MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 12 Tokyo Tower Bombing 4

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on the viewing platform.

With the last five minutes left until twelve o'clock, Conan couldn't get out. The chains that lock Conan are very common chains on the market, but they are impossible to break without other tools. With this chain as a double insurance, it seems that the prisoners were not worried from the beginning that they would defuse the time bomb.

Wait, it's not completely impossible.

Xin Haikong suddenly remembered something, he touched his waist, where he placed the hand wooden warehouse he took with him when he left the Metropolitan Police Department. The bullets fired by Tekokukura at close range are enough to break the chain. He has played a few times in the club before shooting. Although his skills are limited, it should be possible to hit the chain once at such a short distance.

The only thing to consider is that the loud sound of Tegokura will definitely alert the prisoners under the tower. If he detonates the bomb in advance, it will be all over.

He needed an opportunity, an opportunity that he had prepared long ago, so that Mu Cangsheng would not be discovered.

"Conan-kun", Xin Haikong looked at the little detective.

"I have a solution. As we just said, when I call three, two, one, after I call one, I will run towards the hall."

"But this chain..."

"Please unfold the chain and put it on the ground." Xin Kaikong pulled out the hand wooden warehouse around his waist and raised it towards Conan.

"Trust me, Conan-kun, the time you need to act is three-two-one, zero time."

"Jingle bell - jingle bell!"

The phone rang suddenly. But the ringtone didn't come from the phone in his hand, but—

"Officer Xinhai, I just remembered that the prisoner seemed to have put something under the chairs in the first row of the hall when he left."

Xin Haikong followed the sound to find it, and it was a vibrating mobile phone.

It seemed that the prisoner was anxious when he noticed that he had not set foot on the viewing platform for a long time.

"It turns out that the dignified Tokyo Metropolitan Metropolitan Police Department is watching Xin Haikong, and he is such a greedy person who fears death!" After the phone was connected, the prisoner crawled along the phone line if he provoked him.

It's a pity that the law of aggressiveness didn't work for him. But this phone call, there are more places to use.

Xin Haikong glanced at the time displayed on the mobile phone, then looked back at the electronic clock in the center of the hall to confirm it again, there were still four minutes left.

"I want to know who you are. No matter what wrong I have done, it is not worth your solution in such an extreme way. Stop it while no casualties are actually caused."

"Stop joking!" The person on the other end of the phone fluctuated a little, "Three years ago, when my brother was lying in the cold morgue, you were being commended, promoted and raised. This is the price you should pay. !"

Is it really a life case? Will my future self still kill after returning to the past? Impossible, although he does not understand the future self, but as long as it is himself, how can it be possible to kill.

"I'm sorry." Xin Haikong didn't know what to say to calm the prisoner's anger.

"Don't be so pretentious anymore. The dignified police officer didn't even have the courage to step on the glass plate to rescue the hostages. This is the police, this is the hypocritical police hahaha!"

three minutes. Procrastinate a little more.

"The prisoner on the other side of the phone, I'm sorry about what happened three years ago. If you have any dissatisfaction with me, we can resolve it privately. There's no need to take such a child. He only went to elementary school. You have a child at home. child?"

"As long as you set foot on the observation deck, wouldn't it be good to save him yourself? Pretend to be a good person and be greedy for life and fear of death."

Two and a half minutes, almost time.

"Conan-kun, are the last two lines left to be ruled out, is it the red line or the blue line?" Xin Haikong's tone was deliberately restless.

Conan looked at Xin Haikong in surprise. Didn't the bomb defuse?

The young policeman winked at him and smiled.

"Are you trying to defuse the bomb, just let a child? Even so, are you unwilling to save people! The police who are greedy for life and fear of death! I can't imagine that Brother Yuan Yi was arrested like this!"

Yuan Yi? Jintian Yuanichi?

"I'm very sorry about Mr. Yuanyi. I can do whatever you want in private, but there are still the last two lines. Please tell us whether we should cut the red line or the blue line?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. Probably the prisoner didn't think that Xin Haikong was so naive to ask for his help, and was stunned for a while.

"The person you hate is me, but if I refuse to save people until the last moment, I won't have an accident. The accident is a child who has just started elementary school. He is still young and energetic, and he will also have parents. Brother. Please tell us which thread to cut, please?"

Conan vaguely aware of Xin Haikong's intentions. The new sea police officer seems to want the prisoners to think that they are still disarming the bomb, and finally the bomb explodes? But the sound of a bomb exploding is completely different from the sound of bullets? But he was very cooperative:

"Big brother save me, I dare not cut it! Big brother save me!"

