MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 99 Code Seventeen 4

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After the police car took off the lights on the roof, it merged into the traffic flow like a normal vehicle, and followed the bus in front unhurriedly.

The congested road conditions made it extremely embarrassing for the chasing party and the pursued party to get stuck on the bridge.

"Officer Xinkai, I actually have a question that I haven't figured out for a while." Yamamoto turned the steering wheel, hesitating for a long time before asking. "Why are these cars divided into three groups? Why are we chasing these three cars to Odaiba Park?"

"Their initial destination was to go to Odaiba Park. From the moment they entered Tokyo, their road choice was the fastest way to get here. Although they were divided into three roads at the crossroad just now, they turned left and went to the center of the city. It's obviously too much effort, and it doesn't make sense to change straight ahead in that lane."

"I tend to think that they found the car that the police were following behind them, and they split up if they wanted to get rid of the police. The bus disguised as an athlete should not have been exposed, because the patrolling police in the city were too much. Conspicuous. We have to keep up with the car that continues to drive in the original direction."

"I see." Yamamoto nodded and continued to pay attention to the road ahead.

"It's nine o'clock in the evening, welcome to the evening news..." The car radio changed from the original road condition information broadcast to the evening news. "It is reported that at 0:00 on December 17th, a fireworks display will be held in Odaiba Park in the city. The best viewing location or along the Tokyo Bay, high-rise buildings in Odaiba Seaside Park will be a good choice. Hilton Hotel and All the rooms in the Tokyo Bay Hotel have been booked, which shows that the enthusiasm of the public for fireworks is quite high…”

"Fireworks display? Will there still be a fireworks display in Odaiba Park?" Yamamoto clenched the steering wheel in his hand and asked worriedly, "If there is a fireworks display, will there be many people present? Will that cause inconvenience? Necessary casualties?"

"No. We just interrupted their transactions. As long as it doesn't cause too much disturbance, nothing will happen."

Yamamoto held the steering wheel, followed the bus in front to complete the turn, and turned into Odaiba Park below.

"If you continue to drive forward, the car will not be able to enter..."

"Just as normal, park in the parking lot." Xin Haikong sat upright on the seat, straightened the headset, and said softly, "Not far in front of you is the Gymnastics Art Museum, let the police on the bus do a good job of disguising and don't expose it. "

A quick response came from the other end of the headset.


"Hey, Bourbon, those guys have been following us." The short-haired man wearing a black mask looked back from time to time, a little anxious.

"That's right, if they don't follow us, the plan will fail." The blond young man also wearing a black mask, as if nothing had happened, continued to walk along the beach.

"Of course I know that, but having a bunch of police behind me always feels like..."

"Does a little police frighten you?" The blond young man sneered unceremoniously.

"Is this a problem with the police? Don't you look at how long we've been gone!" The short-haired youth was impatient. He waved his arms at Amuro, and the hands of the watch on it were about to go around half a circle. "It's almost an hour away, how long is it?"

Anshitou didn't even turn his head this time, and warned in a low voice, "Don't look back, keep walking, you'll be there soon."

A group of dozens of people, all wearing black coats and masks, strode down the beach. Such a dress will inevitably appear abrupt in the eyes of many tourists.

"Speaking of which, did you convey my words to Mr. Rum?" Amuro asked casually, his purple-gray eyes looking at the hotel not far away.

In the extremely gorgeous hotel, there are many lit rooms on almost every floor. It seems that this fireworks display really attracted a lot of tourists. But on the seventeenth floor, the well-prepared room was still dark.

Haven't come yet?

That old guy, at such a time, can he still hold his breath and come to the scene to see it?

He doesn't believe it.

The short-haired man tilted his head and said indifferently, "I've been following you all the time. Where can I go to see Mr. Sir. But... Mr. Bomore has been summoned, and he may convey what you said to Mr. "

Since it has been conveyed, why hasn't it come yet? It's too late to leave, haven't you arrived yet? Or is he exposed?

Amuro gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward. It has already reached this stage, and hesitating will only lead to defeat.

He looked towards the port ahead, where several small cruise ships were parked.


"Officer, they're on the cruise. What are we going to do next?"

Xin Haikong straightened his headset, and the voice from the other side was extraordinarily weak, showing that the other party was deliberately speaking with his throat pressed.

"Hide in place, don't startle. Describe the characteristics of the cruise ship."

The black-haired officer looked down at his watch, it was nine fifty-five.

He reached for the gun from his pocket and slowed down.

The special raid unit in front followed the group of people all the way. Xin Haikong and the others, as the second team, actually followed behind the special raid unit.

"They got on the third cruise ship on our left. The decorative lights above are all dark and a little inconspicuous. The cruise ship has about three floors, the uppermost deck is the deck, and there are two cabins below. Judging from the size of the cruise ship, the interior The area should not be large. Before they went up, it was dark on the cruise, not sure if anyone was waiting inside.”

