MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 31 I'm not really an exterminator

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  Chapter 31 I'm Really Not a Reminder

   Removing the thoughts of the living and the thoughts of the dead...

   The difficulty between the two is vastly different.

   This is also the fundamental reason why Irisel is so painful and difficult.

To know-

   Among all the mind-eliminating masters in the world, there are less than ten people who have the ability to get rid of "after-death thoughts".

  Irisel is one of them, but due to the restriction of "anorexic appetite", the more powerful the thought to be removed, the more tormented and painful the process of his removal will be.

   From this, we can also see the horror of this "thought after death".


   He didn't know how much energy and pain he had to endure to get rid of the "thought after death", but this young man in front of him could easily get rid of it.


  This is not a dream at all!

  Irisel can feel it…

   The "posthumous thoughts" that he swallowed into his body suddenly disappeared before he could digest it.

  This means that the boy in front of him is already powerful enough to eradicate his thoughts...even the isolated "afterdeath thoughts" can be eradicated together.

   "How is it possible, impossible, the principle of equivalent an absolute, an absolute truth!"

   "I don't think it's surprising that such a powerful means of dismantling even sacrifices my life on the spot!"

   "But how... how did you do it?!"

   "Even if you just touch the object, you can remove that level of 'afterdeath thoughts'!!"

  After being shocked, Arisel lowered his head, with a frenzied look on the face of the zombie, and he stood there chattering to himself.

   "Is there really a mind-eliminating master who can reach this state...!!"

   He suddenly looked at Moyou, as if he was asking Moyou, and he seemed to be asking himself.

   This sensory impact that subverts cognition in a short period of time is really too strong...

   is so strong that even if you see it with your own eyes, you can only try to convince yourself with "unbelievable" reasons.

   "I'm not an eliminator."

   Moyu's subsequent response made Arisel stand on the spot.

  Isn't a mind-eliminating teacher?

   What are you kidding?

   He clearly showed a powerful and perfect means of eliminating the mind, but gave an answer of "I am not a mind-eliminating teacher"?

   Is this taking me for a fool? !

  Irisel's head seemed to be stuffed with mud, and the speed of operation became very slow.

   If it was him before the removal of thoughts, he would definitely show his anger because of his self-esteem.

  However, after going a long way on the path of being a master, he still has a morbid desire in his heart.

  His status is respected, and his means of removing thoughts are powerful, so he looks like a scumbag.

   If someone else's status, reputation or strength is stronger than him, then he is willing to lower his posture to the ground, or even bury it in the ground.

   "You...what a sense of humor."

   Arisel seemed to have forgotten Moyu's age and kept his posture low.

   He wondered, madly wondering how Moyu did it.

   As long as you can get the "answer"...

   Maybe he can also touch that "realm".

   "I'm really not a mind-eliminating teacher."

   Thinking of Arisel's painful appearance when he removed Hawke's mind just now, Moyu patiently responded again.

   But this is also the last response.

   In essence, he is indeed not a mind-eliminating teacher, and it is not clear whether he will be able to get a "mind-eliminating opportunity" in the future.

   Of course, one thing cannot be denied.

   His "Soul Echo" is extremely malleable, so it has the space and possibility to transform into a mind-eliminating type.

   But after the battle with Ian's mind power, it is impossible for his "Soul Echo" to develop in the direction of mindlessness.

   Unless his "memory capacity" is large enough to allow him to splurge.

After    gave a response, Moyu didn't look at Irisel's response, and instead shook Hawke, who was sluggish.

  Irisel, who was a mind-eliminating teacher, was so shocked, let alone Hawke who broke free from the quagmire inexplicably.

   The ultimate problem that kept him in the quagmire for more than ten years—

   Was this easily solved by his own son?

   This development is fantastic.

  Hawk's head went down directly, no matter how much Moyu shook, he couldn't wake up.

   "Hey, Hawke, wake up, something happened outside."

   Moyu grabbed Hawke's collar and shook it back and forth, but Hawke seemed to be out of his body and didn't respond at all.


   Seeing Hawke like this, Moyou slapped Hawke in the face.

  Hawk's expression was shocked, and a clear palm print quickly appeared on his cheek.

   He was woken up by Mo You.

   "Moyu, how are you..."

   "Don't ask, I don't have time to explain, go outside with me now."

  Moyu directly interrupted Hawke's question and walked quickly to the door.

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

  Hawk's brain function at this moment obviously has not completely returned, and he looks at Moyu's back with a puzzled look.

  Moyu looked back at Hawke.

   "There are enemies outside, a total of four minds, Chito is fighting against them."

   If you want to describe the cause and effect and the current situation in the mountains and forests, it will take about 500 words.

When    was racing against time, Moyu condensed this, and retained the judgment that "the enemy may be the Qing Rin team".

   But even if Moyu didn't mention the Qing Rin team, Hawke naturally thought of the Qing Rin team after hearing the "enemy" and the "spiritual person".


   Does the other party have a "tracking type" ability?

   Hawke's face changed.

  Moyu saw the change in Hawke's expression.

  Why the Qing Rin team did not have any substantive action for thirteen years, but suddenly found them tonight...

   Moyu had some guesses in his heart, but he didn't show it.

   "Keep up."

   Leaving a sentence behind, Mo You ran out of the hall without looking back.


  Hawk stared blankly at Moyu's back, feeling mixed for a while, and a sense of relief that could not be explained.

   Elena, our son...

   It's really nice to be so like you.

  Hawk calmed down and looked back at Arisel, who was as motionless as a statue. He didn't say anything, and ran out of the gate of the main hall with his feet, following Moyu's footsteps.

  In the mountains and forests.

  The ray of thought power is like a radiance, venting on the ground.

   "Boom, boom—!"

  The surging and powerful power smashed the ground into large pits.

   "Damn, just like a loach..."

   Sivir stood up, retracted his fist with his phalanges, and glared fiercely at Chita who was holding the "Medical Name Book".

   "I should be faster than her, is it my illusion?"

   "Not an illusion."

After   Ken's extremely cunning savage knife failed, he refuted Sivir's judgment in a positive tone, and calmly said: "If I guessed correctly, her ability is not to enhance eyesight, but to observe..."


   Sivir tilted his head to look at Ken, showing a direct look of confusion on his face.


  The corner of Ken's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "It's also an enhancement class, why do I feel that you don't have the ability to think at all?"


   He looked at Chita and threw a question with a smile.

   "Why don't you fight back? There are obviously many opportunities."

   "This question... I can answer you."

   Facing Ken's questioning, Chita changed her normal behavior.


  Kean's eyes narrowed habitually.

   Wow, thank you for the reward from the leader of "Zhang Weiyu is the most handsome". The last book is also the leader of the alliance, and it's not IOS. Thank you so much, Pig Pig is yours tonight! Also thank you for the 5,000 points reward for the small biscuits of the big tiger family, the 1,500 point reward for Xinghuo Liao Liao, the 1,500 point reward for Mecha Cthulhu, the 1,500 point reward for Jieao XZ, and the 100 point reward for Xu Ye. Coin reward, Knight Feng's 100 coin reward, thank you readers!



   (end of this chapter)