MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 501 Ruins x Collapse

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A beam of black laser shot from a pile of ruins and shot at the golden giant, causing a violent explosion with a "boom", and the raging flames devoured it.


A black arm stretched out from the ruins, grabbed the collapsed wall that was pressing on him, and slammed it open. The wall was spinning rapidly in mid-air, and fell to the ground with a "bang", smashed into pieces, and gravel splashed everywhere.

"I've played enough, just a goalkeeper."

Illumi, who was completely dark, stood up from the ruins, looked at the huge figure shrouded in flames, stretched his right hand forward, and aimed his index finger at the golden giant in the center of the flames.


A black laser shot out, hitting the golden giant inside, causing another violent explosion.


Illumi's fingertips radiated light, and black lasers shot continuously at the golden giant.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The laser didn't stop, and the explosion never stopped. The entire ruins rumbled and crumbled. The ceiling and the ground cracked with thick cracks, and it was about to collapse in the next moment.


The golden giant at the center of the explosion roared, raised his huge red and shiny arm, and waved his fist.


On his fist, a dark red light bloomed, and he punched Ilumi again from the air. The dark red laser with the thickness of his arm struck with a hot fist wind.


Yilu Mi had an expressionless face, and he easily avoided it when he moved his feet. Except for the first time he saw this move and did not dodge, in subsequent battles, as long as he was not approached, it would be ineffective against him.


The attack of the golden giant landed on the wall behind Illumi, and in one after another loud noise, it penetrated one wall after another.

Illumi looked back, and dozens of walls behind him were penetrated by the golden giant's blow, leaving a hole in the wall with black smoke.

The hole in the first wall is only the size of a fist, and the hole in the second wall is slightly larger, and the hole in each wall is slightly larger than the previous one.

Until the city wall outside the ruins, a circular pothole nearly two meters in size was burned out, and black smoke was "chichi" inside.


Ilumi turned around, and the tip of his right finger kept bursting with black lasers.

"Boom boom boom..."

The golden giant in the center of the flames kept waving his fists, knocking out all the black lasers that came in one after another, producing continuous explosions one after another.


Yilu Mi raised his left hand, and a lot of thought energy gathered towards the tip of the index finger, but the light kept condensing on the tip of the finger, and there was no sign of releasing it.

Until the light from the tip of the left finger gradually condensed into a black ball the size of a football, and the blooming black light gradually turned into pure white, becoming a thought energy bomb emitting a strong white light.


With the white light of Ilumi's fingertips blooming, a white ball of light the size of a football escaped from the fingertips and quickly flew towards the golden giant.

The golden giant naturally sensed the ball of light flying towards him, and immediately waved his fist and slammed it forward.

The fist shimmering with dark red mental energy collided with the white light ball with strong mental energy.


At the moment when the two attacks collided, time seemed to stop turning, and a circular vacuum area was formed between the golden giant and the white light ball. Suction into the vacuum area.

The next moment, the pressure in the center of the vacuum rose sharply, expanded, and the air and flames that were compressed into a circular shape oscillated suddenly, and dazzling white light shot out, forming a semicircle exuding a dazzling light that continued to expand towards the surroundings, swallowing the surroundings. all matter.


A shock wave burst out in an instant and swept across the second floor of the ruins. The huge energy formed by the strong shock wave in an instant generated high speed and high pressure, and instantly shattered all the buildings on the second floor of the ruins.

The shock wave swept across the ruins, swept across the walls, and continued to spread out toward the darkness in the secret realm. I don't know where it could spread.


The entire ruins were shaking violently, shock waves, violent explosions, one after another.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, centered on the second floor of the entire ruin, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor at the bottom of the ruins. All turned into ruins in an instant, and no one was intact.




At the entrance to the secret realm, the man in camouflage is bringing his subordinates to return to the ground.


Suddenly, a faint aftermath swept across them, making them stunned and trembling in their hearts.


Then there was the sound of a violent explosion in the distance, accompanied by strands of dazzling white light that cut through the darkness, the pupils of the forty Meteor Street soldiers, including the men in camouflage uniforms, all trembled and fell into deep shock.


A soldier's throat churned.

"In there, what happened... what happened?"

The man in camouflage looked at the endless dark space behind him. Although the light that pierced through the darkness was only for an extremely brief moment, he could feel the terrifying aura coming from there.

It is as dazzling as the sun hanging in the dark night, which is daunting.

"Old, boss..." A soldier touched the dazed man in camouflage and said in horror, "Let's get out of here quickly."

The man in the camouflage uniform came back to his senses, and when he was about to prepare the hook, he threw it upwards, and threw it accurately into the stone door suspended in the air, hooking the door on the right.

He pulled it hard, but the hook rope didn't fall off.

"Put on your diving suit and concentrate the remaining ammunition. You will have to deal with the devil fish in the water later."

The man in camouflage ordered to his subordinates.

It wasn't until everyone was ready that he held the rope and climbed up bit by bit, followed by the next soldier, until forty soldiers climbed up the stone gate one after another.

Fortunately, they were not attacked by the stingrays when they were swimming upstream in the water.

Maybe it was the violent explosion just now that scared the devil fish and didn't dare to come out for food.

A group of forty people swam with difficulty in the water hundreds of meters deep, and after a while...


A figure surfaced, it was a man in a camouflage uniform. After he surfaced, people continued to surface in the lake.

The man in camouflage slapped the water and swam to the shore while looking at his subordinates, secretly counting, and all forty subordinates came up.

After a soldier swam to the shore, he collapsed in the sand, gasping for breath, too tired to move.


A thick foot stepped on the sand beside the man in camouflage, and the heavy step even made him feel the ground shake.

