MTL - How to Feed an Abyss!-Chapter 36 blue butterfly

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Shi Yuan froze all over.

The blood was still bleeding, and silver fish scales appeared on the back of the soldier's hands, but his condition seemed to have improved miraculously, his voice stopped shaking, and his thinking was also very clear: "I was infected by moths. Moths can hear 300 kHz I’m not that good at voices, at most I can hear the voices of some monsters in advance. But I can distinguish human voices very easily, as long as I hear it once, I won’t forget it.”

He continued: "I've heard your voice, you are the person next to General Lu, you are... your name is Shi Yuan, right?"

As an alliance general, Lu Tinghan is often accompanied by soldiers to guard him when he goes out, so many people have seen Shi Yuan. And Shi Yuan... his eyes are full of Lu Tinghan, he has no time to care about other people, so naturally he doesn't remember what they look like.

The person in front of him was probably one of the guards.

The last time we met in the city, Shi Yuan and Lu Tinghan walked forward side by side. Maybe they were discussing what to eat for dinner, maybe they talked about the flowers at home, or maybe Shi Yuan was suspecting that Lu Tinghan changed the remark back to "" The long-tailed grunting monster... Shi Yuan didn't like the guards around Lu Tinghan, they were too dangerous and had killed many monsters, but as long as Lu Tinghan was around, he wouldn't be afraid.

This meeting was outside the city, the low woods, the wet mud that could not be melted, and the noise and movement of monsters everywhere. As if by a trick of fate, the roles are suddenly reversed, the soldier is dying, but the soft boy is safe and sound. For the two, one is a deadly hell, and the other is a kind homeland.

The soldier sighed and said, "The infection process is really strange. Breaking away from the limitations of human beings, I noticed a lot...things that I can't usually notice."

He opened his cloudy eyes: "I can smell the smell of all the monsters here. Shi Yuan, I also know that they are afraid of you. You appeared outside the city alone, unscathed, what are you?"

Shi Yuan clenched the gauze tightly with his fingers, and replied, "Let me save you first, and I will tell you after the wound is bandaged."

"It's useless, I'm absolutely hopeless." The soldier looked even colder, still pointing the gun at his head, and paused every word, "Answer my question, why did you pretend to be human, why did you stay in Luzhou?" By the side of the admiral? Are you planning to kill him? Are you spying on human intelligence? Or are you admiring our struggle? Is all this interesting to you?!"

Shi Yuan gripped the gauze: "No, I..."

"Enough!" the soldier yelled violently, his body convulsed, "I won't believe a word of yours, now—I'm going to kill you!"

However, his fingers kept twitching, and the gun almost came out of his hand, let alone pulled the trigger. His veins bulged, and he struggled several times before accepting that he could not shoot, and immediately touched the communicator with his left hand.

He found nothing.

His lower body was **** and his communicator had long been shattered, making it impossible to report to the command center.

He opened his eyes, stayed where he was, and muttered: "I have to tell them, I have to let the general know..."

Shi Yuan said softly: "I will tell him."

Soldier: "Ahem, cough, cough, cough! Do you think I will believe you!"

"I went out of the city this time to kill a monster and bring it back to Lu Tinghan to see." Shi Yuan said.

"Why are you doing this? What's in it for you?!"

Shi Yuan replied, "Because I like this city."

His tone was frank, the soldier was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Are you addicted to pretending to be a human? Do you like to kill each other with your own kind? Or are you too involved in stage plays, and you really think of yourself as a savior?"

—He has seen The Martyr.

"I don't want to kill them." Shi Yuan sat down in front of him and curled his tail.

Soldier: "You guys have feelings too?"

He spasmed a few more times.

Shi Yuan thought for a while: "I can't describe that feeling to you. Whenever I see monsters, I know that I bleed the same blood as them."

There are many words to describe the connection between individuals, such as blood is thicker than water, such as heart-to-heart bond, but the connection between monsters is closer than people think.

Whether it is silver fish, poisonous flowers, purple lantern worms, or the huge and brilliant "horn", when Yuan Yuan saw them, he would feel the tremor from his soul.

Monsters will fight each other, but they also have the same soul, the same blood, and the same resonance with the abyss.

Homology, symbiosis, continuous devouring and continuous evolution.

That's why monsters of different races riot at the same time. In the field that cannot be observed by human instruments, their minds converge into a long river in the dark.

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Be it you or me, the soul dances.

"I love them," said Shi Yuan. "I was really scared of humans at first—and I'm still scared now. But I met a lot of people in the city, made friends, and learned a lot, and I'm the same now. I like humans. So, I came here."

