MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 118 another double reward

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   Chapter 118 is another double reward

   A strong sense of dizziness dominated Hisoka at this time.

   That consciousness somewhere between blurry and lucid caused him to briefly lose control of his body.

   couldn't even turn his head to look at Moyu.

   This state of being unable to fight again obviously needs time to recover…

   But before that, Moyu can kill himself countless times.

   "Is it a trick... I've been completely deceived."

   Hisoka's eyes turned black for a while, but when disaster was imminent, he didn't have the slightest fear of death.

   But he claims to be a magician, only to be manipulated by the opponent's tricks.

   The degree of discomfort can be imagined.

   However, Moyu's subsequent words, "Don't worry, I won't kill you," aroused Hisoka's thoughts of waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.


   Sure enough, they are the same kind!

   From the mutual scrutiny at the beginning of the meeting, to the fight that started by omitting the communication step altogether.

   Hisoka really felt Moyu's desire to fight.

Every moment after   , every detail, every collision.

   Just like this, little by little, the scene of "hearts and souls" at this moment is constructed.

   So you are looking forward to the "next time"...

   Hisoka, who was lying on the ground at the moment, although he had not been able to overcome the various negative reactions caused by the heavy blow, his skull had already triggered some kind of excited phenomenon.

  Dead or not, it doesn't matter anymore.

  Before the expected "next time" comes, at least hold the "dominance" in your hands.

   At this moment, Hisoka wanted to reverse the result again.

   "I won't kill you."

   This last sentence, which ended the battle, should have been spoken by him.


   Hisoka, who was waiting for an opportunity to regain his sovereignty, suddenly felt that he was being lifted up.

   is Moyo.

   In order not to reveal more information about his abilities, he retracted the shadow, immediately picked up Hisoka's collar, and lifted it up.

  Because Moyu didn't raise his left arm high, and the height difference factor, the lifted Hisoka could only stand in front of Moyu by kneeling on his knees.

   Hisoka hung his head feebly, black shadows flickered in his field of vision, and he could only vaguely see Moyu's body below his neck.

   Give him a little more time, just a little time to recover.

   can get the opportunity to reverse the result.

   "Remember to ask your name next time, or you won't know who to call to pay the punch."

   Moyun's unwavering voice entered Hisoka's ears.

   Immediately afterwards, a violent impact suddenly came from Hisoka's chin.

   But it was Moyu who hit Hisoka's chin with an uppercut.


   Accompanied by the crisp sound of bone cracking, Hisoka's face shook violently, his pupils moved up, and the whites of his eyes rolled up.

   After Moyu punched, his other hand released Hisoka's collar at the right time.

  Suddenly, Hisoka was driven by this force and flew backwards into the air, and then landed heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

After    landed, he was completely unconscious.

   The thought of waiting for an opportunity to reverse the outcome naturally sank into the darkness along with the consciousness.

   Moyu looked at Hisoka who was lying motionless on the ground and slowly retracted his hand.

  Sorry, I never waver.

   Muttering to himself in his heart, Moyou came to Hisoka's side, squatted down and checked the state of Hisoka carefully, confirming that Hisoka was in a coma, but...

"In case."

   Moyou tilted his head slightly and thought for a while, then he clenched his right hand into a fist and greeted Hisoka's face a few times.

   That movement was terribly skilled.

  bang bang bang.

After a few muffled noises, Hisoka's face was swollen into a pig's head.

   "This should be fine."

   Looking at Hisoka who was motionless, Moyu nodded slowly.

   Then, he started to search with confidence.

   "What a weird piece of clothing, no pockets?"

  I wanted to see if Hisoka had any money on him, but he turned it over, but Moyou couldn't find any pockets.

   "Is it an inner bag?"


  Moyu started directly and tore his clothes open one after another.

   But after several efforts, he still could not find any money, but several playing cards were scattered.

  Moyu withdrew his hand, looked down at Hisoka, whose face was swollen into a pig's head, and shook his head in disappointment.

   In order to initiate a commission to the association, he handed over 40 million bank cards to Sambika.

   I came to Los Santos this time. I originally had some cash on me, but I used it to trade intelligence with local gang members.

   So, Moyu will have no money again.

   also hoped to get back a mouthful of blood from Hisoka, but couldn't find a penny.

  Moyu was of course disappointed.

   But he thanked Hisoka from the bottom of his heart, because…

   "Although you have no money, thanks to you, I can get what I've been wanting for a while."

  Moyou solemnly thanked the unconscious pig head Hisoka.

   Maybe he felt that this form of thank you was too perfunctory, so he picked up a playing card, pinched it into a strip, stabbed it into Hisoka's nostril and stained it with blood, and then wrote two words "thank you" on the ground next to it.

   This time, when he was lying down on Hisoka, Mo You got a reward from his perception.

   And it's a double reward just like Ilmi did!

   "A wonderful display of strength, your chance of eliminating thoughts +1"

   "Because you beat Siso Moro, you are very happy, your surprise box +1"

   This is the voice that Moyu sounded from the depths of his consciousness after he was lying on Hisoka.

   Maybe it was because he chose to take the initiative to show up to meet Hisoka, and then beat Hisoka in an "open and honest" way, so he could get the most needed opportunity to eliminate thoughts from his perception.

   So Moyu is very grateful to Hisoka, and I sincerely look forward to the next meeting. I hope that with Hisoka's help, I can get some more things from the perception.

   However, thinking about it this way, Moyu is very clear that the next "communication" will not be as smooth as tonight.

   Next time, it will be a tough fight!

   But Moyu was confident that he could go faster than Hisoka.

   The second reward from the look and feel is an item called the Surprise Box. Like the "Re-engraving Box" that was obtained before, it is an item with special abilities and can only be used once.

   "Surprise Box..."

  Moyu naturally couldn't materialize the surprise box on the spot, but only extracted the information about the surprise box from the depths of his consciousness.

   Surprise box, the user can open it at any time and under any circumstances.

   But you need to pay 50% of the potential gas volume before opening.

   In the magic box after opening, there is a 50% probability that the most needed item "currently" will appear, and there is a 50% probability that the item that is least needed "currently" will appear.

   Simple to understand.

   Suppose the user finds he forgot to bring paper after going to the toilet, then go to open the magic box...

   50% chance of paper, 50% chance of shit.

   This is Moyu's understanding of the surprise box, mainly because he noticed the word "current", but there is no guarantee that this understanding is correct.

   In short, getting a chance to remove the mind is already a **** profit.

   In contrast, this surprise box looks like a gift.

  Moyou restrained his thoughts, and immediately turned to leave.

   As he passed the four corpses, he stopped abruptly and his eyes fell on the pockets of the corpses' clothes.

   After a while.

  Moyu left contentedly.

   With money in your pocket, you are much more at ease.

   After a long time.

  In the dimly lit place, there was an inaudible sound of footsteps.

   A figure crossed the four corpses piled up on the ground and came to Hisoka's side.

   This figure is the Il fan who came to Los Santos with Hisoka.

   at this moment.

  Ilmi couldn't help falling into contemplation when she saw Hisoka's appearance at the moment.

   Weakly reminded, I added two chapters yesterday.

   There is a chapter that I wrote all night and updated at 6:00 in the morning…

   If last night's chapter hadn't been cut or cut, then three chapters would have been fine.


   Today, my throat is swollen and I feel like I have a cold.



   (end of this chapter)