MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 18 mobile note

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On September 11th, the third internal meeting of the Wild Rose Troupe.

"Comrades, we have been broken into by the enemy!" Cheng Youwen said.

Shi Yuan took a piece of bread and concentrated on eating breakfast. In the past few days, he found that the milk buns sold next to the theater were good, and he bought them every day to eat, completely unaware that Cheng Youwen was referring to himself.

Cheng Youwen emphasized again: "It's broken into the interior!"

Qin Luoluo curled her hair, was checking her false eyelashes in the mirror, and said, "That's your imaginary enemy, we don't have any objections to land generals."

Tracey cheered: "I want his autograph! Photo! Autograph! Photo!"

When Shi Yuan heard "land general", he raised his head. Cheng Youwen sighed heavily, and asked Shi Yuan: "How did you know each other?"

Shi Yuan said alertly: "I don't know Lu Tinghan."

He remembered Xia Fang said that Cheng Youwen didn't like Lu Tinghan.

Cheng Youwen's eyebrows twitched: "Then tell me who came yesterday?"

"It's Lu Tingting." Shi Yuan said, "They look a bit alike, but that's Lu Tingting."

Cheng Youwen: "..."

This is something that no one believes, why can Shi Yuan tell such a lie so seriously? !

Judging by his expression, he really thinks he can fool everyone!

Cheng Youwen took a few deep breaths before he calmed down: "Shiyuan, Shiyuan, why don't you say they are clones." He rubbed his browbones, "Okay, okay, what's going on between you and that 'Lu Tingting'?" know?"

"He came to look for me before." Shi Yuan said.

Cheng Youwen: "A hero is saddened by a beauty pass."

Shi Yuan said again: "Then he left me and left."

Cheng Youwen: "Since ancient times, men are so lucky."

Shi Yuan said, "I found him again."

Cheng Youwen: "Reunite after a broken mirror!"

In just three sentences, Xia Fang was stunned when he heard it, and imagined a **** love story with ups and downs. He whispered to Qin Luoluo: "I didn't realize that the general is still a bit scumbag."

"I think so too." Qin Luoluo said in a low voice, "Look at Shi Yuan, who is dumbfounded and so happy to be scumbed, the general actually has the heart to lie to him."

As a screenwriter, Cheng Youwen obviously made up more plots. He took Shi Yuan's hand, resenting that iron could not be made into steel, and said: "Shi Yuan, if you break it, you can break it. There is no need to waste time on him. You see, there are so many young talents in this city. There are more than enough men. There is a blind date corner on the west side of the city square. Go around there and make sure you have anyone you want. There are 1, 0, and 05. If you want a root number, I can find it for you. ..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Qin Luoluo interrupted him, "Looking at you there, Shi Yuan hasn't finished eating a piece of bread for a long time, you two can discuss the root number two when you have time, okay? The meeting has been going on long enough, hurry up and rehearse."

Only then did Cheng Youwen shut up resentfully.

After yesterday's performance, the troupe received feedback from the audience one after another, and Cheng Youwen is revising the script. But today they are rehearsing the second act, and Shi Yuan will play another role: Dryad.

The story progresses to Leo fleeing to a strange town, bragging in the tavern, walking into the forbidden forest with alcohol, and encountering a murderous dryad.

Shi Yuan changed into a furry cypress costume, stood on the stage, looked at Leo and said, "The world is cruel, let me infect you, let us live forever in the mud and bones..."

He didn't take his eyes off his eyes, his expression was calm, and he spoke very scary words, but he was soft and gentle.

Leo was bewitched by the tree demon in this way. Fortunately, he woke up at the last moment and swung his sword to kill the tree demon.

Then Shi Yuan was about to play the dead man again, lying motionless on the stage, very dedicated.

Cheng Youwen was very satisfied with the effect of the performance and praised everyone. The more he looked at Shi Yuan, the more pleasing to his eyes, and he couldn't help but think of Lu Tinghan, thinking that it was a hidden gem, a beautiful woman matched with a scumbag, she was simply blind.

In the afternoon, Shi Yuan and Xia Fang went to post advertisements again.

