MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 17 Chito and Hawk

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   Chapter 17 Chido and Hawke

  Every hunter has something to look for.

  Dreams, status, fame, money, power…

  Wright is a bounty hunter with a strong utilitarian heart. In order to run towards higher status and fame, he never thought of taking a break in the middle.

   Forward, stride forward without stopping—

   That's what he's been doing.

   And personally capturing the infamous "Phantom Troupe" was an extremely important milestone before he crossed the finish line.

   For this reason, he left a long-term request to investigate the whereabouts of the "Phantom Troupe" in the "Intelligence Channel".

  Now, finally there is news!

   "I see. Send the 'information' to my mailbox. After I confirm it, I will send the corresponding reward."

After   , Wright hung up the phone directly.

  Moyu swallowed a piece of meat and looked up at Wright.

   He realized something when he heard the words "information" and "reward".

  Wright raised his phone and grinned, "Hey, come to work."

   "In a hurry?"

  Moyu put down the tableware and asked the most concerned question.

  Wright said: "Race against time."

  Intelligence is usually time-sensitive, not to mention the information related to "whereabouts", which must be acted upon immediately.

   In other words, he must hurry up now.

  Moyou nodded to show his understanding, and then pointed to the table: "But I can't finish all this meat by myself."

   "Haha, don't worry, I'll leave after I finish eating."

  Wright smiled heartily, and fished out a large pork leg from the pot.

  Moyu didn't say anything, and picked up the tableware again.

   The two of them immersed themselves in cooking.

   Soon, Moyu found that Wright's speed of eating meat was obviously more than doubled, and he deliberately slowed down when he wanted to eat before coming here.

   Looking at Wright's devoured appearance, Moyu could clearly feel Wright's emphasis on this "job".

   "This time has benefited a lot, enough is enough."

  Moyu thought silently in his heart.

   Although there is still the last day of the "sparring" period, in this case, it is impossible for him to ask Wright to fulfill the "contract".

   After a while, Wright finished his own portion of meat.


  Wright got up after eating, and apologized to Moyou: "It happened suddenly, and the sparring can only owe it on the last day."

   "It doesn't matter, I'll make it up when you're done."

  Moyu also got up.

   During this period of time, he realized from Wright what the "stubbornness" of the reinforcement system is, so he put the thought of "let's sparring on the last day" in his mind.

   Anyway, even if you bring it up, it’s just a waste of time.

   "Then I'm leaving, I'll contact you later."

  Wright just walked away without any hesitation.

   "Well, good luck."

  Moyu nodded slightly.

  Wright waved his hand with his back to Moyu, and strode away.

   This farewell is concise and efficient.

   Leaving the monastery, Wright went down the mountain path and took out his mobile phone from his pocket to check flight information.

   "It's 20:35 and the nearest flight is...20:50."

  Wright looked down at the phone screen and said to himself, "I'm in a hurry."

   said, he put away his phone and did a few stretches on the spot.

   "I was thinking of having a showdown with Moyu at night, but the plans never keep up with the changes..."

Before the    voice fell, Wright stepped on his feet, and his whole body shot into the distance like an arrow from a string, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye.

  In the monastery, it was as quiet as usual.

  Moyu swept away the rest of the meat, and then briefly cleaned the table.

   After doing this, he walked to the devastated atrium and opened his sperm hole to release the maximum amount of air.

  There is basically no shortcut to increase the total number of "potential energy" and thus prolong the time of "practice".

   Release the "Qi" and use it up, and then release it after recovery—

   It goes on and on, bit by bit to increase the total amount of "potential gas".

   Two minutes later.

   Moyu lay on the ground exhausted, closing his eyes and panting.

   After a while, Moyou managed to regain some strength.

   "Suddenly a little uncomfortable..."

   Moyou slowly opened his eyes, and picked up a small broken green brick from the side and hung it in front of him.

   The night is getting darker.

   On the top of the mountain, a dilapidated monastery stands alone.

   The next day.

   The morning light breaks.

  Moyu woke up early, ate a simple meal, and started his daily practice.

   Without Wright as his partner, all he can do now is to lay a solid foundation for the "Four Elements".

   release, recover, release, recover—

  Practice is boring and boring, and the morning time just goes by like that.

   At noon, the sun is hanging high.

  Moyou finished his meal and was about to start a new round of practice, but was interrupted by the movement outside the temple.

   A group of workers with various tools and materials came outside the monastery, screaming at the door.

   Moyu, who heard the door, walked through the atrium and opened the dilapidated wooden door.

   Seeing a group of "fully armed" workers standing outside the gate, Moyou was surprised, but he quickly reacted, guessing that the group of workers should be called by Wright.

   "Hello, Mr. Wright entrusted us to come here. He said that there is a courtyard here that needs to be repaired."

   The lead worker greeted Mo You respectfully.

   "Yes, come in."

   Moyo, who knew what to do, opened the door and signaled the workers to come in.

  The workers immediately picked up tools and materials, filed in and came to the devastated atrium.

The lead worker    confirmed the project requirements to Moyou.

