MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 130 Moscato 5

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underground laboratory.

After figuring out what happened, Xin Haikong probably understood why Gin brought him to this place. The reason why this abandoned laboratory can always exist is probably a hint he left to himself, a clue left by Xin Haikong in the future after returning to the past. In other words, the meaning of the existence of this laboratory and all the documents in this laboratory is to make the current self understand the situation.

Xin Haikong raised his hand and tore his photo from the document. Without this photo, this document is no different from the other seventeen documents, which are just ordinary experimental records.

The only clue in the laboratory that might reveal his identity is now in his hands. This is a photo of him when he was sixteen years old. The boy in the photo is young and immature, but his facial features are the same as he is now. If this photo falls into the hands of a caring person, it is not difficult to infer his identity.

Xin Haikong folded the old and somewhat brittle paper repeatedly, held it in the palm of his hand, and slowly walked out of the laboratory.

Gin was leaning against the purple-red wooden door at this time, with his head down, a half-burned cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and the fine flames danced in the darkness.

Seeing him come out, Jin Jiu raised his head slightly, raised his hand to crush the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and stuffed the remaining half of the cigarette **** into a transparent plastic bag.


"Lend your lighter to use it."

A faint flame ignited in the darkness, gradually enlarged, and ignited the folded paper.

The flaming paper ball was thrown to the ground and burned to the ground, leaving only a pile of ashes.


"The next task arranged by the organization boss is likely to be executed together with Jinjiu. If we can seize Jinjiu, we can follow the clues and find the boss of this organization. We must seize this opportunity!"

In the public phone booth, Hide Akai subconsciously paid attention to the surrounding situation and explained:

"Three days later, I'll ask Gin to go to the factory. The time and place, I've sent it to your private mailbox by email. You need to bring someone from the FBI to ambush there four hours in advance."



The black Porsche is driving fast on the highway.

The damp and slightly salty sea breeze poured in with the half-opened car window. On the sea level not far away, the newborn sun just emerged a sharp point, and the golden brilliance dyed the entire sea surface with a bright light.

After coming out of that church, Xin Haikong got into Gin's car. The other party didn't mention where to take him, but it should be back to where they lived.

It was not until the car hit the road and slowly drove along the winding and long coastline that Xin Haikong realized that they might not be on the mainland, but on an unknown island.

The previous time was not the two o'clock in the morning as he saw it. The time on his mobile phone still showed the local time in Japan, but he must have left Japan now.

There is a high probability that this small island is a stronghold of the organization, and all the buildings on the entire island are under the control of the organization. Because of this, the security they saw when they first entered the church was so weak.

Because the surrounding of this island is already covered with defense lines, under normal circumstances, people with abnormal intentions cannot sneak in at all.


In the small and closed compartment, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone is particularly obvious.

Xin Haikong turned his head slightly and glanced suspiciously at the gin sitting in the driver's seat.

The other man frowned impatiently, one hand still resting on the edge of the steering wheel, the other reaching into his pocket for his phone.

"I'll help you see, you'd better watch the road with peace of mind."

Seeing that the other party nodded, Xin Haikong reached out to catch the phone and opened the inbox.

When he saw the letter in the inbox, Xin Haikong couldn't help laughing.

With a look of doubt and impatience mixed with gin, he used an extremely serious and somewhat yin-yang tone to read out the words on the text message word by word—

"I have some new information about that mission that I need to tell you in person. I'll be waiting for you here at twelve o'clock three days later. Ley."

At first, Jin Jiu looked at Xin Haikong beside him with doubts, and when he heard the back, he slowly understood something, and sneered: "Your news is really well-informed. So this is the signal that the guy is ready to act. What? Where was he dating?"

"It seems to be in New York? The FBI's home base."

Xin Haikong laughed and joked while slowly zooming in on a location map attached to the bottom of the email.

"A factory on the outskirts of New York City is uniquely located, and there is no other way to evacuate except a highway. If you go to an appointment unprepared, you may really be caught."

Gin, who was driving, didn't seem to hear Xin Haikong's teasing at all. The corner of his mouth unconsciously raised a sinister smile, and his dark green eyes looked forward with anticipation, towards the flat road.

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course, I'll take the FBI together and send them all to the sky." Gin's fingers slowly clenched the steering wheel, as if he had imagined the scene when he shot the FBI with a gun.

"Very good. I want to revise your plan a little."

Xin Haikong looked sideways at the sparkling sea and said in a flat tone.



Three days later, New York.

Akai Shuichi was wearing a body armor and a black short jacket that was easy to move around. In this operation to capture Gin, it is very likely that he will fight the opponent head-on. Although according to the opponent's marksmanship, this body armor may not be useful, but it is better to have more protection than to go into battle empty-handed.