Qin Luoluo found a new advertiser named "Parson's Knife". The posters were full of shiny knives. A housewife held a kitchen knife in both hands, chopped vegetables with her right hand, and hacked to death an infected bird with her left hand. : [Cooking and self-defense, Parsons knife, you deserve it! 】

Shi Yuan stood on tiptoe and smoothed every poster, and suddenly heard Xia Fang say: "Hey, hey, look over there."

He looked over and saw the figures of Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo disappearing into a restaurant by the roadside of the theater.

Shi Yuan said: "That restaurant is delicious, I like its bean sprout soup."

"What, who told you to watch that." Xia Fang winked, "You've been here for almost a month, haven't you noticed it yet? Don't you like to observe other people every day?"

"What do you see?"

"Cheng Youwen—Old Cheng must like Qin Luoluo."

Shi Yuan honestly thought for a while: "I didn't see it."

"That's your problem." Xia Fang said, "I found out half a month after I came here, do you know how I found out?"

Shi Yuan shook his head.

Xia Fang said: "It's a note on the phone. There must be something wrong with Cheng's head. The note he gave me was 'money lover', the note to Wolfgang was 'muscle dumb', and the note to Tracy It's an 'expert at dismantling houses', which normal person would make such a note? He's quite proud of it, and often shows it to me."

Shi Yuan asked, "What is the note he gave me?"

"Before it was 'a vase with an hourly salary of 5 yuan', and later it was 'tomorrow's star'," Xia Fang replied, "Today he changed it, and you are now a 'stupid beauty'."

Shi Yuan: "..."

"But Qin Luoluo is different." Xia Fang glued the last poster, "Old Cheng's note to her has always been 'Qin Luoluo', and it hasn't changed in five or six years."

"That's his real name." Shi Yuan said.

Even he knows that many people will note their real names.

"Yes," Xia Fang said, "it's normal to note your real name, but it's different if you're the only real name." He arched Shiyuan with his elbow, showing a meaningful smile, "The most special person, always It’s a unique treat.”

"Why?" Shi Yuan asked.

"There's nothing to explain, treat them differently," Xia Fang said, "It's nothing more than partiality and preference."

Shi Yuan seemed to understand but half understood, and he was still thinking about it until he went home at night.

He felt that Lu Tinghan must have favored him, otherwise he would not have brought him home, and even helped him untie his tail, but he was a little uncertain.

When Lu Tinghan was sitting on the sofa reading a book, Shi Yuan leaned over and asked, "Lu Tinghan, what's the note you gave me?"

"Why do you ask this?" Lu Tinghan didn't raise his head, but patted Shi Yuan's head smoothly.

"Just curious."

Lu Tinghan replied: "Your remark is 'Shi Yuan'. The remark I gave to everyone is their real name." He paused, "Except Teacher Su Enqi."

This is in line with the style of the land general, simple and clear, convenient and trouble-free, and there is no other special existence except for the elders with deep mentors.

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, nestling beside Lu Tinghan, tucking his tail.

He wasn't too disappointed, after all Lu Tinghan's character was like that.

Shi Yuan sneaked a glance at the book in Lu Tinghan's hand. After reading the previous "General History of the Alliance Military", Lu Tinghan changed to "Strategy", and there were a bunch of things he couldn't understand. He had no choice but to start looking at his phone, pull out the stage play recommended by Cheng Youwen, and watch other people's joys and sorrows.

When he went to the theater the next day, Shi Yuan spent a little more time implementing the human observation plan, focusing on Cheng Youwen and Qin Luoluo.

He overestimated his ability to observe, and he didn't see why for a long time, but Cheng Youwen was so stared at by him that his hair was on his back: "Shi Yuan, you complained to Lu Tinghan about blowing the pillow wind last night? Why do you keep looking at me? Is he coming to kill me soon?"

Shi Yuan said, "Lu Tingting."

"Okay, okay, tell me the truth, did you blow Lu Tingting's pillow?"

"No." Shi Yuan said, "We didn't sleep together, we haven't slept together for a long time."

Cheng Youwen changed Shi Yuan's remarks to "Concubine of the Cold Palace".

They continued to rehearse, and at the end, Cheng Youwen said: "It's very good, Ms. Isabella will be very satisfied if she sees it—of course, the main reason is that my script is quite brilliant."

He is smug.

This is the third time Shi Yuan has heard this name.