He shook the tip of his tail: "I don't know if I can hold the city, maybe I will fail, or there may be other accidents. I don't even know what I can do, but I have to try."

The soldier opened his mouth slightly, wanted to say something but didn't say it. What he didn't realize was that the spasm was over and he could pull the trigger if he wanted to.

The fish scales on the back of the hand grew rapidly, covering the upper body, and the bleeding slowed down, not because the injury was getting better, but because the blood was about to drain.

After a long time, he whispered: "I must be crazy, otherwise how could I believe you... Shi Yuan, what are you?"

The sun shines through the woods, shining the scales of a red snake, several silver fish swim through the soil, their crystal bodies are clear, and the singing of mushrooms is heard in the wind.

Shi Yuan looked at the humans in front of him.

He is really dying, the infection is slowly obliterating his human features, and he will become one of the monsters and stay in the wasteland forever.

People tend to confide the truth to the dying, and secrets are safest in the grave.

Shiyuan is different.

His expression was almost tender.

It's like he stretched out his hands to the queen bee, like he played the savior over and over again on the stage, just like when he said to Lu Tinghan, "Let me infect you", he was as gentle as that time.

He replied, "I am the abyss."

He told the secret, it was the comfort to the dying, and it was the greatest tenderness he could give.

At this moment, the soldier was too terrified to speak, and after a long time he asked tremblingly, "Are you that, that disappeared No. 0 abyss?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan said, "It's me, so I'm 0." He thought for a while and added, "Lu Tinghan is 1."



"What the **** did I hear ahhhhhhhh" written all over his infected half face.

"I'm here to find Lu Tinghan." Shi Yuan said, "In this world, he is the only human being that belongs to me."

The soldier was stunned for a while, then put down his gun slumpedly.

His voice began to weaken: "It's unbelievable that such a thing happened..." He shook his head, "Go, I'm going to die, and I can't kill you."

"What else can I do for you?" Shi Yuan said.

The silver fish scales blocked most of the soldier's expression, he seemed to be smiling: "There is really one thing."

Shi Yuan's tail bent into a question mark: "What?"

The soldier groped and pushed the hand/gun on the ground: "Kill me, I don't want to become a monster."

The metal of the gun was cold.

Not too strange.

Lu Tinghan demonstrated to Shi Yuan how to use a gun.

It was shortly after the shooting in the city, when Shi Yuan came home, he had an extra pistol with no bullets in his hand.

"Learn it," Lu Tinghan said, "in case it comes in handy."

He couldn't really shoot bullets at home, so Lu Tinghan explained the structure of the gun to him, and demonstrated the basic operation against the wall.

From the first meeting, Shi Yuan knew that Lu Tinghan's marksmanship was good, he changed the magazine smoothly, loaded it, and took aim, while Shi Yuan imitated clumsily, aiming the gun at the wall.

"Take a step forward with your left foot and keep your waist straight." Lu Tinghan said.

Shi Yuan stood up straight.

"The right hand is straight, the elbow of the left hand is bent down." Lu Tinghan said again.

Shi Yuan did as he did, feeling himself stiff, his tail froze in mid-air. Lu Tinghan taught him by hand, adjusted his posture, and finally whispered in his ear: "...shoot."

"Click!" Shi Yuan pulled the trigger.

"If there are bullets, the recoil is not small, so you have to be mentally prepared." Lu Tinghan said, "Without training, the deterrent effect of ordinary people with guns is not high, and the accuracy cannot be improved. They can only be the last ones. means." He paused, patted Shi Yuan's head, "I hope you will never use what I taught you in your life."

Shi Yuan said: "I think it's very interesting. If I have the chance, I would like to learn it."

Lu Tinghan said, "I don't want you to learn."

Just three months later, Shi Yuan picked up the pistol/gun again, aiming at humans instead of monsters.

The ammunition is full and heavy.

Shi Yuan tentatively pulled the trigger, and the bullet was loaded crisply.

He said: "I haven't killed anyone, but if it makes you feel better..."

"This is not murder, but relief." The soldier gasped, "Hurry up and do it."

So Shi Yuan stood up, recalled what Lu Tinghan had said, posed strangely, and aimed at his head.

"Wait—!" The soldier suddenly shouted, "I, I still have a problem—"

"What?" Shi Yuan asked.

The soldier didn't answer, a beast-like growl came from his throat, he shook his head in pain, his fingers twitched constantly, as if he had fallen into a nightmare that he couldn't break free from. Shi Yuan squatted down again, stretched out his hand to caress his cheek, and gently wiped away the blood between the scales.