There was panic in the deliberately pinched voice, and the collapse of the child who was forced to defuse the bomb could be imagined through the telephone line.

The prisoner hiding in the crowd finally showed a satisfied smile. Replacing the hostage from the stinky woman who could only cry and cry to this little child at the last moment was really the best decision he had ever made.

In fact, he originally kidnapped a young woman, but the woman was crying so much that she couldn't even maintain a standing position, and it was very difficult to control. And he also worries that adults may defuse bombs under the direction of the police.

But at this time, a silly elementary school student with a sense of justice beyond the standard jumped out. Heroes save beauty? He thought it was almost like a bear courting death. A small elementary school student is much more controllable than others, and the chain that was almost useless could just catch the little boy's calf.

He wanted to see how Xin Haikong asked a primary school student to defuse the bomb. These hypocritical people had better be turned into fireworks in the clear autumn sky and buried with his brother!

"Conan-kun, relax, don't be afraid, it's okay."

There is one last minute left.

"I can tell you", the prisoner's voice was full of suppressed excitement and cruelty. Since this naive policeman chooses to believe in himself, he will definitely offer a big gift. Having the self-righteous policeman kill the hostage he wanted to save was more exciting than death.

"Cut the red thread."

"Prisoner, I'm really sorry about what happened to Mr. Yuan Yi, and I'm very grateful that you can ignore the past. Are you sure you really cut the red line?" The young policeman's voice trembled slightly with unbelievable joy.

How naive, this guy.

Thirty seconds left.

"Sure, cut it quickly, I forgive you. It's too late." The voice in his ear was like a whisper of a demon.

Xin Haikong showed a satisfied smile.

When installing the organized bombs, in order to attract everyone's attention in advance, he set the time for one of the bombs to explode ten seconds earlier, just so that everyone could subconsciously look up at Tokyo when they heard the first bomb. tower.

It just comes in handy now.

"Kun Conan, cut the red thread. Don't be afraid, I will count down three seconds." Xin Haikong looked at Conan's eyes. "After three seconds, cut the red thread."


Conan reacted quickly and reconfirmed the position of the chain. Xin Haikong took out the wooden warehouse.


Aim for the target.



The huge roar that erupted from the Tokyo Tower made everyone look up in shock.

The observation deck, which was clearly visible, was shrouded in a thick layer of smoke.

exploded! The prisoner gave a satisfied smile.

Although I didn't see the falling viewing platform, it was probably because the power of the bomb was too great and everything was wiped out. How does it feel to kill a hostage with your own hands? If you hand over the recording in his hand to the media, I am afraid you will usher in real ruin!

No one knew that in the second the word "one" fell, Xin Haikong, accompanied by the sound of an about to sound explosion, opened the wooden warehouse and shot the chain on the ground. And Conan prepared his super power shoes in advance, and after silently counting to zero in his heart, he flew in the direction of Xinhaikong.

Accompanied by a loud explosion, Shinkai caught Conan who was almost flying over.


After ten seconds passed when everyone was in shock and speechless, a louder explosion sounded.




It was twelve o'clock at noon, and the bells were extraordinarily loud today.

The top of the Tokyo Tower exploded one after another, and the sound of explosions resounded throughout Tokyo. The huge firelight and billowing smoke almost occupied most of the sky.

The top of the tower was completely blown up.

The prisoner's grin froze on his face. He obviously only put a bomb on the observation deck, why, the entire top of the Tokyo Tower was blown up!

Matsuda Jinping, who was standing at the front of the crowd, was also a short distance away from Tokyo Tower. But even at this short distance, he could still feel the light and heat of the explosion.

At this moment, his mind was blank.

How could it be that the bomb wasn't defused? He personally taught Xinhaikong to defuse the bomb, why did it still explode? The thick smoke in the sky made him seem to have returned to seven years ago again. My heart hurts like it was crushed by a huge hand.

Thick smoke was still rising upwards.

At that moment, all the cameras recorded the thrilling scene of the explosion.

No one knew that just two kilometers away, there was also a large-scale terrorist attack. Several bullets were fired from the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the street, all of which were fired at the black sedan parked in the center of the street.

The car's fuel tank was quickly shot through and exploded.

The fireworks of the explosion are equally huge, but far less than the Tokyo Tower that was blown up in the distance. The only people who noticed the ambush were the cars of the bodyguards who were protecting the car. A little further ahead, what people notice are the fireworks that are soaring towards the Tokyo Tower.

【mission completed. 】