The police officer hiding behind a tree directly opposite the cruise ship kept delivering news in an angry voice. This environment made him a little nervous. Until the familiar command sounded from behind him—


With the sound of the fallen leaves being gently smashed, the black-haired police officer appeared behind him with two people.

"What about the other players?"

"Everything is hidden around here, if you give an order, we can rush up immediately."

"Prepare the weapons, don't take it lightly, their transaction may only have one party present, and the party who actually delivered the weapons hasn't arrived yet, let's wait first."

Hearing the words, the policeman nodded, but did not dare to make another sound.

The black-haired officer lowered his head and turned on his phone. The dim light was particularly evident in the dark woods. Seeing this, Xin Haikong simply took off his coat to block the light of his mobile phone, and started to operate alone behind a tree.

"Officer, is there anything I can help you with?" Yamamoto saw that Xin Haikong was shivering alone, and couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Xin Haikong raised his head, his face looked pale under the light of the mobile phone. "No, I'm already fine."

He put on his coat again and explained in a chatty manner: "I just notified the nearby coast guard. Since the other party is on the cruise, it is very likely that they will escape the scene by means of sea transportation. We have to prepare in advance."

Phew - Yamamoto was once again surprised by his superior's thoughtful thinking.

Xin Haikong put his phone on the screen, hid in the dark woods, and couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He did notify the coast guard, but it was just a text message, which he had edited in advance. The reason for the delay just now was that he was confirming something with Gin.

One thing that is crucial to the current situation.


"How long do we have to wait!" The short-haired youth complained as he sat down beside the table. The constantly shaking cabin made him particularly uncomfortable. When the cruise ship was parked on the shore, the bumps were more obvious. I really don't know what the structure is.

"I said, Bourbon, aren't you afraid that the police will rush up now and give us a urn to catch the turtle?"

The blond youth lowered his head and wiped his new pistol with a plaid cloth. "They don't dare. From the police's point of view, the party who actually delivered the weapons hasn't been there yet. We are just the party that is going to buy the weapons. Even if we do catch us, it's useless. They've already followed here. , will definitely want to put a long line to catch a big fish."

"If that's the case, then I want to get out and get some air."

"Whatever, I'll go out and get some air."

The two of them came out of the two doors of the cruise ship, one left and one right. The remaining dozens of members without code names obediently stayed in the cabin.

Amuro Toru consciously went to the side with his back to the sea and the side facing Xin Haikong. He looked up at the Hilton Hotel in the distance, and quickly converted which room he booked. Seventeenth Floor, 1709.

His pupils shrank suddenly.

They are not too far away from the hotel now, not to mention that the room was originally the observation deck he chose for Rum, so he could see the cruise ship here without hindrance, so the reverse inference, standing on the cruise ship Naturally, you can see the room clearly.

And at this moment, the light in that room came on.


Hilton Hotel.

The brown-haired youth helped a silver-haired old man get out of the car and slowly walked towards the hotel.

The eyes of the waiter guarding the door suddenly widened, and he barely pretended to be natural. "Welcome to Hilton."

His left hand behind his back suddenly pressed the communicator on his waist.

The waitress at the front desk stood up abruptly, and her back began to sweat. Her hand on the mouse trembled involuntarily, calm down! She pressed her left hand firmly on her trembling right hand, and showed a bright smile to the guests who walked in.

"Have you made a reservation in advance?"

"1709. The name of the person who made the reservation is Anshi." The young man with short brown hair leaned against the front desk casually.

The waitress froze, moved the mouse slowly, manipulated the interface, and placed a room card on the table with a smile.

"This is your room key. Have a nice stay."

The brown-haired youth touched the room card in his hand, and walked towards the elevator with the old man beside him.

The waitress behind her breathed a sigh of relief.

She reached out and pressed the headset disguised as a gemstone earring beside her ear, and said softly, "The target has moved in, everything is going well."

In the monitoring room of the hotel, Feng Jianyu also watched the two people walk into the elevator little by little, and walked into room 1709 that they had arranged for a long time, and he was relieved.

Great, everything went as Mr. Amuro expected.

This time it will definitely be successful, he smiled and adjusted the signal to the same frequency as Mr. Amuro.


Amuro held onto the headset and breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the wind sees that everything is going well, it is almost time for him to withdraw.

"Hey, I said, how long are we going to stay in this place." The short-haired young man came around from the other side, because he was more or less afraid of the police guarding the shore, so he stopped at the bow of the boat and did not go any further. One step forward.

"You don't have to stay any longer." Amuro raised his hand and glanced at his watch, it was exactly ten o'clock. "Wait another hour, at most eleven o'clock, we can withdraw."

"I really don't understand you. Since you have to join in the fun of the fireworks display and set the bomb to explode at zero, why don't you just come later and ask me to wait with you here." The short-haired young man scolded, Go to the cabin. "I might as well change with Bomore. It's more comfortable to accompany my husband to watch a play in the hotel."

After you get caught, you won't feel comfortable.

Amuro Toru slowly walked towards the cabin. "Is the boat ready? We'll disembark as soon as they get on board."