His fingers were slightly cool, which brought him comfort.

Two minutes later, the soldier gasped and spoke again: "Shi Yuan, you will not die, you will never die, will you? Remember my name, my name is Yin Zhou, Yin Qingzhou's Zhou. Remember I, then go and see the end of this world."

"Okay." Shi Yuan said, "I will never forget."

Yin Zhou asked again: "The last question, tell me, what color is the sky today?"

"It's red," Shi Yuan replied, "red like a rose."

"...Oh, it must be very beautiful." Yin Zhou said, "Why didn't I take a second look."

He was thrown into confusion again.

Shi Yuan stood up and aimed at the gun: "Nice to meet you, Yin Zhou."


Several strange birds spread their wings and flew away in shock.

Lu Tinghan was right, the recoil was so strong that Shi Yuan's tiger's mouth was numb from the shock.

He picked up stones and buried Yin Zhou.

The woods were quiet, but he hadn't found any monsters to kill yet.

Should I go somewhere else, or look around? The warning did not know when it would end, he had to hurry up and return to the city as soon as possible.

There are many monsters around, trees, stones, squirrels, mushrooms... But just like what he told Yin Zhou, when he looked at the monsters, their souls were connected.

Shi Yuan thought with some frustration that he might not be able to attack them.

He picked up the last stone, and his eyes were suddenly attracted.

There is a bright blue butterfly next to the stone.

The blue is extremely bright and eye-catching, it can be called dreamy.

It was only half the size of a palm, its wings and body were half rotten, and it was flopping on the ground.

Shi Yuan finished building the stone pestle, and returned to it hesitantly.

The butterfly had no strength to flap its wings, and it was injured by the machine gun fire. In two or three minutes, it would die. Shi Yuan stretched out his hand and gently picked it up.

"Does it hurt?" He asked softly.

Of course Butterfly would not answer him.

Yin Zhou wanted to be relieved, and this butterfly probably wanted too. Besides, he shouldn't delay.

"I'm sorry." Shi Yuan said, "Please sleep."

In his palm, black crystals gushed out from the butterfly's body, enveloping it layer by layer. The last moment of its life was frozen, frozen in the black crystal, weird and beautiful.

Shi Yuan carefully put it in his pocket.

Then he turned into a black mist again, skimmed through the bushes, skimmed across the boundless wasteland, and went down the way he had come under the rose-red sky.

"At 13:47 on May 17th, the infection wavelength of Abyss No. 0 was observed at the south gate of Gleaming City. Lieutenant Bing Siyun had close contact with 13 guards stationed in the city, and 5 of them showed slight psychosis. Fluctuating, no danger for the time being, under observation."

"And just 6 hours later, at 19:33, the infection wavelength of Abyss No. 0 reappeared, this time at the East City Gate...fuck, what is this, is it running around for fun? Don't tell me it's still lost!"

—Professor Yang Zhengyi Yang, who specializes in abyss research, scolded at the Gleaner City Research Center.

The infection signal from the abyss only appeared for less than 10 seconds each time, but the research center was blown up. Within a few hours, everyone from the gray-haired old professor down to the young intern who just joined the job was busy.

In a daze, back to the few months when Abyss No. 0 just disappeared, they also studied day and night like this.

In the end it was nothing.

The student whispered beside him: "Professor, these are really all the materials left by Professor Yu."

Yang Zhengyi let out a long sigh and waved his hand.

"Fuchuan" has been repelled, they should be very happy, but Abyss 0 ruined this joy.

On his desk and on the computer screen are all the information of No. 0 Abyss. Most of the past research materials came from Yu Qingmei, and the recent data was provided by Lu Tinghan, who is a monitor, within ten years. They have read it countless times and have no clue.

"Professor," the student whispered again, "General Lu will be here soon."

"I see." Yang Zhengyi rubbed his eyebrows.

Thirty minutes later, the aircraft flew past the window, and Lu Tinghan came to the command center.

Yang Zhengyi introduced the situation to him, while Lu Tinghan picked up the tablet and flipped through the documents in silence, as if he was looking for something.

He turned and asked, "Can you confirm that it is not infected with any living things?"

"Not currently." Yang Zhengyi pushed his glasses, "We have done wavelength analysis, disassembled the frequency, and found no abnormal values ​​for the time being. Lieutenant Bing Siyun is at the center of the pollution. According to the value at that time, anyone would Directly infected, but he's virtually unscathed. It's surprisingly low infectivity."