After    was approved, construction began immediately.

  With super high efficiency, the entire construction team completed Moyu's requirements in only one hour.

  I don’t know where they got the weathered stone, so the renovated atrium doesn’t look much different from before.

After    sent the construction team away, Moyou closed the gate of the monastery, returned to the atrium, and once again sighed at Wright's thoughtfulness.

   "Speaking of which... Hawke is about to come back, right?"

   Looking at the restored atrium, Moyou suddenly remembered his cheap dad.

   At that time, Hawke said that he would not come back in ten days and a half months. Now that we calculate it, eleven days have passed, and maybe he will come back in two days.

  I thought about calling Hawke to ask about the situation.

   But thinking of Hawke's statement "don't call if anything happens" before he left home, Moyu could only give up.

   Time passed slowly.

  The sun sets and night falls.

   In a certain township only 100 kilometers away from the monastery.

  Hawk leaned against a remote bridge hole, pressing his right hand tightly against his abdomen, slightly tilted his head and panted.

   Sweat slid down his cheeks, dripping into a pool of blood, creating a circle of ripples.


   The sound of the stream was suddenly mixed with the sound of footsteps.

   Hearing the footsteps, Hawke's eyes suddenly sharpened, but softened the next second.

   "Looks like you're seriously injured, Hawke."

  Under the bridge hole, the creek is gurgling.

  The moonlight slanted over the stream, shining brightly.

   Suddenly a frog jumped into the water, and the streamer light reflected on the water suddenly blurred.

  After the water surface was calm, a green figure suddenly appeared in the reflection of the bright streamer.

  The figure stood on the shore, staring calmly at Hawke, who was sitting in the bridge hole.

   "It's just a minor injury."

  Hawk tilted his head to look at the figure.

   Wearing a green one-piece robe, she is petite and good-looking, with thin-rimmed glasses on her face, and her eyes are calm and calm.

  What is striking is that there are a pair of dog ears in the long green hair.

   But if you look closely, you can barely see that the pair of dog ears are decorations.

   The person here is Xugou Chido Yorkshire, one of the twelve Earthly Branch members of the Hunter Association. He is also a two-star professional hunter for incurable diseases with the positions of both a physician and a legal scholar. (click to expand image)

   "Small injury?"

   Qiduo walked into the bridge and said calmly:

   "Just hearing my footsteps, I can't wait to exude killing intent. This deliberate reaction is like a beast caught in a trap. It can only make senseless threats by roaring."


  Hawk was silent for a while, and then teased in a helpless tone: "Lord legal scholar, I want to ask, how many years will you be sentenced to face and be brave on your side?"

   "There is no such item in the law, and I am only stating the facts."

   Chido came to Hawke, his eyes fell on Hawke's bleeding abdomen, and he frowned:

"You haven't come, I guessed something happened, but... I didn't expect you to be so seriously injured. With your ability, if you want to run, even if you are more than a few people, you can only do nothing, right? "

   "That's right."

  Hawk smiled bitterly, and was about to ask Qiduo to help him stop the bleeding first, but was robbed by Qiduo:

   "But you were seriously injured because the enemy has the 'lock type' telepathy ability? No, if that's the case, you're probably dead, that's weird, eh? Could it be..."

  Qiduo thought of something, her eyes suddenly became solemn, and she asked in a deep voice:

   "Has the 'after death' at the temple grown so strong that you have to keep the 'mouse treasure' there?"

   "Ah yes yes yes, if it weren't for the fact that my left hand can't use force now, I would definitely applaud you, but now the more important thing is, can you help me first..."

  Hawk looked helpless.

   Qiduo's face changed, and he didn't have the heart to listen to the second half of Hawke's words. He lowered his head slightly and gritted his teeth and said to himself:

"Damn, is it serious enough... I can currently contact a mind-eliminating teacher, plus the one in the association, that's two, but they are not good at removing 'after-death thoughts' ."


  Hawk looked at Qi Duo who was lowering his head and talking to himself, and said weakly: "If it's convenient, let me stop the bleeding first."

   Chido still didn't respond, and continued to whisper to himself: "Although a reward has been issued among the people, the reward is an unavoidable problem."


  Hawke's eyes were blank.

   He looked down at the terrible amount of bleeding under his eyes, feeling anxious that the blood bar was about to bottom out.

   "Hey, Chito, I'm dying, look up at me?"


   comes from someone's chattering whisper.


  Hawk's eyelids twitched several times, hesitated for a while, and then tentatively said at the moment of life and death: "Qiduo single dog."


  Qido raised his head sharply and looked at Hawke sharply.

Ah, my two-in-one seems to be getting shorter and shorter... In addition, I changed the chapter names to numbers, because the goal is to write 1000 chapters, so I feel that the chapter names of "Chapter 1000" will look better in the future. One point, I would like to thank the following readers for their rewards: 5,000 points for "Campella's Blacklist", 1,500 points for "Dream Pursuit", 1,500 points for "Mountains and Rivers" Reward, 100 points of "hard work hammer" reward, thank you!



   (end of this chapter)