Looking up, a burly soldier wearing a triangular helmet and a black combat uniform was standing in front of him. The combat uniform on his left chest was printed with the logo of the Foundation's Defense Forces.

At this moment, the soldier was looking down at him, his eyes glowing red.

Rolling his eyes, he glanced around from the corner of his eyes. There were burly soldiers in full armor standing everywhere.

"You are…"

The man in camouflage wanted to say hello to them, but he suddenly remembered that he didn't know who they were, only that these soldiers must be the subordinates of the man below.

"stand up."

The soldier's voice had a cold mechanical feeling. The man in camouflage put his hands on the ground and slowly got up.

After seeing him get up, the other soldiers also got up slowly and gathered around, wondering how these mysterious people would arrange themselves.

"Go up."

The soldier turned and walked towards the top of the sand slope. The man in camouflage and his subordinates looked at each other and followed silently.

After walking up the sand slope, they realized that the ground situation was completely different from when they went down.

In the desert at the moment, there are soldiers coming and going everywhere. There are more than ten armored vehicles and several helicopters.

But what shocked them the most was the Night Crow aircraft parked in the desert, with its cool coating and streamlined structure, with a fuselage of more than 70 meters, they couldn't even see the whole picture of the aircraft.

At this moment, they were standing in the shadow of this Night Crow flying machine, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"You rest here. In an hour, someone will pick you up from Meteor Street."

The soldier stood before them with a team of equally heavily armed soldiers.

"Also, contact with any person in the United States of Eddie is prohibited."

"Once you find out..." The soldier looked at their expressions and said in a cold tone, "It's not about you, your companions will also be implicated."

The man in camouflage and his subordinates didn't answer, but they didn't dare to object.

After warning them, the auxiliary defense soldiers left, leaving a five-person auxiliary defense team to watch them.

"The situation is not right, these people don't seem to be in the same group."

The man in camouflage was sitting on the sand in the shadows, feeling a little cool. He carefully observed the soldiers and found that there were actually three forces here.

To the west is the military of the United States of Adimei, and to the east is the military of the Aztec Republic.

"What kind of troops are these people who control the entrance?"

The man in camouflage was puzzled for a while, but he could only wait for someone from Meteor Street to pick them up and learn the situation from his own mouth.

An hour later, a convoy drove from a distance, bypassing the area controlled by the U.S. Army of Eddie, and stopped in the area controlled by the Aztec Republic.

A few people got off the car and were allowed to pass through after some interrogation.


A man in white led by him waved hello to the man in camouflage sitting in the shadows.

"Heavy casualties..." The man in white stopped in front of them, looked at the man in camouflage and his subordinates, and asked, "Is there anything to gain?"

"Harvest?" The man in camouflage slowly got up and said, "The harvest is that this is not something we can interfere with."

"Oh, I agree with this sentence." The man in white immediately smiled and said, "Even Meteor Street is blocked, let alone us."

"Meteor Street is blocked?" The man in camouflage immediately frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"What else can happen." The man in white shrugged helplessly, and said, "A mysterious army suddenly descended from the sky and suppressed the House of Elders. "

"By the way, those mysterious people are dressed the same as them."

The man in white pointed to the soldiers of the auxiliary defense force who were guarding them.

"I tell you, the scene at that time was too shocking."

"In the originally empty sky, three super-cool aircraft suddenly appeared, and then from inside..."

"Is it such an aircraft?" The man in camouflage raised his index finger and pointed to the top of his head, and the man in white looked up, "Ah yes yes yes, it is this kind of aircraft."

"Take me back, I will report what happened inside to the elders."

The man in camouflage stepped past him and walked towards the convoy outside, followed by forty subordinates.

"Uh, don't blame me for hitting you." The man in white caught up, "No matter what information you report, you must report it under the surveillance of those mysterious people."

"Otherwise, people will die."

"Also, don't think it's enough to report in private." The man in white said as he walked, "Those people's methods are too clever. They can know your every move, even if you talk to yourself."

"Just like me now, every word and every expression of mine is under their surveillance."

"Meteor Street has been completely controlled by them."

"Click..." The man in camouflage walked to the right rear door of the first car, opened the car door, and sat in, "Whether it is being monitored and controlled, I will report what happens next to Elder Batu."

"I know." The man in white opened the door on the left and sat in. "But I have a feeling that our Meteor Street may not be re-mastered by our own people."

"Why do you think so?"

The man in camouflage looked at him and asked.

"Look at what's going on right now..." The man in white pointed out the window, UU reading "Adimei and Aztec, as well as the mysterious army, plus the secret realm they are all guarding. ."

"There are secrets in the desert, and there are also secrets in Meteor Street. Everyone wants to master them."

"Besides, if this happens, maybe there are traitors in Meteor Street who sold secret information to these two big countries."

"Is it possible, do you think Meteor Street is a place that can keep secrets?"

"We are not a country, we are just a group of black households whose identity is not recognized."

While the two were talking, the forty men of the man in camouflage got into the car one after another, the engine started, the convoy turned and drove in the direction from which they came, and they were going back to Star Street.




The secret space, the ruins of the Barahona Dynasty.

At this time, the ruins had turned into ruins. The humanoid monsters hidden in the ruins suffered heavy casualties and fled in groups to the darkness outside the ruins.


A collapsing wall was broken open, and a dark shadow burst out from it.

"Excessive force."

Ilu Mi stood on top of the ruins and looked around at the ruins in front of him. The power of his blow just now was so powerful that he directly destroyed the entire ruins.

"Let's see if the golden giant can still be used."

Illumi sensed the location of the golden giant through Yuan, turned and walked towards the opposite end of the ruins.

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