Lu Tinghan stopped at a certain page of information, and asked again: "I'm not just talking about humans. It also has the possibility of contact with infectious organisms."

"Infected creatures?" Yang Zhengyi repeated.

Lu Tinghan turned the tablet sideways and showed him the information.

That was Yu Qingmei's interview video.

As a scientific researcher, Yang Zhengyi had been in contact with Yu Qingmei, and his impression of her was that she was casual and had a rational scientific research style. When she passed away, she sighed bitterly, even saying that heaven is jealous of talents.

In the video, the woman puts one hand in her pocket and conjectures to the reporter: "Infection is unique and mutually exclusive. Abyss 0 breaks this restriction. It can 'kill' the infection...but let me say, I think It was never hope, only 'destruction'."

The reporter asked, "Can you tell me more about it?"

"There is nothing to say." Yu Qingmei said, "Destruction is destruction, destroying cities and destroying civilization, it is the end of mankind." She smiled suddenly, "Okay, this is an unfounded guess—in fact, it is It's the most harmless abyss that hasn't been infected by any creature, isn't it?" She paused, and then said, "In the end, I only have one hope—"

After 14 years, Lu Tinghan stood in front of Yang Zhengyi just like her in the busy research center.

Lu Tinghan's appearance is much like his father's, and the most similar to his mother's is probably the brow bone. The inner side of their eyebrow arch is steep, and the eyebrow line is stretched, giving people a sense of depth, while the gentle upper edge neutralizes the aggressiveness. Such eyebrows and eyes are quite calm when they are serious, and they are very beautiful when they smile.

At this moment, even though there was a huge difference in appearance, temperament, and physique between Lu Tinghan and his mother, Yang Zhengyi still saw the shadow of Yu Qingmei.

They are the people who know Abyss 0 best in this world. At this moment, the figures of the two seem to overlap, and they said together: "In the final analysis, I only have one hope, and that is not to let Abyss No. 0 come into contact with any creatures, especially infected creatures."

"Otherwise what will happen?" Yang Zhengyi asked unconsciously.

"I don't know, maybe it's destruction." Lu Tinghan frowned, "I share the same opinion as Professor Yu. It's not hope. If it doesn't stand on the human side, it will always be the monster's trump card."

"What is the trump card?"

Lu Tinghan didn't answer.

at the same time.

In Dongcheng District of Gleaner City, the night fell and a cold rain dripped down. The level II warning was not over yet, and the puddle reflected the light of the searchlight in the distance, and was crushed by the armored vehicle in an instant.

Shi Yuan returned home wet, took off his shoes and clothes stained with mud, leaves and blood, and soaked them in basins respectively.

At this time, there was no electricity or hot water, so he took a cold shower, then quickly jumped onto the bed, covering himself tightly with the quilt.

Professor Yang never expected that Shi Yuan really lost his way when he entered the city, and went around the east gate.

He had a bad sense of direction and got dizzy.

He didn't dare to turn back into the black mist in the city, for fear of causing panic—he had no idea that his existence had been exposed. He walked home after being drenched in the rain for a long time, and took a bath in cold water. His already fair face became even whiter, and the scales of his tail were so cold that they exploded slightly.

In the darkness, he took out the black crystal from under the pillow.

The bright blue butterfly was frozen in it, and its wings were fluorescent, shining on his face through translucent crystals.

The phone lights up.

Shi Yuan sent a message to Lu Tinghan before, asking when he would be back.

Now Lu Tinghan replied: [If the situation is good, within a week]

Shi Yuan said: [When you come back, I have something to tell you. 】

Lu Tinghan: [Can't we say it now? 】

[No, you have to say it face to face. 】The surface of the crystal in Shi Yuan's hand is jagged.

Lu Tinghan didn't ask any further questions, and simply said: [Okay. 】

Shi Yuan said:【I'll wait for your return】

When Lu Tinghan came back, he wanted to show him the butterfly and tell him his secret.

Lu Tinghan: [Yes]

Shi Yuan smiled.

The cold rain is still falling in the city, the long streets are deserted, the buildings are empty, and the chill floods every corner, seeping in through the cracks in the windows.

The screen of the mobile phone is locked, and the room is pitch black again. The only light source is the butterfly's wings, and its light falls on Shi Yuan's curved eyes, shining brightly. Outside the city, the last rosy red faded in the sky, and in the woods were broken cars, cold pistols, brass-colored bullet casings, vines moving forward silently, climbing up the newly built stone tombs, driving out A few scarlet flowers.