MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 524 Find

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After cleaning up, Yilu Mi continued to move forward, and encountered four waves of the same attack on the way.

Finally, after clearing up the fifth wave of attacks, they came to a bigger Ruyi door.


As soon as Yilumi stepped through the gate, strange cries of "babble babble" sounded from all directions. Hundreds of soldiers rushed out of the fog and attacked Yilumi with sharp scimitars.

But the difference from the soldiers I met earlier was that these soldiers only had arms turned into two machetes, and the other parts were normal human bodies.

It's just that their size is much smaller than the ones they met before. If the people who met before were normal adults, then these soldiers now are dwarfs, barely tall enough to reach Ilumi's waist.

They screamed strangely and rushed towards Ilumi. When they ran to a distance of three meters, they jumped up from the ground with a bang, raised their scimitars high, and slashed down towards Ilumi with the power of the sprint.


Illumi held the single-molecule dense blade, stretched out, and quickly swung to the left and right sides.

"Puff puff puff..."

With the sound of flesh and blood piercing through, dozens of soldiers were immediately cut in half in mid-air, fell to the ground, and disappeared without a trace.


One after another, the sound of breaking through the air sounded, and out of the corner of Yilu Mi's eyes, he saw arrows attacking him from above, but he let those arrows shoot on the exoskeleton, making a "ding ding" sound.


A group of dwarf soldiers jumped up in front of them, and Ilu Miji raised the secret blade in his hand with a blank expression, and was about to strike them with a deadly knife.


However, before he could swing the knife, the dwarf soldiers who were in mid-air trembled, splitting their afterimage clones, and every move carried an afterimage.


Yilu Mi was taken aback, these dwarf soldiers actually knew this killing technique, and it was an authentic assassination martial arts.


I don't know those dwarf soldiers in the air, and even behind the dwarf soldiers running on the ground, there are also a long series of afterimages.

At a glance, the number instantly increased tenfold, occupying his entire field of vision densely.


At this stunned moment, those dwarf soldiers who jumped up fell on him, and the machete slashed the exoskeleton, wiping out wisps of sparks.


Ilu Mi's knife ended up falling on the dwarf soldier hanging on him, but more dwarf soldiers rushed forward without fear of death.


They screamed and wrapped Ilumi, then jumped up and wrapped Ilumi into a zongzi. The zongzi became bigger and bigger, and finally became a truck-sized dwarf soldier sphere.


A black spike protruded from the sphere.

"Chi chi chi chi..."

The next moment, dozens or hundreds of black thorns emerged from the bodies of the dwarf soldiers, and at least three dwarf soldiers hung on each black thorn.


Even though these dwarf soldiers were skewered by Illumi's black spikes, they were still screaming and screaming, trying to attack Illumi.


With a move in Yilumi's heart, he controlled hundreds of black spikes to slowly lift these dwarf soldiers, and gathered hundreds of dwarf soldiers with their teeth and claws on top of their heads.


The left arm is raised high, the index finger is stretched out, and the fingertip laser blooms.


With a loud noise, hundreds of gnome soldiers turned into powder in the flames generated by the violent explosion and dissipated in the air.


An arrow shot on Illumi's helmet, and when he turned his head, he saw that there were more than a dozen dwarf soldiers with bows and crossbows scattered on some walls, stones, and attics, shooting at Illumi.


Dozens of black silk threads shot out from under Illumi's feet, and when they reached the feet of these crossbow soldiers, they turned into black thorns and penetrated them from bottom to top.

"Strange soldiers using assassination techniques..." Illumi regained his ability, carefully recalling the details of those dwarf soldiers using afterimage clones, "It's very similar to limb bending."

"It does have something to do with Maha Punch."

"It's better not to delay any longer and find him as soon as possible."

Finally found the trace of Maha Dadike, Yilu Mi immediately set off and quickened his pace.

The monsters in this space will disappear when they are killed, and I don't know if they are consumed, or they will regenerate after a while.

But in any case, speeding up the exploration of this space is currently the only way.

In the next ten minutes, Illumi continued to clear up ten waves of attacks. Among the dwarf soldiers who attacked him in the last wave, two of them would release psychic bombs, which surprised Illumi.

Finally, I came to the third gate, an iron gate emitting a green shimmer.

"Do you want me to open it myself?"

Illumi stood in front of the iron gate, stretched out his index finger, and shot a laser beam.


The Nian energy laser shot onto the iron gate, causing a violent explosion. The iron gate emitting a green shimmer was violently destroyed in an instant, and raging flames spewed out, engulfing the Ilumi in front of the iron gate.


After a while, the flames dissipated, and Ilumi stepped over the fused iron gate, but his feet stopped as soon as he stepped over the iron gate.

Because on the other side of the iron gate, he saw dozens of scaled monster fish floating in the air.

And this is only what he saw at the door, there are more in the depths, wandering densely in this deep and quiet space.

Not only that, but unlike the scaly monster fish encountered outside, UU reading www. These scaly monster fish exude a thick black ominous aura, and the fins on their dorsal fins are sharp as knives.

Ilu Mi has no doubt that if the flesh is scratched by the fins on the backs of these fish, it will definitely be divided.


At the iron gate, Yilu Mi stepped in with one foot, and the three scaly monster fish not far away turned their heads and stared straight at him.


The next moment, Qi Qi rushed towards Yilu Mi.

"I don't know if there is any entity here."

Ilumi thought to herself, tentatively stretched out her index finger, and shot three laser beams from the fingertip.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The laser accurately hit the heads of the three scaly monster fish, but the scales of these monster fish had good defense. Ilumi's black phantom flash did not penetrate their bodies, but produced three violent explosions.

In the raging flames, the three scaled monster fish collapsed in the violent struggle, turning into three black clouds and dissipating in the air.

In the distance, the dozens of scaled monster fish that sensed the explosion turned around at the same time like machines, swaying their bodies and attacked Ilumi at the iron gate.

"If there is an entity, it will be easy to handle now."

Illumi found that the scaled monster fish here could indeed hit, raised his arms and stretched out his fingers.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

In an instant, bright fireworks exploded in the deep and quiet alien space.

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