MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 29 Heavenly

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   Chapter 29 Heavenly Stems

  The armed forces walked through the mountains and forests, gradually pressing down on the monastery.

   Sivir stared at the armed men in front and said indifferently: "What use can they be who can only rely on firearms?"

   "Sivir, a weapon like a firearm... It's really useless for the reinforcement system, but it can't be denied its practicality."

When Ken was walking, he turned his saber to the other side of his waist, then took out a pistol and smiled: "Look, I'm also a reinforcement type, but I like to carry a gun on my body, maybe it will become What about a turnaround weapon?"

   "Stop doing this."

   Sivir glared at Ken, then looked at his fist, and said, "If I touch a gun, wouldn't I admit that my fist is not as powerful as a gun? Once this 'thought' begins, it will only make me unable to move an inch."

   "Sivir, you can always perfectly ignore the point that others want to express."

  Kean shook his head slightly and put away the pistol.

   Genbul, who was nearby, ignored Sivir and Ken, but looked back at the long-haired man behind him and asked, "Kor, how are your 'preparations'?"

   "It's already done."

  The long-haired man called Cole replied with a blank expression.

  Genbull saw this and said no more.

The goal of the    organization is to collect as many mind tools as possible, such as the "Dark Sonata", which have bizarre abilities.

  The action launched tonight is precisely to get back the thought tool that the organization missed thirteen years ago—

   "The King's Libra"

   Genbul, who only officially joined the organization four years ago, was not aware of the abilities of this psychic device.

   Only know that the operation thirteen years ago ended in failure and suffered heavy losses...

   Squinting slightly, Genbull's mind flashed a row of battle damage statistics from the action report thirteen years ago.

   There are only a few short words that he can remember for a long time—

   "Tianqian Ding, perish. Tianqing own, perish."

   In one action, he sacrificed two members of the pillars of the sky, which can be described as a heavy loss.

  Thinking of this, Genbul involuntarily glanced at Sivir and Ken.

  Inheriting the will of the former president and then breaking away from the Hunter Association, there are ten pillars in the Qing Rin team who are called Heavenly Stewards.

  Sivir is the current "Ding", and Ken is the current "self", which exactly corresponds to the two Heavenly Gods who died in action thirteen years ago.

   If Gen Bour hadn't known that the purpose of the organization's mobilization of mission members has always been "moving from the nearest point", or he would have thought that the organization was deliberately sending the current "Ding" and the current "Ji" to carry out this task for the sake of shame.

   "It's really unlucky. After this mission is over, I won't go to the casino for now."

  Genbull looked ahead, thinking in his heart.

  In the mountains and forests under the night, the teams in tandem marched in an orderly manner.


   There was a sound of breaking through the mountains and forests.

  A stone wrapped with psychic power drew a slender streamer in the night, and hit the night vision device on the face of an armed member with precision.

With a    snap, the night vision device was torn apart.

   And the castrated stone pierced through the eyebrows of the armed member.


   The armed members splattered with blood from their brows, and fell back to the ground, losing their life on the spot.

   "Enemy attack, find a bunker nearby!"

The sudden attack of    shocked the hearts of the remaining nineteen armed members.

   They all instantly judged the direction of the ballistic trajectory and used the nearby trees as cover.

   Behind the team.

  Kean's group stopped immediately.

   "Release system?"

  The long-haired man Cole hesitated.

The    release system usually has only two directions of practice.

   One is to form a mind beast by detaching "Qi" from the body, and the other is to release or throw "Qi" to form various forms of ability.

   Wrapping the released "Qi" around a stone and then throwing it is a more conventional attack method.

   Genbull narrowed his eyes and said, "It can only be said that it is very similar."

   "Not a release system."

  Kean shook his head, and then gave the reason: "If it's a release type, like the attack that focused on one point just now, it won't break the night vision goggles like that. The volume control method is too clumsy."

   "It is also possible that the other party did this on purpose to mislead our judgment, Ken, don't you often do this kind of thing?"

  Sivir, who is a reinforcement type, expresses his own opinion.

  Kean glanced at Sivir silently, and chose to stop this topic wisely.

   He didn't want to waste pointless saliva just by explaining.

   The attack that shot from the night continued. Stones entwined with mind power flew through the air, hitting the armed members hiding behind the bunkers with precision.

   In less than half a minute, eight armed members were killed.

   The remaining armed members could not even find the shadow of the enemy, and could only be beaten passively.

  The four minders headed by Ken gradually widened the distance from each other.

"Can it be seen?"

  Kane asked.


"can not see."


   The other three gave their own answers.

Ken smiled and said: "It seems that the other party's vision ability is far better than ours, whether it is an enhancement type or a manifestation type... The information that can be confirmed at present is that the other party has only one person, no, at least two people, let's press forward for now. ."


  The others had no objection, and while the armed members fell one after another, they pressed forward and tried to locate the "stone slinger".

   The edge of the mountain forest below the steep steps of the monastery.

   Qiduo held the "Diagnosis and Treatment Name Book" in one hand, and picked up a small stone from the ground with the other hand, staring intently at the depths of the forest.

   "Four... very good qi, it seems that they are all masters."

The voice of    did not fall.

   Qiduo took seven steps diagonally to the left, and immediately threw the stone hard.


   The stones entwined with psychic power cut through the night and disappeared into the mountains and forests in an instant.

   Next second.

  In the depths of the forest, another armed member was hit by a stone and died.

at the same time.

   Chito picked up another stone from the ground.

   She is not a release type, she can only use stones to make the released thought power fly farther, and at the same time, its power is very weak.

   But it's enough to deal with ordinary people who don't know how to read, even if these ordinary people are well-equipped armed men...

   "I'm certain that I'm not a release-type ability person, so I pressed him without any scruples."

   Qi Duo took the situation in the mountains and forests into his eyes, and said to himself: "Send an armed team to take the lead, just to collect information? There should be a deeper purpose..."

   Throws the stone in his hand.

   After completing this action, it means that the opponent's armed forces have lost one more person.

   "No matter what, you will never be allowed to approach here."

   Qi Duo walked forward into the forest.

The    battle circle can only be selected in the forest.

   monastic kitchen.

  Moyu slowly opened his eyes, his face slightly solemn.

   He has gradually gotten used to the way of using the "view sharing" ability, and the shadow he just sent out allowed him to see Qi Duo's actions.

   "That's... attacking the enemy?"

   Mo You frowned, and immediately picked up two glasses of water and went to the main hall.

   Before reaching the main hall, Moyou heard the familiar retching sound.

   In the main hall, Irisel was biting the resentment on Hawke.

It seems-

  Irisel's "Anorexist's Appetite" can digest the after-death thoughts imposed by "Libra".

   also means that as long as Irisel is given enough time, the resentment that makes Hawke aging can be completely removed.

   (end of this chapter)