As for whether the other party will go to the appointment on time this time, he is not completely sure in his heart. But he has been working with Jinjiu for a while, and has dealt with the other party's several temptations. Judging from the normal situation, the other party should not doubt his identity.

Akai Shuichi was sitting in his car, which was parked near the factory. From his current perspective, he could clearly see the situation at the gate of the factory.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was 11:30, half an hour before his appointment with Gin. The FBI has already been ambushed around the factory in advance, and will rush in as long as he gives an order.

When he looked away from the dial and looked at the factory door again, he found a thin figure walking in the direction of the factory.


"Is the goal here? Do we need to do it?"

In the headset, the FBI, which was ambush near the factory, was already a little ready to move.

"Don't start, it's not the goal."

Akai Hideyoshi quickly stopped. He picked up the gun beside him and hurriedly got out of the car.

That figure was facing his direction from beginning to end, so that he couldn't see what the other party looked like at all. But from the perspective of height and body shape, the person who entered the factory could not be Gin.

But if it weren't for gin, who else would have entered this factory by such a coincidence at this point in time. Is it a coincidence, a passerby who entered this factory by mistake, or... Gin already suspects him?

No matter who it is, his original plan of waiting outside has to be changed. He needs to go deep into the factory to find out the identity of the stray intruder.

"Everyone is on standby, don't act rashly."

Akai put the headset on, pretended to be in a hurry, and ran towards the factory.


The factory without lights looks a little dark, only the open door can still shed a subtle light.

Xin Haikong stepped into this factory full of ambush step by step, and his heart was not disturbed. But there was still a look of panic on his face.

Behind him, there was a hurried sound of noisy and anxious footsteps.


He adjusted the expression on his face, turned around, and looked at Akai Shuichi who rushed to the scene.

"It's you?"

Akai Xiuyi couldn't hold back for a while, and exclaimed. The young man in front of him was the same young man he saw on the rooftop two years ago when he helped Zhu Fu Jingguang suspend his death. At the same time, a year ago, under the command of Jinjiu, he was a young policeman who was rescued from the kidnappers.

Ever since he learned the identity of the other Japanese policeman, he has always suspected that the other party is an undercover agent sent to the Metropolitan Police Department. However, due to his own insecurity, he has never had the opportunity to disclose the news to the Metropolitan Police Department.

But why is the person he made an appointment with is gin wine, but the person who came to the appointment is Xin Haikong?

Gin is the number one killer of the organization and the direct contact of the boss. If they catch Gin, of course, they can find clues from Gin and trace the boss behind the organization.

But this guy in front of him seems to be just a subordinate of Jinjiu, and he may not even have a code name, let alone how much power he has. At such a critical moment, if he exposed his identity, but only caught the lower-level members of the organization in front of him, wouldn't it be a pity? Is it too much to lose?

Even with the stormy waves in his heart, Shuichi Akai quickly stabilized the expression on his face. He frowned slightly, showing an impatient and cold expression, and asked in a not very kind tone:

"Where's the gin, why are you the one here?"

The black-haired young man in front of him had a blank expression for a moment, and he said hesitantly, "I don't know... It was Big Brother who asked me to come."


Akai Shuichi's pupils shrank. Why didn't Jin Jiu take the initiative to come, but arranged for his subordinates to replace him? Could it be that Jin Jiu really doubted him?

"But I have to report this information to Gin in person. Do you know where he is?"

Hearing the words, the black-haired youth in front of him glanced sideways at the half-open door with a worried expression.


"It's too late, I'll make a long story short. You have already been suspected. The purpose of Gin is to judge whether you are an undercover agent of the FBI!" The black-haired young man spoke suddenly, like a machine gun, and quickly said that the amount of information was extremely high. great information.

"Gin suspected that you would be surrounded by ambushes near this factory, so he took the members of the organization to form an anti-encirclement circle on the outside. He asked me to spread the information as soon as I found out that you were the FBI, and then he They will rush in with members of the organization, they carry a lot of heavy weapons, and three helicopters are prepared in advance for evacuation."


Akai Xiu was stunned in place.

He put his hands behind him and squeezed the pistol, pretending to be indifferent. "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't get it at all—"

"You have been exposed! I have seen countless ambushes on the way from now on. Don't you think your clumsy ambush will not be seen by Gin? Mr. FBI!"

Akai Shuichi took a half step back, pulled away, and his expression became a little indifferent.

He didn't quite understand the logic of the other party. If his identity has been discovered, why did the other party enter the factory alone? Just when he was puzzled, the black-haired youth standing opposite him spoke again.

"But I didn't send the news back. That is to say, at Gin, they don't know whether you are an undercover agent or not."

"I know you may not believe me now, but I really didn't send the news back. You must leave here immediately and find a way to escape. Time is really running out."

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