He asked, "Who the **** is Isabella?"

This time, Cheng Youwen looked at him carefully and said, "Well, it's time to let you know the great goal of our troupe! Come with me!"

Qin Luoluo and Wolfgang also followed. The four went up to the third floor of the theater. Wolfgang unlocked a heavy door and dragged out a safe in the corner of the room.

Only Wolfgang knew the password. After he finished typing the password, the others came forward. The four of them squatted together and surrounded the safe, peering head-to-head to look inside.

Inside were bundles of banknotes.

Cheng Youwen was very proud: "This is the troupe's secret treasury. We don't tell ordinary people easily. Xia Fang also worked for a year and got our trust and affirmation before we knew about it. Shi Yuan, we are making an exception for you. Yes, because no one thinks you can lie."

Shi Yuan said, "I thought we were poor." He had never seen so many banknotes.

"Oh, that's not right." Cheng Youwen said, "This is saved from living and frugal, most of it is our own salary, to treat Ms. Isabella's illness."

He told Shi Yuan a story.

The theater belonged to the García family, originally owned by Isabella García, who was also an excellent actress and connoisseur. She was in poor health and went to another city with her family in the early years. Before leaving, she transferred the ownership of the theater to her student Wolfgang free of charge.

Because of her, the Wild Rose Troupe didn't have to worry about the rent issue, and could rent out the performance hall to ease the economic pressure and reduce operating costs, otherwise they would have disbanded like other troupes.

"But Isabella has a serious illness." Qin Luoluo said, "She is very old and needs money, especially for a major operation." She paused, "Tracey She is very sensible, and often puts in the pocket money for buying snacks. We also save money here.”

Shi Yuan understood that they wanted to save the benefactor of the troupe.

Cheng Youwen turned his head and coughed twice: "We let you know that there is such a thing, not to ask you to donate money, but in addition, we have another goal: to let Ms. Isabella see A most perfect show."

"Is it "The Martyr"?" Shi Yuan asked.

"That's right," Cheng Youwen nodded, "This is the most satisfying script I've ever written. So far, the performance and conflict are also the best." He patted Shi Yuan on the shoulder, "So you have to work hard, we Definitely going to perform in her city."

Shi Yuan said, "I understand." He added, "I still owe money to others. After I pay it back, I can also donate a little money."

Cheng Youwen was stunned for a moment, wanted to say something but didn't say it, and finally patted him on the shoulder and said, "...Thank you."

Together they descended the stairs to the first floor.

Qin Luoluo walked in the front humming a song, and Cheng Youwen was right behind her. He struggled to go downstairs on crutches, panting softly, his estranged left leg, like a goat's hoof, rattled on the ground. Shi Yuan looked over by chance, and saw Qin Luoluo's black hair lifted up when he turned the stairs, revealing his swan-like neck, and the snowflake earrings were shining, and Cheng Youwen took a quick look at Qin Luoluo.

That look was different than usual.

Fierce enough to hide a thousand words, yet timid enough to break at the touch of a button.

This time Shi Yuan believed what Xia Fang said was true.

It turned out that liking someone would look like this. he thinks.

When he returned home that night, he stared at Lu Tinghan with wide eyes.

Lu Tinghan was immersed in the report at first, but after a while he asked, "Shi Yuan, why are you looking at me like this?"

Shi Yuan looked at him for a few seconds.

There wasn't much emotion in Lu Tinghan's eyes, there was no wave in the ancient well, he didn't see anything.

Lu Tinghan asked again: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yuan said, "Is the note you gave me really your real name?"

"Of course." Lu Tinghan lowered his head, "What else?"

"All right."

That night, Shi Yuan dreamed again that Lu Tinghan sold him for money in order to avenge his crime of tearing five pieces of clothes. In the dream, a bunch of human beings were staring at him. He was so scared that his tail got knotted. After waking up, he went to Lu Tinghan with his pillow in his arms and asked him if he could sleep together.

Lu Tinghan helped him untie his tail, and said, "Shi Yuan, I said 'just this once' last time."

Shi Yuan looked at him eagerly.

Lu Tinghan: "..."

General Lu Lu has proved with his own actions that once everything is an exception, there will be no "only this one time". Shi Yuan entered his room with the pillow in his arms, rolled himself into a ball with the quilt, and rolled to Lu Tinghan's side.

