat see it.

The mystery of it is unclear.

Most of the young ghosts did not lie, and the inheritance of Qingyuan Xiangong was hidden in it.

Seeing Jiang Yini step up to examine the stone tablet carefully, Li Jing followed his thoughts and his eyes turned golden.

Without a formula, he gave up initially.

But it always makes sense.

What if?

The Eye of True Sight opened, and Li Jing was stunned for a moment.

He just took a chance and gave it a try, not wanting to "just in case" really came.

In the field of vision of True Vision, the four characters "Qingyuan Wonderful Law" turned into a 10,000-character long text in his eyes.

This 10,000-character long text is composed of paragraphs of formulas.

Not only that.

He also tasted that what was hidden in the stele was not the power of rules he thought at first, but a mysterious effect that could deepen the understanding of practitioners.

This effect is not a man-made brand but the stone tablet itself.

Such effect...

Li Jing is naturally associated with a thing that only exists in myths and legends.

Enlightenment Stone.

Just after guessing, Jiang Yini suddenly sat down with her knees beside her.

Li Jing noticed something and turned his head, and was surprised to find that she had closed her eyes and entered a state of meditation.

She realized...

Just for a while!

Looking back quickly, Li Jing looked at the stone tablet.

This stone tablet seems to be the legendary enlightenment stone!

Otherwise, how could Jiang Yini have realized it so quickly! ?

Just as he was about to ask the young phantom who was waiting by the side, Li Jing suddenly noticed that the direction of the spiritual power in his body had changed.

? ? ?

This time, he was full of question marks.

Why did the direction of spiritual power suddenly change?

Because of the heritage stone tablet?

Just when there was a question in his mind, a dialog box suddenly popped up in front of Li Jing.

"Achieving the conditions for opening the fourth source, is it open?"

At the same time, Yan Tong faintly noticed something in the body, hoping to make a sound.



Li Jing.

This prompt is very inexplicable.

But obviously, it has something to do with the change in the flow of spiritual power in his body.

This is no longer a surprise, but a shock.

The formula for the film is that he can see it all with his true eyes.

The problem is that he can't understand these crooked ancient characters, so he can barely guess a few words similar to Longyu's characters by the shape.

I can't read even the words, how can I understand?

The inheritance stone tablet of Qingyuan Immortal Palace is very wonderful.

However, it popped up in front of him, and most likely it was the status bar that opened it up for him.

The fourth source, can it be opened?

Is this any hesitation?

Can't wait without seeing Yantong?

"Open the fourth source, the immortal artifact smoke pupil is changed to the magic weapon of life, master the magic method of clearing the source. Control the basic rules, water."

A prompt popped up, and Yan Tong, who had been nourished in Li Jingmei's spiritual platform, changed its position and landed in the position of the kidney, that is, the waist.

Li Jing even felt it.

Yantong, like Linglong and Qingfeng, became his source, and while the spiritual power in his body increased sharply, some aspects of his abilities made a qualitative leap.


Seriously **** up.

Looking at the prompt again, Li Jing couldn't help frowning.

Master the clear source magic method?

The flow of spiritual power in his body has indeed become different, but he has no feeling at all.

Then the rules are in control, and he also doesn't feel it.

In the status bar rule control, "water" is not displayed.

As he was surrounded, Li Jing was shocked.

Will it be…

It wasn't him who mastered the magic method and rules of Qingyuan, but Yan Tong?

As soon as he had this thought, Yan Tong, who had achieved the fourth source, quietly appeared beside him, and he gently guided all the water sources in the surrounding lotus ponds, and then returned to his original position.

Li Jing glared at this.

He was just guessing, and Yan Tong immediately appeared to confirm it.


Artifact Spirit can also master the cultivation method, or even control the rules?

The young phantom on the side watched Jiang Mini's understanding in minutes and sat down in Dingzheng. He was surprised. Suddenly, he saw that there was an artifact beside Li Jing, who was not moving, and then he waved his hand to cause an accident. He almost stared his eyes out. .

"Predecessor...predecessor, did your artifact spirit master the magic of clearing the source!?"

Before he finished speaking, Yan Tong glanced at him, and then said to Li Jing.

"Master, Yan Tong doesn't know what's going on, but I seem to be different."

Saying that, she relied on the spiritual connection of the tool spirit with someone to report.

"Master, the clear source magic method is only a basic cultivation method. Yantong is only a tool spirit. Even if you master it, you can't use it for cultivation. To be precise, Yan Tong has never mastered the spells related to the Qingyuan Magic Method."

Meeting these words, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Li Jing blinked, then nodded in response.


After all, he squatted down and stroked the ground with one hand, and the tyrannical Primordial Spirit stretched out infinitely against the ground.

The young virtual shadow was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Li Jing was doing.

Yan Tong's beautiful eyes flickered twice, and she was like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law standing beside him.

next second.

Qingyuan Immortal Palace is gone...

! !

Youth phantom.



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