MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 522 Scaled Monster

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"No, I wasn't attacked."

"Or were they pulled into a different dimension?"

Yilu Mi looked around and speculated in her heart.

"And the pale giant snake just appeared out of thin air, it didn't exist there like the monsters on the third floor."

Before the pale giant snake appeared, Yilu Mi also sent twelve wolf-shaped psychic beasts to investigate. There was clearly nothing there, and a four-to-five-meter-deep cave could not accommodate such a large snake. .

"Reconnect the communication and enable location tracking."

Illumi stood on the spot, opened the holographic map, and at the same time asked the AI ​​to reconnect the communication with the Albert team, but unfortunately there was no response.

On the holographic map, the locations of Riley and the twelve Albert team members were also not displayed.

"It seems that he was indeed pulled into a different dimension." Yilu Mi temporarily determined this idea in his heart, stepped forward, and thought as he walked, "The question now is, can I still be pulled into the different dimension? return."

"The feeling of being watched on the fifth floor is still there, but it's the owner who can't find the sight." Ilumi frowned, "If it's not a creature, it might be a human being."

"Furthermore, that pale giant snake is not a living creature..." Thinking of this, Ilumi condensed in her heart, "Is it possible that the giant snake is a mind beast?"

"However, I didn't feel any aura of mind from that mind beast."

"Forget it, don't think about it for the time being." Illumi decided to put down the disappearance of Riley and the others, and speeded up to run wildly in the dark corridor, "Explore the fifth floor first, and then Riley and the others will still be there. Before I get out, I will be pulled into the other dimension by that giant snake myself."


When Ilumi dashed past in front of a hole in the wall, a pale giant snake head appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards Ilumi, who was running forward.


Immediately, Ilumi stomped on her toes and jumped up just like before, avoiding the attack.


At the moment of jumping up, Ilumi shot a laser from his right hand and attacked the giant snake that fell into the abyss. The laser penetrated the body of the giant snake and shot into the deep and dark abyss.


After a while, a large fire lit up from the bottom of the abyss, illuminating the corridor below a lot.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to run slowly anymore."

Illumi looked at the illuminated circular corridor below, the light from the fingertips bloomed again, and a laser was shot "swipe" to the bottom of the abyss again.


The large firelight generated by the laser's re-explosion illuminated the corridor below transparently and brightly. Illumi's hands clasped in the wall relaxed, his body swayed gently in mid-air, and fell directly into the corridor on the next floor.

When the fire from the explosion disappeared, Ilumi shot out a laser again, and the fire from the explosion illuminated the corridor again.

Illumi immediately jumped down again and fell to the corridor on the next floor.

In this way, Yilu Mi quickly descended layer by layer, and dropped fifty layers at once.


With a loud bang, Ilumi fell on a boulder on the edge of the corridor, looking down.

"How many corridors are there?"

Yilu Mi thought to himself, a black laser burst out from his fingertips and shot down, causing an explosion with a "bang", illuminating the corridors on several floors.


With such a huge continuous explosion, the entire fifth floor was shaking faintly, and a lot of sand and gravel shook off the walls.

"Each floor has a height of 15 meters, and the corridor on the 50th floor has already descended by a height of 750 meters."

Yilu Mi calculated in his heart, looked up at the corridor directly opposite, and saw a semi-circular gap. The gap was charred black and smoking, obviously caused by the laser explosion he shot on it.


Illumi jumped down before the fire below disappeared.

Perhaps it was because he made too much noise. The pale giant snake never appeared until he descended to the corridor on the seventieth floor, at a depth of 1,050 meters.


Illumi jumped down from the corridor, and when his body swayed in mid-air and exerted no power, a pale giant snake suddenly appeared from the hole in the corridor and rushed towards Illumi, who was falling in mid-air.


But just when the giant snake was about to touch Ilumi's exoskeleton, a black silk thread shot out from Ilumi's palm, the tip turned into a black thorn, and inserted into the wall with a "poof". Illumi hangs in the air.


The giant snake and Illumi passed by and almost ran into each other.

Illumi hung in the air, his eyes widened, and he watched the giant snake that attacked him from beginning to end.

Only then did he discover that the thing he had always regarded as a giant snake was not a snake, but a huge fish!

The head is like a snake, the huge fish eyes on both sides of the head are not half glorious, the pupil is covered with a white film, and it is covered with a layer of pale scales from head to tail, and the tail is bifurcated into three parts, like a Take the trident.

This is simply a scaly monster fish covered in armor.

Its body length reached 30 meters, and when it rushed in front of Ilumi, it was like a train passing by, causing a gust of wind.

"There is no entity, but it can affect the real space." Ilumi controlled the black silk thread to fall into the corridor from mid-air, and thought at the same time: "Is it an energy body, a mind beast that cannot perceive breath?"


Suddenly, another scaly monster appeared out of thin air from the hole in the wall, rushing towards Ilumi.


However, this time it was avoided. UU Reading

Yilu Mi repeated the old trick, shooting black silk threads from his hands, swinging like a spider to the corridor on the other side.


With the sound of a heavy landing, Ilumi knelt on one knee and half on the ground in the corridor, then raised her head suddenly.


It happened that there was a hole in the wall in front of him, and under his gaze, a scaly fish emerged from the wall.

"Go through the wall!"

"Energy body!"

"Sure enough, it's a beast!"

Yilumi's heart froze, and he immediately stood up and jumped up. The scaled monster fish rushed past his feet with a "huh", and the black silk thread in his hand shot out, inserted into the wall, and hung his body in the air.

"The frequency has increased because I have descended to a depth of less than a thousand meters?"

"Also, as long as you face those holes in the wall, this strange fish will appear."

Illumi hangs in the air, and temporarily decides not to land on the ground in the corridor, let's take a look first.

"Sha... Shasha..."

At this moment, a faint "rustle" sounded from all directions and entered the ears.

Illumi looked up and saw that there were dozens of scaled monster fish on the top of his head, they were like fish in the water swimming in the air above Ilumi's head.

Looking down again, there was also a group of scaled monster fish that seemed to be swimming in the water, densely covering the air under Ilumi's feet, leaving no gaps.

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