Lu Tinghan asked: "What nightmare did you have again?"

"I dreamed that you sold me again." Shi Yuan said, "This time the price has increased, and I sold it for 500 yuan."

Lu Tinghan said, "How did I give you such an impression?"

"Maybe I broke your clothes before. My salary is too little, and it will take a long time to pay back."

Lu Tinghan had said long ago that he didn't need to care about this matter, but Shi Yuan was still brooding.

Shi Yuan continued: "I broke four or five pieces of clothes, and you loaned me 300 yuan before, and my hourly salary is 6 yuan..."

"Don't think about it," Lu Tinghan said, "You don't need to pay it back."

"I have to pay it back," Shi Yuan insisted, "I don't know how much your clothes cost, you tell me the price, and I will slowly save money and return it to you... ah."

Lu Tinghan started to rub Shi Yuan's head violently. This move had a miraculous effect on Shi Yuan, and after repeated trials and failures, Shi Yuan immediately forgot about the topic just now, and made a satisfied voice: "Hurr, snort, snort."

In this way, Lu Tinghan successfully skipped the topic.

The moon hung high, it was a quiet night, Shi Yuanwo fell asleep beside Lu Tinghan.

The next month, the Wildrose Company rehearsed the second and third acts, and things went well.

At the end of the month, Shiyuan received his wages, a total of 1,488 yuan. After paying taxes to the alliance, there was 1,041 yuan left. After deducting the meal expenses, plus the salary savings from the first half month, it was only about 110 yuan.

The money is not much, but it can be returned to Lu Tinghan first.

Tracy is Wolfgang's adopted daughter, and the theater is her own business. She doesn't get paid, but she also has pocket money at the end of the month.

She told Shi Yuan, "I put all my pocket money in the safe, a total of 50 union coins, and left it to Ms. Isabella." Her cat's tail drooped regretfully, "However, those are two bags of candy For the money, I would have liked to try strawberry lollipops."

Shi Yuan asked, "Are you going to tell Mr. Wolfgang?"

"He doesn't give me candy, because he's afraid of tooth decay." Tracy curled her lips, "I bought it secretly. Well, I voluntarily gave out the pocket money, and I won't regret it. You go home, I wish you happy weekend."

Shi Yuan went to the station, and while waiting for the bus, he saw someone selling snacks on the side of the road.

There are not many types of snacks, mostly biscuits and hard candies, and the packaging is colorful. One of the small bags contained strawberry-flavored lollipops.

Shi Yuan bought the bag of candy for 20 yuan and returned it to Tracy.

Tracy was so surprised that she almost jumped up: "Shiyuan! Thank you!"

She took the lollipop, but insisted on not wanting the other candies, so Shi Yuan took them home.

So Shi Yuan took half a bag of sugar and went home.

This day, as soon as Lu Tinghan came home, he saw a head poking out from the sofa.

Shi Yuan rested his chin on the back of the sofa and asked, "Lu Tinghan, do you want candy?"

"No need." Lu Tinghan said, but just as he sat down, he still had a lot of snacks in his hands, hard fruit candies, marshmallows, small biscuits...

"Try it," Shi Yuan looked forward to, "It's the first time I eat candy, and this is the best one I picked out."

Lu Tinghan ate a piece of hard grape candy, and got a happy Shi Yuan.

Shi Yuan told Lu Tinghan about the salary payment, and explained why he only had 90 yuan left. He insisted on returning the money to Lu Tinghan again, and Lu Tinghan agreed.

The prompt for transferring money sounded, Lu Tinghan showed the phone to Shi Yuan: "Got it."

"That's good," Shi Yuan was very happy, "Although there are not many, wait for me next month..."

He paused, staring at the phone screen with wide eyes.

—Probably because the candy Shi Yuan gave was too sweet, which paralyzed Admiral Lu’s thinking. By the time he realized something was wrong and wanted to take back the phone, it was already too late.

On the phone, it is clearly written [I have transferred 90 alliance coins to you after killing the knot]

Shi Yuan:?

Looking further down, there is another reminder: ["Knot" is your friend in the address book, note: "Long-tailed grunting monster"]

Shi Yuan:? ? ?