MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 327 rich rewards

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  Chapter 327 Rich rewards

  Under the darkness of night.

   Bisji seemed to know where Moyou was, and came towards Moyou with a clear goal.

  The reason why Moyou can be accurately located is because her eyes, which gather a mass of thoughts, can see the moving shadow condensed into a small group.

  That is the road sign Mo left for her, which can guide her to meet up.

   Soon, Bisiji came to Moyou under the guidance of the shadow, and then stared at Moyou up and down.

  After confirming that Moyou was not injured, he was relieved.

   "That group of people are not unknown little thieves. You can block them and get out of your body. It seems that you have grown a lot in the past year or so."

   "Ah...sister, you think too highly of me."

   Moyou smiled and glanced in the direction of Xuegong, and did not show off the glorious record of breaking three spider legs by himself, but said in a calm tone:

   "I can't stop so many members of the Phantom Troupe by myself. To be honest, there is still a bit of luck in it."


  Bisji looked at Moyou slightly surprised.

   Moyou retracted his gaze towards Xuegong, and explained:

"The members of the Phantom Brigade thought they were sure of winning, but in the middle of the fight, a killer who beat the enemy's family entered and killed a member of the Phantom Brigade, plus Zaikang's help. "

  Moyu almost blurted out the word leek, and quickly changed his words: "An outsider named Hisoka stopped a member of the Phantom Troupe, so my situation at that time was not as severe as you thought."


  Bisji didn't know the battle situation on Moyou's side. He could only confirm that most of the main force of the Phantom Brigade was on Moyou's side, so he didn't need to guess to know how much pressure Moyou would bear from the enemy.

   I didn't expect that under such circumstances, the killer who beat up the enemy's family and a man named Hisoka would enter the battle randomly to help Moyou relieve most of the pressure.

  In this way, there is indeed a bit of luck here.

   "It's good that you're fine anyway."

  Bisji nodded slightly towards Moyu.


   Moyou smiled, suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously: "How did you get rid of Feitan?"

   "Fitan? The little man?"


   "Oh, the speed of that little dwarf is really troublesome, but breaking a leg will be honest."

   Bisji said in an indifferent tone.


  The situation at the time was like this.

  Bisji was charging the mouse on his body while dealing with the joint offensive of Feitan and Shillev.

  After receiving Moyu's retreat signal, Bisji originally wanted to use the same trick to use the "channel" ability of Shubao to escape from the battle.

  But when Meng Qi and Xiao Di left, they had already let Fei Tan and Shisha Lev know about Shu Bao's ability.

  Furthermore, Feitan's speed is another troublesome point.

  In this case, it is obviously very unrealistic to use the mouse treasure ability to leave in front of Feitan and Fasha Lev in close combat.

  Plus she has to consider the opponent's teammate's support...

   In this way, time is still very tight.

  So in order to get out of the battle quickly, Bisji formulated a tactic on the spot.

  After charging the mouse, she looked for an opportunity to make the mouse transform and use the ability of "the mouse has a mouse path", and then created the illusion that she wanted to use the passage to leave.

   Feitan and Shallev certainly couldn't let Bisji escape in this way.

  So in order to stop Bisji, the two of them broke the rhythm and attacked, and then hit Bisji in his arms.

   Sometimes choosing to believe in the strengths of the enemy is not a bad thing.

   Bisji recognized Feitan's speed, so he resolutely gave up the idea of ​​using the "passage" to leave.

   Such a choice helped Bi Siji reduce a lot of risks invisibly.

   Then Bisji directly used the "passage" as a bait to lure Feitan and Shillev into being fooled, and then seized the opportunity to break Feitan's leg.

  After the success of the strategy, Bi Siji took Shu Bao out of the battle without hesitation.

   After all, Moyou has withdrawn, and she has to consider the return of other Phantom Troupe members.

   It's just that she didn't know that five members of the Phantom Troupe died at the time.

   Feitan's left leg was broken, so he naturally lost the capital to pursue Bisji, and Shera Lev knew himself, so how dare he go after Bisji alone.

   Just like that, Bisji got rid of Feitan and Shelaev.

   As for whether the members of the Phantom Brigade from the Snow Palace Hall will arrive at the scene, it is no longer something that Bi Siji has to consider.

   Moyu was thinking...

  Auntie must have transformed, right?

  Based on this, Moyou gave up the plan to ask questions.

   "Let's go, meet Menqi and the others first."

  Moyou put away his shadow and looked at the mountain road stretching far away under the night.

  The precondition for using shapeshifting is to use a unit's shadow clone as the medium for exchanging positions.

   Therefore, after the exchange of positions, the shadow clone will inevitably appear in the original position of Moyou.

  Because there was only one unit of shadow clone released by Moyou at that time, in order to recover the ability, the shadow must return to the main body along the way.

  However, Moyou can compress the area of ​​the shadow, and at the same time use "hidden" to eliminate the traces of the shadow, so as to reduce the possibility of being discovered.

  The information that the shadow must return to the body along the way is not clear to the members of the Phantom Brigade.

  If they can have the old and spicy experience like Zipo Nian, maybe they will be able to notice it at the first time.

  But there is one thing to say, Zipo Nian saw through this when he beat Yier fans in the sky arena city, mainly because he still didn't know the advanced reading skill of "hidden".

  Moyu and Bisji left the woods and headed down the mountain.

   It didn't take long for them to intercept a black car on the mountain road.

  There are only two people in the car.

  One is a driver, and the other is the eldest son of a gangster family.

  Bisji crushed a pistol into scrap metal in front of these two people, and then "politely" asked the eldest son of a certain gangster family to give her and Moyou a ride.

   Then Moyou and Bisji got into the car smoothly.

   Leaning on the back of the rear seat, Moyou closed his eyes, maintained a state of "extreme" to gradually recover his strength, and at the same time began to confirm the rewards given by this impression.

  「Your swift strike pierced through the vitality of the knight, and the impression is exhilarating. The upper limit of the strength of your release system is +5%」

  「You took off Finx’s head with your bare hands, the impression is overjoyed, your recovery +1」

  「You killed Nobunaga with the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara · One palm lore, the impression is extremely joyful, your circle·field +1」

  「Your tactical ability has been recognized by the perception, your flow +1」

   "Your outstanding performance has shocked many parties, and your potential upper limit +5%"

  「Because you chose to fight against the Phantom Troupe, I appreciate you, your memory capacity +1」

  (end of this chapter)