MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 715 blockade

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【The Seven Deadly Sins of Hunter x Hunter】【】

"Fifteen days ago..." The man in black frowned, "If it was really Balkimoa, it would take fifteen days for their ship to arrive here at the fastest, that is to say, it would be just after the Navy's monthly supply of supplies ended. Let's do it."

"It seems that Balkimoa is quite confident that it will break through Impeantola within half a month."

"If it's really Balkimoy, it will be troublesome." The white-haired old man smiled kindly.

"But it doesn't rule out the participation of third-party forces." The red-haired woman said.

"In any case, first send out scout troops to other cities to confirm their situation, and at the same time prepare the army and prepare for battle."


The man in black gave the order, and the red-haired woman nodded, turned and opened the door to leave, leaving only the white-haired old man and the man in black in the office.

On the window outside the office, a black crow approached quietly, landed on the window sill, tilted its head and looked at the two figures in the office.


Suddenly, a beam of white light penetrated the window glass and pierced the black crow's head. The black crow fell from the window sill and dissipated in a cloud of black air as it fell in mid-air.

"Hohohoho...the black crow is a bird that Impeantara doesn't have."

In the room, the white-haired old man looked at the window and smiled.

"It seems that the enemy has reached Boreas, Hailin, prepare to meet the enemy." The man in black got up from the sofa and walked to the door.

At this time, on the top of the castle, Yin Lumi spread his arms while the cold wind was blowing, and countless black thorns burst out from under his feet.

rest rest rest...

Black thorns spread down from the top of the castle, intending to completely cover the entire majestic castle.


Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, black thorns penetrated the windows and walls, and quickly attacked every corner of the castle, preying on every living person.

Puff puff…

One after another figures died in their sleep, covering their mouths and noses, piercing their throats, piercing their hearts, and dying peacefully. But there are always night watchmen.


! "

A sharp scream resounded through the night sky, waking up the sleeping people in the castle. Immediately afterwards, more and more shrill screams sounded, echoing in the castle. But Yin Lumi didn't expect to be able to solve it quietly, anyway, he has sealed off the entire castle.

puff! puff!

Suddenly, two beams of white light came out from the roof under Yin Lumi's feet, penetrating his legs and knees, making his legs go limp, and he fell to his knees powerlessly.


Immediately afterwards, a white slash broke through the roof of the castle, and with a "puff", Yin Lumi was split into two from the crotch to the Tianling Gai, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the internal organs flowed all over the floor.


Two figures jumped out from the gap in the roof.

"It was solved so easily, is it just a pioneer?"

The white-haired old man stood on the roof with a cane, looked at the corpse that was divided into two and fell to the left and right sides, and said kindly.

"The black crow just now should be the ability of this person. Just check his identity."

The man in black walked towards Yin Lumi's body.


Suddenly, black thorns came from all directions of the man in black. The white-haired old man behind him lost his expression and suddenly appeared in front of the man in black. With a quick swing of the crutch in his hand, the sword flashed, and all eight black thorns were cut off. .

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【The Seven Deadly Sins of Hunter x Hunter】【】

The man in black didn't react too slowly. When the black thorns appeared, white spots of light instantly appeared around his body to protect himself.

"Thank you, Hailin."

The man in black expressed his thanks.

"Your Highness Hughes, please be careful." The white-haired old man glanced around vigilantly, then fixed his eyes on the body that was divided into two in front of him, and said in a solemn tone: "Those black thorns covering the castle have not disappeared. Not dead yet."

"What!? Is it a natural ability user!?"

The man in black, known as His Highness Hughes, looked shocked. Only those with natural abilities could explain the person who was split into two and would not die.

"No, people with natural abilities don't squirt blood and drop internal organs."

The white-haired old man replied.


At this time, the corpse in front of him moved, and the two corpses that had been divided into two suddenly stood upright, and the internal organs and blood that fell to the ground were flowing back, and then closed together with a "snap", returning to integrity.

"The body is fully restored!"

The man in black and the white-haired old man looked at the figure in front of them. Not only the body, but also the clothes have recovered. This is obviously a characteristic of the natural system, but the blood and internal organs on the ground just now are not fake.

"Your Highness Hughes? It seems that you are the eldest prince."

"Ah~ I have never been cut in half by someone." Yin Lumi touched his throat, recalling the sudden pain just now, staring at the two with cold eyes, "Sure enough, Domineering things still need to be learned, especially knowledgeable domineering, at least it can guard against some sneak attacks and weird abilities."

"After all, some abilities are completely unavoidable when you see them for the first time."

When Yin Lumi spoke, he sized up the two of them.

The monster in the white old man's hand has been pulled out, and inside is a long white sword. The man in black had white spots of light floating around his body, but upon closer inspection, those white spots turned out to be glowing flying insects as small as ants.

"Are you the one who caused us to lose communication with the rest of the city?"

The man in black said, UU Reading is trying to get information from Yin Lumi.

However, Yin Lumi didn't intend to talk nonsense with him at all, and countless black silk threads shot out from under his feet to attack the two of them.


The two reacted quickly. When Yin Lumi launched an attack, he jumped up suddenly. The white-haired old man swung his sword and released a white slash, tearing a hole instantly. The man in black also waved his hand, and the glowing flying insects surrounding his body It formed a thick shield, blocking the incoming black silk thread.

Huh ~!

However, as soon as the two of them landed and planned to fight back, there was a gust of wind blowing towards them. They had to raise their arms to protect their eyes. When the wind dissipated, the two lowered their arms and saw that Yin Lumi's figure had disappeared without a trace. .

rest rest rest...

At this time, a dense sound of breaking through the sky came from the sky above. Looking up, a large number of thick black vines descended from the sky, densely covering the castle in a round shape, and the roots of the vines penetrated deep into the ground, like a black wall. The entire castle was completely sealed off.

"Your Highness Hughes, let's leave the castle, the other side wants to lock us up in a cage!"

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【The Seven Deadly Sins of Hunter x Hunter】【】

The white-haired old man guessed what Yin Lumi was thinking in an instant, and the man in black nodded his head. The two turned around and jumped from the top of the tens of meters high castle, and ran to the edge.

"How could you just run away like this?"

In the sky, Yin Lumi stood on the back of the black eagle, grinning. Countless black thorns shot out from the black eagle and fell to the two people below.

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